Reborn Ming Dynasty as Emperor

Chapter 246 The Weichen is only His Majesty's lackey

Chapter 246 The Weichen is only His Majesty's lackey
Li Mingrui naturally knows that this incident will have a great blow to him in the civil official group in the future. He is afraid that he will be impeached by the officials as often as Qian Qianyi in the future. agree.

But any emperor likes such a lonely minister. If he wants to be a civil servant leader, he can only be abandoned by His Majesty.

Li Mingrui gritted his teeth fiercely, and saluted Zhu Youxiao: "From now on, I will only be His Majesty's lackey!"

Zhu Youxiao smiled, although he didn't say anything, but he was very happy in his heart. Li Mingrui didn't show any violent quarrel with him just like the former Beizong Confucianism was eradicated by him, and blamed himself for killing Dong Qichang. It shows that Li Mingrui is a civil servant worthy of his trust.

This trip to the south was not in vain. While eradicating the large private landlords and squires who were enough to threaten the rule of the dynasty, it also further kidnapped the loyalty of the courtiers around him. This can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

It didn't take long for the Lishui Pavilion incident to spread throughout the south of the Yangtze River.

Dong Qichang, who was well-known in the literary world, was killed for offending Li Mingrui, the elder of the cabinet.

Wang Wenkui, the governor of Yingtian, was slandered by Li Gejin to His Majesty for disobeying the orders of the elder Li Mingrui, which led to him being imprisoned.

The leader of Fushe, Zhang Pu, who was once famous for "The Tombstone of Five People", was arrested by Dongchang Fanzi.

Even more than a dozen literati were arrested.

And under Chen Mingxia's dissemination, the whole matter began to continue to ferment, and the entire Jiangnan literati class began to become restless, and they also scolded Mr. Li Ge.

At this time, Chen Mingxia was hiding at Wang Siren's place. Wang Siren was a well-known scholar in Shanyin who was laid off at home because of Ding You. Now he was staying in Yingtian Mansion, but he didn't expect to learn that his friend Dong Qichang was murdered by elder Li Mingrui during these days. Immediately he was very surprised and asked Chen Mingxia: "Please tell me in detail, how did Dong Sibai offend Li Gelao."

"At this time, the students don't know very well. They only know that Mr. Li Ge also came to Lishui Pavilion to have fun, and Mr. Dong happened to meet Zhang Pu Zhang and other friends there at that time, but who knew that Mr. Li Ge Regardless of his own status, he actually wanted to forcibly seek sex, and finally killed someone. Dong Gong couldn't stand it, so he wanted to take care of him, and he was killed like this, and even brought Master Zhang and Yingtian Governor Wang Zhongcheng who sent troops to arrest Li Ge. They were also arrested by the people from Dongchang.”

Chen Mingxia couldn't help crying as he spoke: "It's a good thing that the students ran fast, otherwise they would have become their ghosts. Don't you know, Prince, that Mr. Li Ge directly instigated the Dongchang people because of his high position and power. People killed innocent people indiscriminately, and dozens of people fell under his butcher knife."

"I didn't expect that Mr. Li Ge was so ruthless. Is he intending to cut himself off from the scholars? Could it be that he really thought that he had His Majesty's backing, and that I would not dare to touch him when I waited for the scholars?" Wang Siren ordered him immediately. They prepared a carriage and went to Chen Jiru's thatched cottage, and told Chen Jiru about Dong Qichang.

Chen Jiru is Dong Qichang's close friend. When he heard that his friend was poisoned and killed by Mr. Li Ge for dissuading Mr. Li Ge from oppressing goodness, he was so angry that he wanted to sue for impeachment, but he was stopped in the end, and Wang Siren persuaded him to : "Now that Li Mingrui's family is in full swing, going to sue him this time is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg, and instead fuels Li Mingrui's arrogance."

"Then it's up to you, what should you do? You can't let this Li Mingrui get away with it in my Jiangnan Confucian scholars, and let the tragedy of that old thief Qian Qianyi burn down the Donglin Academy happen again, and you can't let brother Sibai be wronged forever. !"

