Chapter 247 Parade
In the early morning, Jinling City had just ushered in the morning sun. The heavy city gates were slowly opened, and beggars and homeless people who were leaning against the city wall and living in tents began to enter the city one after another.

Wang Yongguang, Minister of the Ministry of War in Nanjing, has always loved the people, so he did not restrict these well-fed people from entering the city to beg for food just because His Majesty Zhu Youxiao came to Nanjing.

But what is different today is that these beggars or vagrants did not disperse to find food. Some weavers who had worked in rich families and had seen a certain amount of world experience and perhaps could read a few words led them to Sanshan Street. Come.

And as we walked, we saw that more and more people gathered from various squares and alleys, and the crowd increased from dozens to hundreds to thousands, or even tens of thousands.

After passing Sanshan Street and arriving at the Huitong Bridge in the bustling area of ​​Nanjing, you can see a large crowd coming from all directions from the north, and the direction of Jian'anfang and Taiping Bridge is already crowded with each other.

These people are either full of indignation, dull, or sad; most of them are dressed in ragged clothes or short clothes and straw sandals, but if you observe carefully, you will find that there are also gangsters or slaves who are full of flesh and blood in the hands of ordinary people. Wrapped iron and wooden sticks, some even had hidden sharp knives, and they scanned the shops or neighborhood houses in the surrounding streets with fierce eyes.

The officers, soldiers and yamen servants who patrolled by turned a blind eye to this, or didn't take it seriously, and simply detoured back when they saw a lot of people.

On the Huitong Bridge, Chen Mingxia, under the protection of several domestic slaves, shouted loudly to the people in the city who gathered around him:

"Fathers and folks of Yingtianfu, now the treacherous officials in the court are in power, poisoning the people's wealth, first opening businesses to collect taxes to win the people's interests, and then setting up the Royal Weaving Bureau to seize our weaving industry in the south of the Yangtze River. As a result, countless workshops have been ruined, and millions of weavers live and eat. Having nothing to do, he had to beg and sell his sons and daughters to survive;
And I, Mr. Dong, is a man of great integrity. I have always pitied the poor and the weak. I couldn't bear to see the people in the south of the Yangtze River displaced. So I took advantage of His Majesty's southern tour to tell the truth about Jiangnan. Who would have thought that Li Mingrui, a scholar in the cabinet, framed Mr. Dong indiscriminately? The plot was wrong, and Dong Gong was killed without authorization. This is the great hatred and injustice of our scholars and people in the south of the Yangtze River. If we don't kill Li Mingrui, a treacherous official, we will continue to be in trouble! "

At the same time, on the new pontoon bridge in Jinling, Fang Dayou and Mao Bijiang also stood on the bridgehead, and shouted to the people on both sides of the bridgehead and on both sides of the bridge:

"It's hard to have a thatched hut if you get up early and stay late; if you eat porridge and bran, it's hard to fill your belly with hunger, why is this!
The reason is that today's government is chaotic, corrupt officials are rampant, there are traitors such as Qian Qianyi, Li Mingrui, Lu Xiangsheng; The south of the Yangtze River is a land of wealth and prosperity, the people don't know hunger, and the scholars don't know the hatred of the country and the family, but when Wei Zhongxian came, I, the literati in the south of the Yangtze River, were scolded as straw dogs;
My people in the south of the Yangtze River were also ridiculed for being selfish and shameless, but think about it carefully, who made your family have to sell your house and land to live in a small shed, who made you get paid to drink flower wine on the Qinhuai River but now They are the ones who have to beg for a living!It is the Royal Weaving Bureau of the eunuchs, and it is Li Mingrui, the treacherous official who killed Dong Gong! "

At this time, Mao Bijiang also hurriedly shouted: "Scholars and people in the south of the Yangtze River, His Majesty is now in our Jinling City, let us go to meet His Majesty just like Suo Na corrupt officials met Emperor Gao hundreds of years ago, and let His Majesty know our grievances." , let His Majesty punish these traitors!"

At this time, Fang Dayou and the slaves who pretended to be Pijiang hurriedly echoed, shouting slogans such as "eradicate the traitor", "kill Li Mingrui", "return Dong Gong's innocence", "ban the Royal Weaving Bureau" and other slogans.

Immediately, the unemployed people who had been suppressed for a long time due to the intensification of social conflicts also responded, chanting slogans, one by one, their blood boiled, as if they really needed to vent their anger, their eyes were red, and they clenched their fists.

In the land of literati in the south of the Yangtze River, Chen Mingxia, Fang Dayou, Mao Bijiang and other literati already controlled the right to speak here, so it was very easy to instigate the common people's hatred of the government.

And the common people don't understand the specific benefits and disadvantages here. Their intuitive experience tells them that it is the government's excessive expropriation that has caused them to be displaced now, and after listening to the logical demagogues of these literati, they feel that this is the case.

As a result, Li Mingrui and Wei Zhongxian were regarded as haters by the common people, while Chen Mingxia and others seemed to have a great sense of accomplishment because of this. They felt that they really represented the hearts of the people and the truth.

In this way, coupled with the effect of herd mentality, the whole crowd became crazy and turned into a mighty mass movement; the main roads of the entire Nanjing City began to resound with earth-shattering shouts .

I don't know who taught it. At first, someone put up a banner with a black cloth strip on a white background, with words such as "Dong Gong is ashamed and wronged, and if Li Mingrui is not killed, the people will not be angry."

Seeing this, some ordinary people who hadn't planned to participate also joined in. With the flow of people and the accumulation of class conflicts over the years, the people began to think that if they didn't join, they were traitors.

And gradually, some people who thought they were the truth began to force others to join in, and if they didn't join, they would abuse or beat them.

Even, some people began to steal while taking advantage of the chaos, or directly rushed into the shops to rob, only saying that these were run by corrupt officials.

Some shopkeepers were frightened and wanted to close the shop immediately, but they were still rushed in by the angry crowd, robbed or smashed, and there was chaos!
This scene was not only staged in Jinling City.

Wang Siren has always had a great reputation in Shaoxing Prefecture. Under his leadership, the students and even the officials of the entire county school in Shaoxing Prefecture began to gather in front of the government office or the county offices to appeal for grievances, and even gradually some people joined in. It has also turned into an unstoppable movement.

Chen Jiru could no longer control the situation in Songjiang Mansion at this time, and he seemed to feel that someone was taking advantage of this to stir up trouble, but he couldn't stop, because he wanted to speak out for Daming and his good friend Dong Qichang.

Even in Zhejiang, Jiangxi and other places, sporadic students went on strike, and ordinary people went on strike and rushed to the streets to surround the yamen and cause disturbances.

As a result, vicious incidents such as theft, robbery, beatings, and murder, which had occurred frequently in various places before, began to become the norm.

As a result, a movement called "Crying for Injustice" turned into a turmoil. Government offices all over the country were besieged, and some innocent small businessmen or ordinary people who just wanted to live in peace and stability were bullied.

It seems that just in one night, the whole peaceful Jiangnan changed.

No one knows if this is a long-premeditated conspiracy, or if it is really the result of the chaos of the court and the long-standing grievances of the people, but it is true that the most prosperous Jiangnan in Ming Dynasty is in chaos!

At this time, Dongchang and local yamen also began to pass the news into the Forbidden City, waiting for the ruling of Emperor Zhu Youxiao.

(End of this chapter)

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