Abandoned woman's glory

Chapter 212 Xingsi, I don't want an afterlife!

Chapter 212 Xingsi, I don't want an afterlife!
No wonder he would be so angry. The transfer of troops from Nanyang City, which is located on the border, at least requires the approval of the Privy Council and the approval of the Ministry of War. Moreover, such a large-scale deployment cannot be completed overnight. Now that it is possible to attack the Nine Gates, at least it has been recruited. He was stationed in the outer city for several days, but he was completely unconscious!

Those who achieve great things must strategize and win thousands of miles, how can they be so hasty!

After being shocked for a moment, Nangong Yu seemed to understand quickly, and turned his head to look at me stiffly: "You...you even transferred back the soldiers from Nanyang?!"

I stood in front of him, showing an indifferent smile: "Without twos and threes, who would dare to go to Liangshan?"

When I came to Qinglong Kingdom, the first day I really got to know Chu Feng was Ling Chuyun's mutiny in the palace. His layout was not unreasonable, but he was defeated in the end, because what he faced was more than he thought. Chu Feng, who thinks deeper and farther, I knew from that time that in the court, only by making the most detailed and comprehensive arrangements can I be invincible!
Looking at my confident smile, Nangong Yu gritted his teeth and asked, "Who is leading the army? Kill him!"

The guard who reported the letter didn't answer immediately, Nangong Yu turned to look at him: "Huh?"

"Master, sir, the leader of the army is a man wearing a ghost mask."


This time, not only Nangong Yu was shocked, but I was also shocked for a moment.

Ghost masks - how is that possible? !
I just asked him to leave Zhaoye with my and Shaoyu's letter and hand it over to Yu He who went to meet them. Yu He got our letter and naturally knew what to do, and I knew very well that his body couldn't do it at all. How could he lead the army to fight again——

When I thought of this, I couldn't bear it any longer, and hurriedly walked towards the gate. Just as I got to the gate, there were towering palaces in front of me, full of resplendent glazed tiles, but I knew that, separated by these Jiuzhongsandian, there was There was a bloody fight, and a person was slowly, slowly approaching me.

is it him?Is it really him?
However, he was obviously injured so badly. I know that it is difficult for him to flee for thousands of miles with his children. How can he come back and lead his troops like this? It will be a lot of suffering for him!
Across the Nine Layers and Three Palaces, I don't know what kind of dangerous scene there is.

I held on to the door, thinking of his injury, his pain, my fingertips were trembling.

At this time, I didn't feel it, but the originally cold gaze on the side was even colder and biting at the moment, slowly, slowly falling on me.

There was another deafening bang in the distance, and there were faint noises of hustle and bustle.


A few more guards came back and saw their faces full of panic, as if the sky had collapsed, and they knelt down in front of Nangong Yu: "My lord, the Zhengyang Gate has been—has been breached!"


Nangong Yu was taken aback, and took a step forward: "How is that possible!"

They must have set up heavy troops at every gate of the Nine Gates. After all, today is to force the palace to seize the throne. There can be no negligence, but it is absolutely abnormal to capture Zhengyang Gate in such a short period of time.

Sure enough, those guards turned pale and said: "In the city, there is a man in the city with very strong martial arts. He alone defeated all the gatekeepers in the Zhengyang Gate and opened the city gate!"

Yu He!

The elegant figure of that otherworldly expert flashed across my mind. To get this one person is indeed stronger than a million soldiers!
At this time, it was obvious that Nangong Yu also understood immediately. He gave me a vicious look, and his right hand had already touched the hilt of the sword at his waist, as if he was about to charge up immediately, but I felt his evil spirit, and subconsciously took a step back.

But at this moment, his eyes seemed to be looking somewhere behind me, and suddenly stopped.

After a moment of silence, he waved his sleeves fiercely, and turned around: "Those who block Yulongtang, immediately mobilize the guards of the imperial camp, follow me to Zhengyangmen, we must kill the rebels!"

Looking at the figure of him leading people away in a hurry, and thinking of the last sentence he said "rebels", I couldn't help laughing for some reason.


Indeed, in today's confrontation, who can tell who is right?Who is evil?Who is Jun?Who is the minister?Whoever wins the victory today, the pen to write history will fall into whose hands, this is the reason for the winner and the loser!If I, Xuanyuan Xingsi, lose today, then I will be a rebellious evildoer in this country, and my Chu Feng will become a faint king who brings disaster to the common people!

