Chapter 341 Shengjing Conspires

Shengjing's martial arts arena is in the north of the city, and a large number of workshops and craftsmen are gathered in the west of the city, specializing in making weapons for the army.

At the beginning, Tong Yangxing was the prime minister for all military and civilian affairs of the Han people, casting cannons and operating cannons, and was responsible for the officers and soldiers of the Han camp.After Tong Yangxing's death, Ma Guangyuan was appointed as the imperial envoy to supervise the engineering town, responsible for logistics and engineering affairs in the Qing Dynasty, forging weapons, casting artillery, etc., training artillery with Shi Tingzhu, and now joining Kong Youde.

One of the reasons why Huang Taiji traveled from the west of the city was to go to the north of the city for a military parade, and the second was to personally inquire about the production of artillery and bird guns in the craftsman workshop.In order to express his importance to the establishment of the firearms unit.

Huang Taiji's car drove to the outside of the craftsman's workshop in a mighty manner. There are countless workshops, large and small, which seem to be stretched out without seeing the edge, and most of them are blacksmith shops.Thousands of sallow, emaciated, ragged craftsmen are busy with concentration.Making knives and guns, making blunderbusses, casting cannons, etc., no one dares to be serious.

The fierce Man-Han overseer is watching and patrolling. Those who dare to slack off will be whipped at least, and killed at worst.

After dozens of large-scale genocides by Nurhaci and Huang Taiji on the Han people in Liaodong, the ending of the people in Liaodong is that the bravest and most fierce resistance die, and only those who resign themselves to it can survive.

The supervision of weapons in the Qing Dynasty was also relatively strict. Every cannon and every knife and gun had the titles of relevant personnel.If the firearms are excellent, so they win, the Qing Dynasty will not hesitate to reward them. Excellent craftsmen can be given official positions, especially for gunsmiths.

Those who don't want to be officials will be rewarded with two taels of grain and silver every month, and five stones and three buckets of rice every quarter.

In the fourth year of Tiancong, because of the triumphant return of Houjin, Fan Jupao, an iron official, was specially ordered to reward him.In the fifth year of Tiancong, Wang Tianxiang, a cannon-casting craftsman, was promoted from a slave to Labulhafan, who worshiped him.

For the descending Han people in Liaodong, casting guns and guns was a stepping stone for their development in the Qing Dynasty.

It is precisely because of the hard work of these craftsmen that the weapons produced in the Qing Dynasty can be excellent.

When Huang Taiji's chariot arrived, the supervisor Ma Guangyuan, the supervisor Ding Qiming, Ji Shichang, Bei Yu Zhu Shiyin, Wang Tianxiang, as well as a large and small group of iron officials and important foundry craftsmen respectfully greeted them.

Among the Han officials, big and small, the supervisor Ma Guangyuan was at the front.

He was originally a general in Jianchang of the Ming Dynasty. Four years after Tiancong, the Jin army conquered Yongping.In August of the second year of Chongde, Huang Taiji divided Wuzhenchaoha into two wings, with Shi Tingzhu in charge of the left wing, and Ma Guangyuan in charge of the right wing, who was divided into Gushan Ezhen.

Ma Guangyuan is slippery by nature, his mentality is no different from that of the military leaders elsewhere in Ming Dynasty, he does everything he can to preserve the strength of his subordinates as a capital to settle down.In the third year of Chongde, Ma Guangyuan and Shi Tingzhu attacked Jinzhou with firearms. When they besieged Jinzhou's side platform, the Ming guards fled, but Ma Guangyuan did not pursue.

In the fourth year of Chongde in history, when Ma Guangyuan led his troops to attack Songshan, he was unwilling to contribute.He also sheltered Ji Shichang, a member of the Ministry of Defense, many times, which caused the cannons he cast to fail.He was punished by Huang Taiji several times.

However, Ma Guangyuan's official career has always been very good. Due to Wang Dou's influence, Huang Taiji established the Han Eight Banners earlier than in history. Not long ago, Ma Guangyuan was appointed as Gushan Ezhen of the Han Army Xianghuang Banner.

After Huang Taiji arrived, Ma Guangyuan led the crowd to shout long live, Huang Taiji asked them to get up, and after seeing the scene of casting cannons and blunderbuss, he asked Ma Guangyuan, "How about the making of red-clothed cannons and bird blunderbusses?"

