Chapter 1185
Rong Jiu said one word lightly: "Sure."

"Is there any king's law for such an outrageous thing?"

"Does the princess want to explain to us, or vent her anger and humiliate the corpse?"

"Whoever dares to dissect Zhu Zheng, I will dissect her!"

After the shock, the soldiers of the Lingnan Palace were furious, staring at Rong Jiu with scarlet eyes, wishing to tear her to pieces.

The King of Lingnan's face darkened: "The parents of the body, hair and skin, the princess is now the emperor's daughter, and you need to think twice about what you do."

"According to the law, autopsy is required for anyone who is difficult to find out the cause of death, otherwise, how can this princess give an explanation to the King of Lingnan?" Rong Jiu curled his lips and asked with a faint smile, "Or is it that the King of Lingnan thinks he is If you are a feudal lord, can you disobey the laws of Southern Chu and disregard your father and the laws of the country?"

He blocked back neither softly nor hard, and Lingnan King's complexion turned black.

Uncle Zhu cupped his hands and said to the two guards: "Please carry the deceased to the guest room."

The imperial guards were about to carry the body, Rong Jiu stopped the two of them: "No, it's right here."

Uncle Zhu brought the autopsy tool, the small knife, which gleamed coldly in the sun, and cut open the chest and abdomen neatly.

Those Lingnan soldiers clenched their hands tightly, eyes full of anger, like knives, Uncle Zhu was so frightened that his hands shook.

After cutting it open, the intestines flowed out, and those Lingnan soldiers who wanted to peel Uncle Zhu's skin and cramped, covered their mouths to avoid it, turned around and vomited one by one.

Rong Jiu curled his lips into a smile: "You can see clearly, if something comes out of the real test later, don't be like a rascal, framing the princess for doing something secretly."

Those people froze, and turned around again. The smell was not good, and when the wind blew, a stench came towards them. Although they killed people like hemp, but seeing their stomachs cut open with their own eyes, some people couldn't help it. Vomited.

Rong Jiu deliberately disgusted them.

Guo Yong saw that her face did not change, and her face turned paler, as if she had seen a ghost.

Lingnan King's stomach was churning, and he couldn't help but feel like vomiting, but he tried his best to hold back, his cold eagle eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at Rong Jiu with deep and difficult eyes.

About half an hour later, Uncle Zhu finished the autopsy, holding a porcelain bowl in his hand, which contained some rice, vegetables, fish and other things.

Uncle Zhu went straight to the Lingnan soldiers: "These were found in the stomach of the deceased, you should smell them."

Uncle Zhu took a step forward, and the Lingnan soldiers took a step back, but the Lingnan King stood still, but his face was still ugly.

"The smell of wine is so strong, have you all smelled it?" Rong Jiu smiled half-smile, "There is no bruise on the deceased's face, so it is impossible for someone to forcibly force drink, even if someone did, it is impossible to have Such a strong smell of wine, he drank it himself, lost his footing and drowned after getting drunk, what else does the King of Lingnan have to say?"

Lingnan King glanced at Rong Jiu with a gloomy expression.

Zhu Zheng was willing to die, and all the soldiers respected him. He didn't know how much he drank, but he could count thousands of times. If he didn't count, Rong Jiu would have Zhu Zheng dissected. It was true, what else could he say ?
There should be a murder case in the posthouse, someone should have reported it to Honglu Temple long ago, but the minister of Honglu Temple has not come over for a long time.

Rong Jiu glanced over Ruan Jing, and asked in a deep voice, "Where are the Honglu Temple Minister and the Honglu Temple Shaoqing? Why don't you see anyone?"

Everyone thought that these two people were neglecting their duties. Suddenly, a guard walked over quickly: "Princess, Eunuch Zhao asked his subordinates to report that something happened to the two adults of Honglu Temple."

(End of this chapter)

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