Chapter 465 Chapter 468
Shen Mu leaned into his ear and said, "Li Mi must not have had a chance to get close to Li Yuan yet, you can tell by the way he's not in the mood."

Suddenly the drums and music blared together, and all the guests stood up.

Li Yuan, Prince Hameimei and other Persian visitors entered the square from Chengtianmen while shouting long live, and then the music subsided, only the beating of drums remained.

Li Yuan gestured, and everyone sat down one after another.

The two groups of people separated, Li Yuan and Li Yuanji chatted on horseback, and rode towards Shen Mu and Xu Ziling at a slow pace.

Shen Mu whispered in Xu Ziling's ear: "I don't know if Young Master Ling realizes that it doesn't make sense for these two stands to be arranged in different directions. They should be located in the north and south of the arena, so that people can see them more clearly."

Xu Ziling nodded and said, "I've thought about it. From my point of view, it's Li Yuan's arrangement to guard against assassins. The east and west stations are located far away, making it more inconvenient to assassinate."

Shen Mu agreed: "It makes sense!"

At this time, Li Yuansheng was approaching, and the two dared not talk, and bowed their heads respectfully.

Li Yuan slammed off his horse and said with a smile: "In the arena, I and you are partners and comrades-in-arms. We don't stick to the usual etiquette. How is your practice result?"

Shen Mu replied: "Thanks to the emperor's blessing, the two villains are already familiar with the bow stick and horses, so they will surely live up to the emperor's expectations."

Li Yuan said happily: "That's the best. We lost three chips in the last game, and we have to lead by four chips in the next game to have a chance of winning."

Li Yuanji next to him said: "This is the first time we have cooperated. You are experts in this field. If you have any opinions on tactics, you can speak up boldly. Don't care about the distinction between superiors and inferiors. If you disagree with my father or my fight law, objections may be lodged.”

Li Yuan raised his hand to make a gesture, the sound of the drum stopped immediately, and the audience was silent. When the next round of the competition will start, it all depends on Li Yuan's holy will.

The two felt the heavy pressure before the race, and hoped to continue playing the gongs and drums, instead of focusing on them like everyone is talking and doing nothing like now. uncomfortable.

Shen Mu had already considered tactical issues, and said in a calm and eloquent way: "The two villains have come up with tactics to target their weaknesses..."

Li Yuanji suddenly cut him off and said: "They will replace Longsheng and Zhili, and replace them with Grand Duke Zexi and Marquis Menei."

The two were dumbfounded.

Li Yuan snorted coldly and said: "The Persians are determined to win this game. Seeing that we have changed positions before the battle, we changed our team to deal with it. Don't underestimate this mere polo match, it may affect the future direction of the Persian dynasty's national policy. Our Tang Dynasty You can’t deter the Persians on the battlefield, so you have to do your best on the field.”

Shen Mu was speechless, and could only affirm that these two, Ze Xina and Menei, were better than the replacements, Long Sheng and Zhi Li, just as Li Yuan believed that they were better at polo than Li Shentong and Li Nantian suddenly made the strategy the two of them had planned useless.

Xu Ziling said: "Your Majesty, since the opponent has changed his team, he has no choice but to act accordingly. The villains have seen the emperor and the king of Qi compete, so for the time being, the two villains will cooperate with the emperor and the king of Qi, and the two villains will be responsible for guarding the rear. , intercept the opponent's attack and send the ball for the emperor and King Qi to defeat the enemy and win."

Li Yuan nodded and said: "It has to be like this, you do your best, if you win this match, if you make military achievements, I will definitely reward you."

The two thanked each other in unison, but the little self-confidence they had just built disappeared with the Persian side's substitution.

Li Yuan gave instructions, and the sound of drums resounding across the square.

In this game, the two sides exchanged venues. The Li family guarded the west gate, and the Persians guarded the east gate.

The polo is placed in a small circle in the middle of the field, and the two sides line up on the east and west fields.

Grand Duke Zexina is the oldest, about fifty years old, but he is old and strong, his body is as straight as an iron tower, his thick beard hangs down his chin like a brush, his eyes are shining, his expression is serious, and Even if he needs to swing a club, no one knows that he is one of the masters.

The drums stopped suddenly.

