Chapter 466 Chapter 469
Xu Ziling's heart was shocked, and he looked towards where Shen Luoyan was. Sure enough, she showed attention, her eyes fell on Li Mi, and she couldn't help but scream.She must have guessed that Li Mi had fallen into the plot of the traitor and made a private request to Li Yuan. In this case, she would try to leave the palace to find Li Mi, and that would be the enemy's trap.

At the same time, Li Mi greeted Li Yuan on the sidelines, and then said: "Since I surrendered to the Tang Dynasty, I have been receiving the emperor's rewards, and I am deeply favored by the emperor. I am really uneasy. Now the king of Qin is using Luoyang as an army, and most of the former ministers are independent in the Shandong area. As long as the emperor gives permission, the ministers can go out and recruit them. Otherwise, if Shen Mu recruits them through Zhai Jiao, it will be against my Tang Dynasty. The cause of unification is very bad."

Li Yuan said in a deep voice: "What the Qing family said is not unreasonable. I don't know how confident the Qing family is, how many people can they recruit?"

Xu Ziling is now even more certain that Li Yuan intends to kill Li Mi, because Li Mi has a previous record of killing Zhai Rang, we know that he is a person who is used to conspiring against the Lord, and he cannot be trusted at all. Under normal circumstances, how could Li Yuan be willing to let the tiger go back to the mountain? He is willing to go along with Li Mi so much , there must be something behind.

Li Mi said respectfully: "Among the old subordinates, Zhang Shanxiang who occupies Xiangcheng is the most powerful. There are more than ten thousand soldiers under him. I have [-]% certainty that I can persuade him. As long as he is willing to surrender, the others will follow suit."

Li Yuan said: "When is the Qing family going to leave?"

Li Mi said happily: "If the emperor grants permission, I want to start the journey immediately."

Li Yuan pondered for a while, then said: "Just as you said, I will send someone to notify Guan Fang immediately."

Xu Ziling was shocked, the game is not over yet, and they don't know when they will be able to leave the palace, if Shen Luoyan slips away at this time, what should they do?But until now, he still couldn't figure out the enemy's methods and traps against Shen Luoyan.

Shen Mu received the right ball from Xu Ziling, controlled the ball and rolled forward, and beat Ha Meimei by a hair margin, while Xu Ziling used the tactics learned from the opponent to ride left and right, harassing the enemy. The enemy cheated the enemy, pinned down the other three, and kept interspersed with Shen Mu, like a butterfly dancing among the flowers. Every time, it made people think that Shen Mu would hand over the ball to him. In the end, the polo was still approaching quickly under Shen Mu's staff. enemy door.The people who watched the stands and the guards guarding the four sides resounded in the sky, rising and falling like a tide.

Both Shen Mu and Xu Ziling are talented people. After the warm-up before the game and the confrontation on the court, they are already proficient in playing polo. They are full of confidence. pinnacle state.

Shen Mu made a fake body, as if he was going to send the ball to Xu Ziling who was rushing towards the goal from the south line, and tricked Ze Xina into catching the wrong way. Amidst the sound of cheering and the roaring drums that sounded like firecrackers, the goal went into the hole.

The two returned triumphantly, and when they accepted the compliments and congratulations from Li Yuan and Li Yuanji, Li Mi and Wang Bodang left the table, while Shen Luoyan was still sitting in the stands, which made them feel at ease.

The ball is out.

Menei sent the ball to Zexina who was behind, and then performed equestrian style with Hanmei and Kesa, let go of the horseshoes and went deep into the west court. The flavor of the hidden array change.

Li Yuan and Li Yuanji couldn't see through each other's changes, so they were forced to retreat to the rear.

Shen Mu and Xu Ziling braked by moving, imitating each other's way of piercing left and right, galloping between the enemy's formations, and every position they went had the effect of blocking the enemy.

I saw both sides riding horses and galloping all over the field, with the sound of hooves rising and falling, and the quarrel was fierce. The spectators were more nervous than the athletes in the competition on the field, shouting continuously, and the competition reached a fiery climax.

Zexi Na was finally able to push the ball across the center line and into the west field.

Shen Mu rushed ahead of Ha Meimei and hit Zexi, forcing him to send the ball to his teammate.

The critical moment finally came, Ze Xina obviously didn't have the confidence to avoid Shen Mu's wand, and swung the wand to hit the ball. The ball rolled obliquely to the gap in the southern boundary, and fell under Menei's stick.

As soon as Shen Mu pulled the reins, the horse racer turned around immediately, cut halfway through, and charged between Hameimei and Kesa. As long as Menei sent the ball across, he would definitely compete with the two of them for a clear victory.

Li Yuan rode from behind to meet Meneiyi. Li Yuanji hung on the left side behind Li Yuan's horse, taking care of Li Yuan.

Xu Ziling pretended to go to the Hammer Merchi who was the closest to Menei, who was only [-] paces to the right of the latter, but in fact he was waiting for Ze Xina, who was riding slowly.