Regardless of the dirtiness of the ground, Ma Guangyuan hurriedly knelt down and replied: "Go back to the emperor, if there is enough iron material, thirty 'Shenwei Great Generals' can be cast within a year. The cannons are four thousand catties each, five catties of medicine, and ten irons. If it is loaded on a cannon cart, it will definitely be able to destroy the fortified city and strengthen the country's prestige, which is sharper than Tian Cong's "God Bless the Great General"!"

"As for the bird gun making system, although there is a shortage of relevant craftsmen, the minister has selected candidates, and it is expected that [-] rods will be completed within this year."

Huang Taiji nodded slowly. When it was still a big gold, the first-cast "God Bless the Great General" weighed [-] catties, [-] catties of medicine, and [-] catties of iron, which was extremely heavy.In terms of power, it is not as good as the new Shenwei General Cannon.

Regarding bird guns, even the Qing Dynasty had cannon casting craftsmen, and there was no shortage of craftsmen making bird guns.However, in the past, the Qing Dynasty did not pay much attention to it, but after meeting Wang Dou... the related production was rough and unavoidable, and it was a bit rusty. Compared with making guns, making guns was not so handy.

He said: "I have heard that if you can make cannons in Western countries, if you get two or three out of ten, you will be called a national hand. There has never been anyone who can make a hundred and win a hundred. This red cannon is a sharp weapon for the country. You don't have to worry about the workmanship, but you can't add it in vain. Expenditure. The bird gun is a sharp weapon in the battle against Ming generals and kings, and it must be carefully crafted, and it must not be slack."

Ma Guangyuan hurriedly said: "But please don't worry, your majesty, I will definitely save military equipment, carefully organize the bureau of hiding guns and storing medicines, and check every month to ensure that everything is in order, and it is due to duty."

Huang Taiji applauded, and said to Ding Qiming, the supervisor, "Ding Aiqing supervises the manufacture of all kinds of weapons, and you need to be diligent and diligent in supervision."

Ding Qiming, the supervisor, was in charge of making a batch of red barbarian cannons and bird guns in the Qing Dynasty. He was originally the deputy assistant manager of the Jingying Rongzheng and the right servant of the Ministry of War Liu Zhilun. gun" reputation.

After the surrender, in the year of Tian Cong, he was in charge of supervising the manufacture of a series of "God Bless the Great General" Hongyi cannons. He commanded the craftsmen Jin Shixiang and Wang Tianping to successfully cast a batch of cannons, which was appreciated by Huang Taiji.

However... because it was an acquisition rather than self-surrender, after arriving in the Qing Dynasty, his official luck was not as good as Ma Guangyuan.He surrendered voluntarily and brought his family members from the capital of the Ming Dynasty, so Ma Guangyuan was promoted to the first-class general officer, his brother Ma Guangxian was also awarded the second-class general, and his younger brother Ma Guanghui was awarded the title of guerrilla.

Ding Qiming was a lieutenant general in Daming, but he was only awarded as a second-class general. How could this convince him?Recently, Ma Guangyuan was appointed as Gu Shan Ezhen of the Han Army with a yellow banner, and Ding Qiming got angry every time he saw his complacent appearance.

After hearing Huang Taiji's words, he also hurriedly knelt down and said: "The Lord is worried about the humiliation of the minister, and the master will die after the humiliation. The emperor can rest assured that the minister will use his wisdom and loyalty to make a series of firearms for the emperor."

He boasted: "In the past, craftsmen's workshops used the lost wax method to cast cannons. If the weather is hot, the wax is not easy to condense, which is often limited by the season. Chen Si's method of easy clay casting is named Gunni Fan Siyue. It can be dried completely, and it can be casted by just beating the mold mud, and it is not restricted by the weather."


He also criticized himself: "Although this method is not limited by the seasons, the clay mold cannot be reused. If there are many flaws in the inner wall of the barrel, it must be destroyed and recast."

Ding Qiming had a very regretful look on his face.

A smile appeared on Huang Taiji's face, and he said: "It's rare for Aiqing to have such a heart for the country. If all the ministers and workers are like Ding Aiqing, why is my Qing Dynasty not prosperous?"