The names of the new entrants on both sides of the official report, Zexi Na and Meneigu have their own official titles in the Persian dynasty, but Shen Mu and Xu Ziling were forced to be crowned with the titles of imperial guards, which made the two They can't laugh or cry, and they have to pay tribute to the audience who cheered and cheered them on.

The three-way drum sounded, and the polo was thrown into the sky from the hands of the singer. The sound was loud, and everyone held their breath and concentrated on watching the development of the event.

Li Yuanji and Ha Meimei leaned forward at the same time, picked the sticks to the ball, and the two riders passed by. Li Yuanji lived up to expectations, grabbed the ball in his hand, and controlled the ball on horseback to go straight.

The cheers exploded, and the drums were deafening.

Shen Mu and Xu Ziling were novices after all, they didn't know whether to advance or retreat, so they rode to the east field.

Kesa and Meineyi rushed in diagonally from left to right to intercept Li Yuanji. Li Yuan rushed to the south line to meet Li Yuanji from the outside. Persian veteran Ze Xina galloped back and forth in front of the east gate with a calm and calm demeanor.

Li Yuanji's way was blocked, he sent the ball to Li Yuan, Kesa and Meneiyi crossed in front of Li Yuanji's horse like performing equestrian fancy, Li Yuanji's horse hissed and stood up, Meneiyi As soon as he took advantage of the trend, he went to Li Yuanchi, faster than the lightning, and all the spectators knew that he could stop Li Yuan's attack in time.

Shen Mu and Xu Ziling felt bad. The Persian side was no better than them in terms of cooperation and tactics. Not only did it destroy the cooperation between Li Yuanji and Li Yuan, but it also made Li Yuan a deeply lonely army, who could only break through and score goals on his own. .

Shen Mu and Xu Ziling are battle-hardened men after all. The former blew his whistle to signal Xu Ziling to keep a close eye on Ha Meimei, who was rushing to the west field, while he himself clearly clamped the horse's belly lightly, and secretly used the "man and horse as one" technique. He rode his horse and galloped along the northern line like lightning to meet Li Yuan who was far away on the other side.

Li Yuan waved his dragon stick, and the ball shot across the sky and fell towards Shen Mu's side.

Shen Mu was able to suddenly increase the speed of the horse to the limit, or even exceed the limit, causing the audience to burst into thunderous applause, and everyone from the Persian side showed a look of astonishment.

Keza, who was galloping towards the north line, hurriedly urged his mount to compete for the ball that has yet to be won.

Li Yuanji headed straight for the east gate from the center line knowingly.

At this time, Shen Mu put aside all doubts and fears, and worked hard, thinking that if I, Shen Mu, can't win against you, a Persian kid, I will write the name backwards in the future.With a violent jerk, the horse flew into the air, followed by the ball that hadn't touched the ground with a single step, and with one swing of the stick, the ball flew over Kesa like a shooting star, and fell to the left of Li Yuanji's horse's head ten feet with unbelievable precision. A few steps away is just the most convenient location for Li Yuanji to hit the ball into the opponent's hole.

Everyone in the east and west stands shouted and praised in unison.

Li Yuanji was overjoyed, he swung his stick and hit the ball quickly, the ball turned into a colorful glow, and he threw it to the hole.

Ze Xina charged forward obliquely, stretched out his stick quickly, and intercepted the ball right before it went into the hole. He used his strength skillfully, so that the ball not only did not get knocked off the stick, but also flopped as if stuck to the stick. Li Yuanji, who rushed over, swung his stick and hit the ball amidst the disappointed sighs of most of the spectators, and threw it at Ha Meimei who was in the west court.

Menei immediately rode to the west field to meet him.

Xu Ziling groaned in his heart, just now Li Yuan went deep alone, now he is alone, if he can't win the polo, he will definitely lose.

With no other choice, he used the "man and horse as one" technique and rushed towards the point where the ball fell.

Zexi landed the stick cleverly, just as it landed about [-] paces away from Hamei's side, and Xu Ziling was just to the left of Hameimei. The son kept Xu Ziling out of the range where he could touch the ball.

Even Li Yuan and Li Yuanji who were present were determined to lose. Only Shen Mu knew that Xu Ziling had the ability to turn the tide.

Ha Meimei and Xu Ziling urged their mounts at the same time and galloped towards the point where the ball fell.