Chen Jiru gritted his teeth and said, "Even if this old man puts his life to the test, His Majesty must punish Li Mingrui's treacherous minister severely, otherwise, this old man will crash into the Golden Palace!"

At this time, Qi Biaojia also came to Chen Jiru's thatched hut. Seeing that Wang Siren was there, he bowed to Wang Siren and asked: "A few seniors, do you know that Dong Gong was killed by the cabinet scholar Li Mingrui?"

Wang Sianyong and Chen Jiru nodded: "We already know."

"This Li Mingrui is the second Qian Qianyi! If we don't get rid of this person, not only will we and other scholars not be able to aspire to the temple, but even the Confucian scholars will have no place to live in the future. It is said that a few days ago, the Northern Sect of Confucius was punished, Dozens of civil servants in the entire Shandong Province were beheaded, and it was also planned by this person!"

Although Qi Biaojia has already won the Jinshi, but after all, he is still a little youthful because he has not yet reached his thirties.

"Nowadays, the Royal Weaving Bureau and the Royal Industrial Company have plundered people's wealth and searched for the wealth in the south of the Yangtze River, which has displaced countless people. Various incidents of beatings, looting, looting and burning have occurred one after another in Jiangnan, which was originally peaceful. Fortunately, Governor Yingtian Wang Zhongcheng and others have worked hard. In the past, Dong Gong and the gentlemen’s support enabled the people to survive, but the treacherous ministers in the court were in power, and His Majesty listened to his words, which caused Dong Gong to be wronged. We must take action to force His Majesty to severely punish Li Mingrui and give the world Shimin, explain it!"

Chen Mingxia's words moved Wang Siren, Chen Jiru and others, and Qi Biaojia asked directly: "In your opinion, how should we proceed?"

"Gentlemen, I don't know. Right now, the righteous people in the whole of Jiangnan have been secretly organizing to learn from Kong Zhiqi, the newly-professed official in Shandong. So, why don't we stand with the people all over the world, and organize Jiangnan scholars to call for Dong Gong's grievances."

Chen Mingxia's words made Chen Jiru agree, and hurriedly said: "I'm going back to Huating, contacting students from all over the place, and I'm going to gather in Nanjing to appeal for Dong Gong."

"Then I'll go to pay a visit to the parents and officials in Shanyin now," Wang Siren said.

Seeing this, Qi Biaojia was also very busy: "I'll contact my brother who teaches in Jiaxing."

Due to the shock caused by Dong Qichang's death, the entire Jiangnan Confucianism became active. Students from Nanzhili and Zhejiang provinces and counties, and even Juren from all over the country also rushed to Nanjing.

And Chen Mingxia secretly rushed back to Nanjing to contact Mao Bijiang, Chen Zhenhui and others, and began to continue to agitate Jiangnan weavers to start riots according to the original plan.

"Are you all ready? How many weavers can come out to make trouble this time, and have you contacted the people in the capital command post? Once things break out, we will have to rely on their cooperation."

Chen Mingxia asked Mao Pijiang, and Mao Pijiang hurriedly replied: "Don't worry, it has been arranged early, this time we must take advantage of this turmoil to snatch the machines of the Royal Weaving Bureau, and then burn his workshop. And all kinds of glass and mirrors from these royal industries."

"Is the imperial court officials taking care of it? We will have to rely on their protection at that time. There is no guarantee that His Majesty will not attack these common people."

Chen Mingxia looked out as he spoke, and was relieved when he saw that no one from Dongchang had appeared.

And Mao Bijiang, who had revenge on Zhu Youxiao for killing his father, said harshly: "If this dog emperor dares to do something to these common people, that would be fine, let the scholar-bureaucrats and common people all over the world see the true face of this stupid king." !"

 Thanks for the 1000 book coin reward for the book friend who has a big butt, and the 100 book coin reward for the book friend Sheng Yuepan
(End of this chapter)

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