Chapter 340 Shengjing Conspires

In June of the 12th year of Chongzhen, Shengjing.

Shengjing was originally Shenyang in the Ming Dynasty. After it was captured by the Houjin Dynasty, it was used as the capital and the imperial palace was built in it.In the seventh year of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty, Huang Taiji changed the name of Shenyang to "Shengjing". In the 17th year of Chongzhen, after the Qing Dynasty moved the capital to Beijing, Shenyang was designated as the accompanying capital. Decades later, Shengjing was renamed "Fengtian".

At this time, the sound of ding-dang outside the city of Shengjing continued, and countless craftsmen were busy making weapons under the supervision of the Qing soldiers.As early as the Nurhachi period, there were blacksmith shops stretching for more than ten miles outside Shengjing City, and the fireworks were endless day and night. Because the Qing Dynasty had strict control over weapon manufacturing and killed heads frequently, the weapons and armor they produced were quite sophisticated.

During the time of Nurhachi, through mutual trade with Daming, a large amount of ironware was accumulated. There were also many iron mines in the territory, and there was no shortage of charcoal and coal needed for smelting.In addition, Huang Taiji captured many times and took back a large number of people and wealth from the pass, including many craftsmen and ironware.

Therefore, the Qing Dynasty was able to form a large number of heavy armored infantry and cavalry, which was not available in other nomadic and fishing and hunting peoples.

Eight gates in Shengjing, when Huang Taiji changed Shenyang to Shengjing in the seventh year of Chongzhen, he named the eight gates according to his own edict, and Zhengxi was Huaiyuanmen.

Shenyang's official roads extend in all directions, and the Ming Dynasty's operation in Liaodong for hundreds of years was no small matter. After the name was changed to Shengjing, the Qing Dynasty mainly relied on these official roads and post roads built by the original Ming Dynasty.The official road is about several feet wide, and the thick loess rammed road is extremely solid.

At this time, on the road from Huaiyuanmen to the western suburbs, there was a line of honor guards that could not be seen.

The first ones to open the way were Gebush Xian Chaoha warriors in the Qing emperor's camp. They were armed with iron armor and black tassels, and each of them was equipped with a strong bow and arrow.All of them have strict military appearances and are full of evil spirits.Their horseshoes and steel torrents rolled in, and the sound of hooves knocked on the ground made a rumbling sound.

Only the emperor of the Qing Dynasty has the power to use Gebush's talented and super-ha fighters. These soldiers are the most elite fighters in the Qing Dynasty, and each Niulu only selects two people.The official idlers were driven away long ago, and the cavalry guard of honor came over, only dared to kneel on the ground far away and did not dare to raise their heads.

Teams of cavalry seemed endless, and finally, in the middle of the guard of honor, Huang Taiji's five-color canopy appeared.After he proclaimed himself emperor, he hurriedly learned the ostentation of the Ming emperor.

He went out to read in the suburbs, and what he was displaying at this time was the big book.It's not like Wang Dou saw Huang Taiji's shabby guard of honor in Pinggu back then, but now his pomp is tens of times more particular.

Not counting the foremost Gebush Xianchao warriors, there are thousands of people in the ceremonial guard alone.

After the guide elephant, treasure elephant and other elephants have finished walking, those with static whips, those with big music, all kinds of chariots and all kinds of drum music will accompany them.Then finish the various five-color golden dragon flags, wind flags, rain flags, and place flags.There are countless round fans, yellow fans, square fans, peacock fans and so on.

Then there are yellow covers, purple sesame covers, emerald green covers, and nine dragon crank yellow covers, which look like huge mushrooms.There are also golden chairs, golden vases, golden washbasins, golden spittoons and so on.After these things are gone, there will be mighty ministers with swords and guards with swords.

Followed by the bronze grade mountain, representing the identities of the accompanying ministers, and finally the canopy of Huang Taiji appeared.Among the guards of honor in the halogen book, this canopy is the most conspicuous and gorgeous, with a comprehensive silk texture, embroidered with various lotus, ganoderma, chrysanthemum, and plum blossoms.The color is purple, and when it is propped up, it looks like a purple auspicious cloud.