The civil and military officials also realized the seriousness of the situation at this time, and they all walked out of the hall like a swarm.

Seeing the chaos below, and the chaos in the distance, a large number of court ladies and eunuchs ran from the Zhengyang Gate, all of them turned pale and screamed, the entire imperial city was in chaos!
I slowly stepped across the tall gate of the Azure Dragon Hall, and walked out step by step.

I just walked to the large open space in front of the main hall, looking at Shaoyu below who was struggling to kill the enemy, he seemed to want to run in front of me, but people kept coming to stop him, and there was another bloody fight, I stood there and looked at him, Suddenly, I heard a long voice behind me, like the murmur of a blue dragon.

Someone is drawing a sword.

The blade of the sword was sharp, and when it was unsheathed, it brought a biting chill. The sharp sound was right next to my ears, and it seemed to have overwhelmed all the screams of killing below.

I slowly turned around.

A long sword, flashing cold light, pointed at my chest.

The hand holding the sword was very pale, and it was so hard that the knuckles turned white. The veins on the back of the pale hand were bulging, but it was as stable as a rock.

I know how warm and stable that hand is, how comforting and gentle it was to me.

but now……

"Nangong Yazhen."

"Xuanyuan Xingsi."

When he spoke, his voice was very deep, and his eyes were also very deep, as if standing in front of me, he was just a sculpture without a soul.

I don't know whether it was captured by the sword energy or my old illness was not cured. At this time, I suddenly felt an uncomfortable feeling in my heart. I couldn't bear it, I bent down and coughed violently.

After coughing fiercely several times, I felt a little fishy smell in my throat, and finally restrained myself, and slowly raised my head.

A sudden cold wind blows his ink-like long hair up high, covering his lips and nose, only his eyes are exposed, and the mist covering the ink landscape gradually dissipates, leaving behind, It's as dignified as a knife carving - seeing this scene, my brain suddenly buzzed, as if I was hit hard by something.

In the chaos, some strange and familiar scenes appeared in front of my eyes.

Everything around me was distorted by a violent cough, as if I had returned to ten years ago in an instant, and my surroundings were also such a high platform, such a cold, and such a heavy.

Such a sword, such a hand, such a man!

I was a little confused for a while, and I slowly raised my head. When I coughed violently just now, the hair on my forehead fell down and blocked my eyes. Everything seemed a little illusory, not quite real, but what I saw was everything. Then it was really in front of my eyes, including that man.

Nangong Yazhen...

My throat was blocked by something, with a bit of fishy sweetness, as if I wanted to open my chest, but I could only suppress it firmly, looking at him, I couldn't say a word.

On the contrary, he looked at me silently for a long time, and finally, those thin lips trembled, and gently opened and closed——

"Kill you, that's fine."


"At that time, just kill you."


His words obviously carried such a deep killing intent, but I don't know why, in my ears, it sounded like the most mournful whine, it seemed that even my soul was about to be unbearable, it was about to be torn apart, I looked into his eyes , flickering, there is a streamer, but it still refuses to fall off, just staring at me, as if wanting to see my shadow into those eyes.

Never, ever wiped off.

Just kill me, okay?

At that time, just kill me, okay?

Ten years ago - Ghost Valley!
Yes, I should have thought earlier that the people of the Nangong family want to usurp power and seize the throne, want to overwhelm the world, kill those princes and grandchildren who will be in power in the future, and kill all the germination of rights in Guigu, which is the best way for them to unify the Central Plains shortcut!

They were the assassins in Guigu back then!

So, that night...

I seemed to understand something, I used all my strength to restrain the weakness in my body, slowly straightened my back and looked at him, he came up step by step, the cold air on the edge of the sword was getting closer, and I , retreat step by step, in the end, there is no retreat.


Hearing Shaoyu's furious roar, it was quickly drowned in the sudden and deafening killing cries. I turned my back to the imperial palace, not knowing what happened below, but the bursts of bloody smell surrounded me. , entangled me, so I can not break free.

As if trapped, I stood there motionless, and suddenly felt a cold light flash in front of my eyes, and the sword energy turned into a cold wind, stabbing towards me fiercely——

I opened my eyes wide.