Horses have the nature of horses, and only when they let go of their four hooves can they gradually develop their strength and climb to the peak of speed.Ha Meimei is a master on the polo field. She has always kept the horse in an active state, so she can control the horse to full speed in a few breaths. One step ahead, hit the ball before the bottom line to Menei, who came along the south line to meet him, this plan will undoubtedly win.

When Xu Ziling was urging the horse, Ha Meimei was more than 20 steps away from his right, and the ball fell to the upper right of Ha Meimei [-] steps away. The racing horse reached full speed in the blink of an eye, and rushed towards the ball like an arrow. If it could be ahead of Ha Meimei's horse, it would be able to intercept the ball first.

The two riders, one first and the other behind, hooved up and down, and ran towards the ball with all their strength, sticking out the cane with their right hand, and whipping the horse's butt with the whip with their left hand, the situation was fierce.

All eyes on the field were focused on the two of them, Xu Ziling's mount continued to speed up, and it seemed that he might create a miracle.

The drummer is even more focused on drumming.

People shouted and drummed, shaking the square, and the atmosphere inside and outside the stadium was extremely hot.

Ha Meimei let out a roar, changed direction, and actually drew a group from a diagonal charge to a straight run. If Xu Ziling's current charge was to be followed, his horse would be forced to the left, and he could only rush out of the baseline with Ha Meimei , or two horses collide into a ball, which is not allowed by the rules of the game.

Kesa in the rear crossed the center line at this time, and rushed to chase the ball along the northern line before Shen Mu. As long as Hameimei can block Xu Ziling, he can win the ball before the ball escapes the northern line.

Shen Mu complained that he was in a bad mood, so he tried his best to chase after him, but because he was nearly thirty steps behind, even with the skill of "a man and a horse are one", he still couldn't catch up.

Li Yuan and the others were too far away, they could only look at the ocean and sigh, feeling discouraged and anxious.

Xu Ziling's true energy circulated in his body, pouring all his energy into the horse's body, he pulled the reins suddenly when he was about to collide with Ha Meimei, the horseman stood up, hissed to the sky, before the front hooves fell.The hind hoof still couldn't stop the momentum and ran forward for a few steps, barely avoiding Ha Meimei.

How did Ha Meimei think that he would not be able to hold back the momentum, he galloped a few places in front of Xu Ziling's standing horse, and galloped straight to the bottom line, almost by a hair's breadth.

The cheers were thunderous, the most intense since the start of the last game.

The front hoof hit the ground, Xu Ziling rode his horse and pushed forward again, and hit the ball with his stick without anyone competing, the ball bounced up in the air, passed over the head of Kesa who was rushing, and threw it to Shen Mu.

Shen Mu didn't wait for the ball to hit the ground, and immediately swung his bat in the air. The ball crossed a space of ten feet, and after it hit the ground, it rolled quickly and came to ten steps in front of Li Yuanji's horse.

Li Yuanji was overjoyed. Seeing Zexi blocking the way, he hit out with a stick and met Li Yuan on the southern line.

At this time, the enemy's Hameimei, Kesa and Menei were still in the west field and failed to come back in time. Zexi took the enemy alone.

Zexi took his horse to meet Li Yuan, his body turned from left to right, and leaned forward and backward. It gave people the feeling that no matter what angle Li Yuan hit the ball towards the east gate, he could intercept it straight.

Li Yuan swept across with his stick, and threw the ball to Li Yuanji on the left, and the ball flew across the ground.

Ze Xina immediately showed his strength, yanked the horse's spine, the horse seemed to fall to the left, bounced up again, but successfully changed the direction of the sprint, and under the circumstances that everyone couldn't believe, he rushed obliquely towards Li Yuan and Li Yuan. Between Yuan Ji's two cavalry, it seemed that there was still no time to intercept it, but he leaned forward until he almost touched the ground, and swung his staff with lightning, narrowly hitting the ball.

The ball changed direction in response to the stick and sent it to Kesa on the north line of the west field. Kesa quickly sent the ball to Menei who came from the south line. hole.

The three-way drum sounded, and the Persian side won another chip. The number of leads increased to four chips, and there were only eight chips left for competition.

Someone sent the ball to the center of the field.

Li Yuan gestured for a time-out, summoned the three of them to speak in front of the gate of the West Field, and first said to Shen Mu and Xu Ziling: "Good fight! This loss is not your fault."

Li Yuanji nodded and said: "Ze Xi took this pass very firmly, in my opinion he is better than Ha Meimei."