This umbrella is quite big, several meters in circumference and several meters in height, it cannot be supported by anyone who is not a strong man.

There are also wind chimes under the canopy, which make a sound when the wind blows, and are used to drive away evil spirits.

Behind Huang Taiji's car were mighty Qing kings, princes, ministers, officials and guards, etc. The team was extremely huge.

Huang Taiji sat in the car, squinting his eyes and thinking about something. Compared to a few months ago, he was a little thinner, not as fat as he first saw. Of course, overall, he is still a big fat man.In March, Huang Taiji escorted the captive population back to Shengjing. After a series of rewards and punishments, Huang Taiji immediately set about forming the Eight Banners Han Army.

This can also be regarded as part of Wang Dou's change in history. The formation of the Han Eight Banners was a few years earlier than in history.

However, Huang Taiji's actions aroused strong opposition from the Eight Banners of Manchuria and Mongolia, and they were all full of vigilance against the formation of the power of the Han army.According to what they said, these "barbaric slaves" can betray their former master Daming, and when they have strength in the future, will An Zhi betray the Qing?

In particular, the Han army flag will use firearms on a large scale, which makes them even more worried.After the establishment of the Han Eight Banners, there will be 164 cattle records. Although the Mongolian Eight Banners and the Han Eight Banners have fewer people than the Manchu Eight Banners, they will only have 200 people.However, 164 cattle were recorded, and the military strength reached more than 3, surpassing the Mongolian Eight Banners.

Moreover, not only all the armored cotton soldiers have to practice guns, but even many unarmored bannermen have to practice.It is calculated that in the future, there will eventually be 2 people practicing artillery and bird guns, and the use of knives, guns, bows and arrows will only account for a small part.

The power of firearms, as early as last year's invasion, Manmeng Eight Banners suffered a lot under the battle of Wangdou guns, all of them were disheartened and embarrassed.Because they know the power of firearms, large-scale firearms forces will appear in the Qing Dynasty in the future, and they can't help but sleep and eat.

Huang Taiji's respect for Han officials has already surpassed that of Mongols. As early as the seventh year of Tiancong's New Year's Day celebration, the people who saluted immediately after the Eight Banners Manchuria were the old Han officials such as Tong Yangxing, Shi Tingzhu, and Ma Guangyuan. , Ma Dengyun, Zu Zerun and other new Han officials.

This means that the power of the Han officials in the territory of the Qing Dynasty is second only to the existence of the Manchurians, which makes the owners of the Eight Banners and Mongolian Banners resentful.

Not only that, the emperor is now forming a large-scale Han army and using firearms on a large scale. This... Seeing that each Han official was summoned by Huang Taiji one after another, and one by one was entrusted with important tasks, the princes and nobles of the Manchu and Mongolian Eight Banners were all restless.

But they have nothing to do for the time being. First, Huang Taiji's prestige is increasing, especially this time he led the army to rescue the original army, otherwise Dorgon and others are afraid that the entire army will be wiped out.After these kidnapped people and wealth were escorted back to the Qing Dynasty, Huang Taiji's prestige reached its peak, and he was the same throughout the Qing Dynasty.

Second, it is impossible for Manmeng Qiding to give up riding and shooting and learn firearms instead.Wang Dou's threat is obvious and needs to be dealt with.So it seems that only the Han Eight Banners and other traitor troops use firearms, which is the most ideal.

Of course, although Huang Taiji insisted on his own opinion and built the Han Eight Banners, he planned to use firearms on a large scale.However, it is only on the surface that he can rest assured that the strength of the Han army has increased.Those people can betray Daming to show that they are insulated from loyalty, even their own ancestors can be betrayed, what else can't they?
Don't be in a cocoon in the future.



With the unspeakable worries and suspicions in his heart, Huang Taiji's car drove to the martial arts field in the north of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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