Seeing that the cold light was close at hand, the sword energy seemed to have pierced my body, causing a burst of pain, but at this moment, a figure flashed in front of my eyes, grabbed my arm and slapped me hard Lah, I was caught off guard that I was turned around in a circle, and I passed in a hurry. A silver ghost mask and those familiar eyes flashed in front of my eyes.

It's him--!
My heart trembled suddenly, and I heard a cruel voice, a sharp weapon pierced into the flesh, and immediately after, a blood-colored flower bloomed in front of my eyes.

I looked at the mountain-like back, the broad shoulders were trembling, and I lowered my head, a cold light on his back had pierced through the body, the tip of the sword was soaked in blood, and a little blood was slowly condensed, drip down.

More and more blood dripped from the tip of the sword, staining my chest red.

"Ling Shaoyang!"

I yelled, and the figure standing in front of me trembled violently, as if it had been hit more painfully than that sword. I hurriedly stretched out my arms and hugged him tightly. In a panic, I saw The man holding the sword seemed to be about to dissipate his soul, looking at us with bloodshot eyes.

As soon as he retracted his sword, he heard a muffled cry, and blood spurted out from the man's chest, staining the sky in front of him red.

It also stained my eyes red.

At that moment, I seemed to see something again——

The sky is full of green blood, the mountains and rivers are shaking, and there is such a person beside me. He blocked the fatal sword for me, and his body fell heavily, like a jade mountain toppled.

I remembered!
That night, that night, a sword pierced through the air and pierced my chest, and it was he who stood in front of me, with blood gushing out, as if it was going to dye my whole life red, but his His hands are still tightly protecting me, the same as now!
What was left was that hideous wound on his chest!
That's - left for me!

I opened my eyes wide and looked at the man in front of me. Everything about him was hidden behind the ghost mask. There was only one pair of eyes staring at me, as if wanting to confirm my safety. His lips were in severe pain and blood loss. It was already pale, almost transparent, as if it would disappear from my eyes in the next moment.

"Do not--!"

My mournful shout resounded through the sky, the fighting of tens of thousands of people under the Great Hall stopped at this moment, everyone looked at the blood-stained sky above the Great Hall, and I hugged his body and turned around abruptly , the right hand had already grasped the hilt of the sword hidden in the sleeve, a cold light flashed, and the Qingyuan sword came out in response, cutting through the layers of black hair.

I only heard a dragon chant from "Cang", and the cold light stood out, like a poisonous snake out of its hole, it grew three feet violently from my hand.

Sword Qi is like the wind, stabbing forward——

At this moment, the world seemed to be quiet.

I felt the tip of the sword pierced into something, and made a chilling sound. I looked at the sword in my hand with wide eyes, and a stream of blood slowly flowed down from the tip of the sword, flowed through the body of the sword, and flowed through the hilt. Stained my fingertips.

I slowly raised my head.

On the other end of the Qingyuan sword is the statue-like man. At this moment, he stands there blankly, as if he has lost his soul. The long sword pierces into his chest, and a little bit of bright red slowly blooms, becoming more and more beautiful. More, more and more, but he didn't seem to feel it at all, he just lowered his head and looked at his chest.

After some time, he raised his head and looked at me.

Those eyes lost all light at this moment, as dark as an endless night.

My hands trembled, and I could hardly hold Qing Yuan in my hands.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

There was a burst of laughter in my ears, a tearing sound, as if I had exhausted all my strength, I opened my eyes wide and looked at the man in front of me—Nangong, it was he who was laughing, laughing crazily, laughing so hard His eyes were bloodshot and red, he laughed so hard that he curled up, his wounds burst open, and blood gushed out, but he didn't stop at all.

After an unknown amount of time, the shrill laughter finally stopped slowly.

He raised his head, gritted his teeth, and took a step towards me.

Blood surged wildly.

Following his step, the sword penetrated deeper into his body, and blood sprayed out.

"Do you want, kill me?"

His voice rang in my ears, it was hoarse and deeper than the man in my arms, as if his voice was being torn apart by something, even his soul was about to be torn apart, he looked at me with that kind of determination on his face Smile to the end: "Are you going to kill me?"


"Go ahead."


"Go on!"

As he spoke, he took another step forward, and the sharp cold light penetrated into his body inch by inch, and more bright red blood flowed down the sword, staining his clothes red.

