Chapter 1184
Someone was resentful and said angrily: "That's right, Zhu Zheng never drank, he must have been killed by someone."

Rong Jiu went to see Lingnan King: "What does Lingnan King think?"

The King of Lingnan looked unkind, and his eagle eyes were extremely cold: "In the post house, there are many guards, but the person died suddenly. The princess should give this king an explanation."

Rong Jiu smiled calmly: "When a person falls into the water, if he is still alive, he will definitely struggle. When he struggles, he will inhale a lot of water. Therefore, his belly will be distended, and there will be some sand in his mouth and nose, Uncle Zhu."


Uncle Zhu responded, and opened Zhu Zheng's mouth. In addition to some sand and sand, there were also some algae.

Rong Jiu pointed to Zhu Zheng's right hand, and continued: "The deceased's hands were bent, and there was sand in the nails. He really died of drowning. Uncle Zhu opened his mouth just now, and a smell of alcohol wafted out. Had a drink."

Guo Yong's eyes were dark and angry, and he said in a deep voice: "There is a smell of alcohol in his mouth, it may be that the murderer forced it into it, the purpose is to make people think that Zhu Zheng was drunk and drowned, but he didn't know, Zhu Zheng never Drinking alcohol, this must be murder, and the posthouse is so tightly guarded that not even a fly can fly in, the murderer must be among the guards."

Rong Jiu asked back: "How do you know that the murderer is among the guards?"

"We are as close as brothers, how could we mutilate brothers and sisters, who is not the imperial guard?"

"There is an old saying, call a thief and catch a thief, why can't you kill Zhu Zheng?"

Guo Yong's eyes dodged for a moment, and he became angry from embarrassment: "You spitting blood! The princess ordered us to be imprisoned in the post house. At this time, even if there is any quarrel, why would you disregard the overall situation because of personal grievances?"

There was a playful smile on the corner of Rong Jiu's lips, and he said with a smile: "You killed him because you cared too much about the overall situation."

Cao Shangshu asked: "What does the princess mean by this?"

Rong Jiu looked at Guo Yong with a half smile and irony: "Only you know that Zhu Zheng doesn't drink alcohol. Didn't he just use this to make a plan and leave a loophole so that people think he was murdered. He is also a soldier of the Lingnan Palace. It is impossible to mutilate siblings, so the only murderer is the imperial guard. If the murderer is the imperial guard, if he killed a mansion soldier today, will he kill the King of Lingnan tomorrow? Or, could all this be secretly ordered by me? This attack, in order to block the mouths of the world, I can only withdraw the guards."

Guo Yong's eyes flickered.

With only one wine bottle, Rong Jiu guessed everything right, the scheme was seen through, and Zhu Zheng died in vain.

There was no wave in Lingnan King's eyes, and he sneered: "Princess is worthy of being a calculating person, she can calculate people's hearts so thoroughly, but unfortunately, all this is just your guess, and everything needs to be based on evidence. This king heard that the princess and Mr. Cao has repeatedly solved strange cases, and if you want to decide the case, you won't just rely on your own words?"

"Cases are decided, of course not based on one's own words," Rong Jiu said, and said to Uncle Zhu, "Take off your clothes."

Uncle Zhu nodded and started to untie Zhu Zheng's belt. Guo Yong said angrily, "What do you want? He died in a foreign land in vain. Not only do you not give him justice, but you also want to humiliate him?"

Rong Jiu glanced at him indifferently: "Didn't you want evidence? This princess gave you evidence. How can you do the autopsy without taking off your clothes?"

Guo Yong was dumbfounded, and Uncle Zhu quickly took off Zhu Zheng's clothes: "The deceased did not have any wounds on his body, nor did he show any signs of poisoning, whether he really drowned due to drunkenness or not will only be known after an autopsy. "


Hearing this, the Lingnan soldiers glared at Rong Jiu with piercing eyes, their complexions were pale and pale, and they were extremely stiff.

(End of this chapter)

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