Behind him was the voice of the emperor's sage, only Dorgon's face was gloomy.

Just last month, his younger brother Dodo was demoted to Baylor, and the slaves, livestock, and property were divided up.What's even more hateful is that the Manchu, Han, and Mongolian cattle records to which the banner belongs are divided into three parts.At that time, the majestic Prince Yu left behind only a small amount of money.

Killing chickens to warn monkeys, it seems that Huang Taiji's future goal is himself.

Seeing Ding Qiming vying for favor with the emperor in front of him, Ma Guangyuan next to him gave him a meaningful look.

Finally, Huang Taiji said: "Ma Guangyuan and Ding Qiming have made meritorious service in supervising the manufacture of firearms. They have delivered an order to give Ma Qing a good horse with carved saddles and a hundred taels of silver. Give Ding Qing a good horse and 50 taels of silver. Jin Shixiang and Wang Tianxiang The craftsmen will give you ten taels of silver and two bolts of cloth."

When Huang Taiji drove away with the guard of honor, Ma Guangyuan, Ding Qiming and others knelt down deeply on the ground amidst the sound of seeing off the emperor, and did not raise their heads for a long time.


After seeing the craftsman's workshop, Huang Taiji was in a good mood, and he drove to the martial arts arena in the north of Shengjing City.

When Huang Taiji arrives, the Han army's Zhenghong Banner's Gushan forehead is really Kong Youde, the Xianglan Banner's Gushan forehead is really gratifying, and the Zhenghuang Banner's Gushan forehead is really Geng Zhongming.There are also Gushan Ezhen, Shi Tingzhu and others from Zhengbai Banner who are welcoming them in front of the gate of the Martial Arts Field.

Kong Youde, Shang Kexi, and Geng Zhongming were called the Three Mine Disciples of Shandong. After returning to the Qing Dynasty, the three of them were all crowned kings, also known as Sanshun Kings.Chongzhen came back from the plunder in 11 years, Huang Taiji formed the Han Eight Banners, and all three were appointed as Gushan Ezhen. The original Tianyou soldiers under Kong Youde and the Tianzhu soldiers under Geng Zhongming were all filled into the banners of the Han army.

All three were Mao Wenlong's subordinates, and they were all miners. They were all tall and big, with a fierce appearance.In history, after they returned to the Qing Dynasty, they could not change their bad habits of raping and plundering.However, his combat power has improved a lot, and he has dyed his top son red by slaughtering his compatriots.

The Han army next to the three of them was Zhengbai Banner, Gushan, and Zhenshi Tingzhu, who was also a burly man with bulging flesh on his face.It was originally the defense of Guangning in the Ming Dynasty. When Nurhachi attacked Guangning, Shi Tingzhu, his brother Shi Tianzhu and others came out and surrendered, and were awarded the post of guerrilla.

Shi Tingzhu's character is tyrannical, and he often used troops to plunder and plunder in battles without restraint. After returning to the Qing Dynasty, he did not change his nature.

It seems that many generals in Ming Dynasty have such a vulgar and cruel image, shrinking from the enemy and treating the common people like wolves and tigers.If it is said that they were suppressed by civil officials, but at the end of the Ming Dynasty when they turned themselves into masters, they did not have much loyalty.Desperately accumulating strength, just waiting for the day when he will seek refuge with his new master.The misfortune of warriors has not changed at all from the end of Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties to the end of Ming Dynasty.

Like Ma Guangyuan, Shi Tingzhu valued the strength of his subordinates the most, avoiding battles if he could, and plundering as much as he could.In June of the second year of Chongde, Bao Chengxian was impeached for ten crimes including "disrupting the squad and Shizhou", and was dismissed from the post of Gushan Ezhen, the left wing of the Han army.

In the four years of Chongde in history, Shi Tingzhu and Ma Guangyuan were accused of not doing their best when attacking Songshan.Shi Tingzhu should have [-]% of his family property, and Ma Guangyuan died. Although Huang Taiji pardoned his crime, he used this opportunity to weaken the power of the two again.

Before Huang Taiji arrived, they were laughing wildly and discussing something, on the surface they were friendly, but in fact, only they understood what was going on in their hearts.