My hand trembled slowly, as if I was about to lose my grip on the Qingyuan sword, but his step sent the hilt of the sword into my hand again, with a kind of endless determination!

His face was already pale due to the severe pain and blood loss, but he struggled to reveal a little smile, which looked so cruel, more painful than the sword in the chest, and more terrible——

kill him?

His blood fell on the ground drop by drop, but it seemed to fall more heavily on my heart. Every scene and moment in the past flashed so clearly in front of my eyes at this moment. The snowy night scene of Dongping Palace Standing guard, those in the Juma River Valley are one against a hundred, those on the first-line peak leap, and those in the southern border are thinking about walking...

The man who brought me everything, am I going to kill him?
An indescribable pain surged from the bottom of my heart, as if countless forces were in my body, trying to tear me into pieces, no matter how hard I struggled, it was useless.

My sword is already in his body, and he and I are already facing each other.

We obviously hugged each other before, but when did we walk slowly, but unknowingly, we came to the opposite side of each other?

Just as we were confronting each other, another commotion broke out in His Majesty's Highness. The entire nine gates of the imperial city had been breached. The imperial city was completely in a state of chaos, screaming, swords and swords flying, and those helpless maids, guards and eunuchs could only scream and run for their lives, as if the whole world had fallen into a prehistoric and chaotic world.

Gradually, Nangong Yu's men and horses were forced to disperse, and Yulongtang had the upper hand in such a melee. Soon, more men and horses were seen pouring in from Sifangmen.

The leader is still the man with a vigorous figure, who is still as graceful as a fairy even though he has used martial arts to kill and attack heavily——Yu He!
Holding a black-tasseled silver gun, he broke out of the siege, and when he saw us in the hall, he showed a look of astonishment, and hurriedly called my name loudly, but he was immediately submerged in such chaos.

But another person's voice, so soft, but it happened to reach my ears clearly.

"kill me……"

This voice belongs to Nangong.I turned around and looked at him with a wretched smile, as if the whole person had collapsed, and everything in front of him had driven him to a dead end: "Anyway, I have been destroyed."

Looking at his stern look, my heart hurts as if I was pierced by a sword. Why did we come to this point? The man with clear eyes, like the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, the man who talks and laughs, and looks at the world with contempt, go where?

Ruined, ruined by me?
I slowly closed my eyes, a tear, with a hot touch, slipped from the corner of my eye and along the scar.

"Nangong," I called him softly, the trembling hand suddenly stabilized at this moment, tightly holding the hilt of the sword, the fingertips were already pale from the force, I bit my lower lip, and slowly raised my head Looking at him: "If there is an afterlife—"

"If there is an afterlife—?"

He interrupted me, smiled, showing his white teeth: "Xingsi, there is no afterlife, I don't want an afterlife!"

Don't be reborn, are you tired of it?Tired of being entangled with me, tired of the suffering of this life, if you still want to meet me in the next life, would you rather not have the next life?

My tears welled up and I looked at him: "Okay!"

After finishing speaking, draw your sword!
A red mist suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, as if the bleak light from the slanting sun in the sky enveloped me, my sword fell to the ground with a clang, which startled everyone's eyes, and all the people who were fighting hard were all shocked at this moment. After stopping, thousands of pairs of eyes watched the most miserable scene above the main hall.

The blood stained me red.

And the man standing in front of me is still standing, like a statue that will never fall, like his oath.

Xingsi, there is no afterlife, I don't want an afterlife!

"Xingsi, I would like to turn into a ghost and haunt you forever and ever!"

Life after life, entangled with me?
This sentence is like the heaviest blow, hitting my heart so hard that even my soul will be separated from this broken body. You don't want to be reincarnated because you want to be entangled with me for life after life?Nangong, you are so decisive, but is it because of love or hatred?
I just felt more and more pain in my heart, as if my whole body was crushed and I couldn't escape the tearing heartache at this moment. After I collapsed and took a step back, I felt like I was stepping on the ground!
Behind him is a ten-foot-high platform!

At that moment, my whole body was like a kite with a broken string, and I fell all of a sudden. What I saw in my eyes was the sky stained red with green blood, and those two men, who had been entangled with me for half their lives, never left their souls regardless of life or death. Passing by my side, slowly, slowly, blurred...

(End of this chapter)

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