Li Yuandao: "Let's change our position. Yuan Yong and Wen Tong will attack, and Zhen and King Qi will guard the rear. As long as you have the same level as before, we may not lose."

Just listening to him call out their names affectionately, it can be seen that he has developed a heart of love for Shen Mu and Xu Ziling.

Shen Mu and Xu Ziling responded abruptly, they were infected by the atmosphere of the game, and felt that they were wronged by losing a goal just now, aroused their fighting spirit, and vowed to win back the victory in the next round.

Shen Mu drove the ball from the center of the field and met Xu Ziling. The latter bent half of his body on the horse's back, controlled the ball with his crooked stick and rolled forward against the ground.

Ha Meimei, who was waiting in front of him, came forward to intercept, Menei and Kesa attacked from left to right, and Zexina still guarded the rear.

Before Ha Meimei's bowing stick hit the polo ball, to the surprise of everyone on and off the field, Xu Ziling didn't hand the ball to Shen Mu, but instead hit the ball through the four hooves of the mount to the other side of the horse , I was like a long grass blown by a strong wind, bending from one side to the other, hooking the ball before the ball escaped from the control range, so as to coincidentally exhausted Ha Meimei.

There were shouts and drums intensified, and everyone knew that Xu Ziling had won a good opportunity to attack.

Sure enough, Xu Ziling dribbled the ball forward, heading straight for Zexina.

Shen Mu connected with him, and went right to the point, so that Zexi couldn't help himself, and didn't know which one to intercept.

Shen Mu didn't dare to show off, Yinkesa was less than two horses to the left of him at this time, and pushed it obediently with a stick, and the polo obediently went into the east gate net with a "poof".

The drums were beating to the sky, and the sound of long live was endless. No one would mind that it was Cai Yuanyong who scored the goal instead of Li Yuan, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Yuan didn't mind even more, he looked proud on the horse, as elated as if he had scored a goal.It was a dangerous move for him to enter the arena, just like a temporary change of generals on the battlefield, but now it has been proved that his divine calculation is correct, he can not only explain to Li Shentong and Li Nantian who were replaced, but also shine in front of everyone.

Li Yuanji rode his horse over to welcome the two of them back home in triumph.

The battle situation has become more intense now, and the Tang family is no longer trapped in a passive situation.

The three-way drum sounded, and the first set of the next game was over.

The Persian side is determined to get the last chip in this set, win this set, and still maintain an overwhelming advantage of leading four chips.

After the kick-off, the Persian side switched to an all-out attacking tactic. Zexi received the ball and pushed it across the half, before Shen Mu and Xu Ziling intercepted the ball. Polo tricks, vertical riding interspersed with galloping, the polo became elusive, passed left and right, suddenly forward and backward, before Shen Mu and Xu Ziling could save in time, and before Li Yuan and Li Yuanji had a chance to touch the ball, the ball was sent into the net , win with ease and effortlessly.

Shen Mu and Xu Ziling were so dissatisfied with the loss, but they couldn't, they were extremely helpless.

The first set of the next game is over, and there is a quarter-hour break.

The two came to the sidelines with Li Yuan and Li Yuanji. Li Yuan's face was serious, and he waved away the eunuch who was serving him with tea and towels, and said with a frown, "Now there are only six chips left. We can only win if we take all six chips. Only when we lose one chip." It's a draw, do you have any good suggestions?"

Li Yuanji obviously lost confidence, but because of Shen Mu's outstanding performance, he said in a friendly manner: "Yuan Yong and Wen Tong can speak their minds boldly."

Shen Mu said calmly: "The emperor's change of formation has shown a miraculous effect just now, so there is no need to change it again, but in order to deal with the opponent's offensive, when the enemy gets the ball, the two villains must return to deal with it, and adopt a strategy of staring at the other. I'm in charge of Zexi Na, and the villain is in charge of Ha Meimei."

Li Yuandao: "This is the best solution, it's simple and easy, Yuan Ji, you look at Meneiyi, and I look at Kesa, that's the decision."

At this time, Eunuch Wei came to Li Yuan, as if he wanted to speak.

Shen Mu and Xu Ziling left knowingly, handed over the horse to Cheng Mo's subordinates, and drank the tea brought by the eunuch.

Shen Mu touched Xu Ziling's shoulder with his shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Here comes an idea!"

Li Mi left his seat and walked towards Li Yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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