The battles within the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty were also very fierce, and they intrigue each other. It turned out that there was a dispute between Shi Tingzhu's old Han army and Ma Guangyuan's new Han army.After Kong Youde and others arrived, there was another dispute between the old Han army of Shi and Ma and the new Han army including Kong Youde.

Even King Sanshun fought openly and secretly. When Tiancong was young, Kong Youde impeached Geng Zhongming for invading his old ministry, which was a lot of trouble.

However, after Huang Taiji established the Eight Banners of Han Dynasty, in the face of the attacks of Manchurian and Mongolian banner owners, the officials and generals of the Han Dynasty had the faint intention of uniting to compete for favor in front of Huang Taiji. The situation was very delicate.

Huang Taiji's guard of honor arrived, and the advanced ones were Huang Taiji's Gebush Xianchao warriors, with iron hooves rolling in, bright armor and strict military appearance.

This kind of power made Kong Youde and others show a look of horror on their faces.Although they have a large number of Wuzhenchao artillery teams under their banner, they are still subconsciously afraid of the power of the Qing Dynasty's cavalry and archery.The reason why they surrendered was because they were afraid of their iron hooves.

Followed by Huang Taiji's big book, after Zongyi separated, Huang Taiji's huge canopy was exposed.

Kong Youde and others stepped forward to bow down, bowed three times and kowtowed nine times, shouting long live!
Looking at these Han generals, Huang Taiji showed a complex look on his face, and soon he said: "All gentlemen, please stand up."

After everyone got up, he asked: "The Han army fired guns and practiced blunderbuss. How is the drill going?"

The Han army Zhengbai Banner Gushan forehead Zhenshi Tingzhu hurriedly said: "Back to the emperor, I have lived up to the emperor's expectations. The sergeants in the banner are proficient in firing artillery and bird guns. Please invite the emperor to inspect."

Shi Tingzhu was originally an officer in Tong Yangxing's banner. When Huang Taiji inspected Tong Yangxing's new Han soldiers in the fifth year of Tiancong, he admired Tong Yangxing's military purge.After Tong Yangxing's death, Shi Tingzhu was in charge of the Han army's artillery training. Shi Tingzhu's banner was inspected to be proficient in firing artillery and bird guns, but it was the foundation left by Tong Yangxing.

Huang Taiji didn't say anything, and praised Shi Tingzhu.

After Kong Youde fought against Wang Dou with Huang Taiji in Pinggu, he pondered his thoughts and understood what the emperor desires in his heart. He said: "Going back to the emperor, I have been a teacher of the Ming Dynasty, and I have been thinking about how to fight against Wang Dou's army every day. Unfortunately. Disgraceful, the minister tried his best to practice, the sergeant has already mastered the art of arraying firearms, given time, he should be able to fight the king!"

"it is good!"

Huang Taiji was really happy, he said: "I want to see for myself, Kong Aiqing's military drill!"


Kong Youde's Han army is dressed in the same red flag as the Manchu and Mongolian flags, except that he is holding a bird gun and wearing a waist knife.There are no more than a few thousand armored soldiers in his department, and they only wear ironless cotton armor.The array they put up was just like the replica of Wang Dou in Pinggu at that time.

How to line up, how to hold guns, how to fight, etc., are all exactly the same as Wang Dou's army at that time.

The emperor was watching from above, and the Han soldiers who were facing the red flag all tried their best to hold their heads high and their chests upright. The shouts were earth-shattering, but their momentum was not small.

Seeing them lined up in armor, with a serious military appearance, Huang Taiji nodded from time to time, and the princes and nobles behind him also whispered to each other.

Kong Youde stood beside Huang Taiji, his tall body bent down desperately, and said with a low body: "A few months ago when I fought Wang Dou, I formed a triple formation. Besides. Afterwards, I carefully thought about the reason why Wang Doubu was like this, and understood the reason for their formation. Only in this way can the effectiveness of the bird gun be maximized!"

"Therefore, I will follow the same method, and in the future, I will be able to use the other way and return it to the other body, so that the thief will suffer unspeakably!"

He said with some pride in his words: "I still have Wuzhenchaoha big guns in the Qing Dynasty. When I fight Wang Dou in the future, my army will bombard his troops with red cannons, and then fight with the bird guns. I will definitely defeat his troops." !"

(End of this chapter)

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