Sure enough, Menei controlled the ball and cut diagonally into the field, as if he wanted to send the ball to Kesa who moved closer to the northern boundary.

Li Yuan couldn't keep his momentum behind Menei and rushed eastward. Li Yuanji slammed back to defend because he had spare energy, while Shen Mu chased Kesa at full speed, fearing that Zexi would pass the ball to Kesa. dire consequences for Sa.

These series of action reactions occurred at a high speed, without any movement, the ball drew a moving arc in the air, rose and bent, and threw it towards Ze Xina.

Xu Ziling's mind entered the realm of the long sword, and he seemed to be withdrawn from the arena suddenly. The shouts that had originally shaken the square receded like a tide, and the surroundings seemed to be performing a silent dumb scene full of fierce actions. At this time, Xu Ziling has penetrated the horse's hooves, and the horse leaps forward under the control, crossing the space of nearly six or seven feet in the air. He took the ball off and sent it to twenty steps ahead of Li Yuan's horse, who was running east along the southern border.

The audience cheered.

Li Yuan was overjoyed, rushed forward to control the ball, and Zexi returned to his horse stiffly, unable to catch up.

Xu Ziling's horseshoe stepped on the ground, and the cheers pierced through his ears like a storm breaking the shore. Because of Li Yuan's personal conquest, he hit the ball into the net.

The sound of "Long live" was more intense than the thunder.

Li Yuan returned to the west field with a happy face, saying "well played", he didn't know whether he was praising himself or Xu Ziling, but everyone knew that he was very happy to show his prestige on the court.

After the kick-off, the Persian side became more cautious, with long passes and short passes, gradually approaching.

Shen Mu and Xu Ziling knew that the other party's confidence had been frustrated, and they could no longer regain their previous momentum. On the contrary, the two of them had doubled their confidence and rode freely, forcing the other party not to dare to take the risk of attacking.Because Li Yuan and Li Yuanji had confidence in them, they were not as trembling as before, but let go and cooperated, showing the spirit of team fighting.

After Kesa received the ball passed to him by Ze Xina, Li Yuanji who was greeted forced him to pass the ball across to Ha Meimei. Shen Mu and Xu Ziling had been waiting for a long time, and they rode and sprinted at the same time while waiting for the opportunity. Before it arrived, the range of its threat had already blocked the approach in front and on both sides of Ha Meimei.

Ha Meimei didn't dare to send the ball to Menei, who was being stalked by Li Yuan, but she hooked the ball and made the ball roll to Ze Xina, who was on the back center line.

Shen Mu yelled "King of Qi", and performed the technique of "man and horse as one" with Xu Ziling, suddenly speeding up the horse to the limit, chasing the ball like a whirlwind, and stabbing out from both sides of Ha Meimei like lightning.

Li Yuanji's fighting spirit was aroused, and at the same time, he also wanted to show his prestige. Hearing the sound, he passed Kesa and galloped along the southern boundary.

Knowing that the success or failure of this plan depends entirely on who gets it, Ze Xi dared not be negligent, so he rode forward to meet the ball rolling in his direction.

Immediately, Shen Mu and Xu Ziling exchanged glances, because no matter how fast they ran, they couldn't catch up with the ball before Ze Xina touched it. They have an opportunity.

Ze Xina leaned forward and swung his staff, hitting the rolling ball, the two of them were still twenty steps away.

Seeing that the success fell short, a sudden change occurred.

At the moment before Ze Xina hit the ball, Shen Mu and Xu Ziling changed from points to slam into each other.

Like the others, Ze Xina could not see through the intentions of the two of them. If the two horses collided with each other, the horse would undoubtedly be injured. Without a choice, he took advantage of the gap exposed by Shen Mu's pat on the horse, and swept the ball towards Kesa, who was at the northern boundary where no one was entangled.

With a sound of "Peng", the two riders collided.

Xu Ziling continued to rush forward as steadily as Mount Tai, and changed direction slightly, taking the position on the right side of Ze Xina.Shen Mu, amidst the exclamation of people outside the arena, and when the ladies turned pale, was knocked into the air by Xu Ziling's mount and flew up obliquely. Ruo Tianshen volleyed across the eight-foot space, and before the horse's hooves touched the ground, he bent down from the horse's back and held his stick in his hand. He stretched out, and picked the polo rolling towards Keza with perfect accuracy.

The ball changed direction and was sent to Li Yuanji who was galloping into the east field.

The exclamation turned into a colorful sound, and the drummers beat the drums desperately, "Woooooo!"

Li Yuanji rose from the worst mood to intense joy, followed the ball, and went away without saying a word.

Ze Xi wanted to fight back, but was blocked by Xu Ziling, who was one step ahead of him, and watched Li Yuanji send the ball into the hole.

There was a roar of applause, and Li Yuanji returned victorious, but Xu Ziling and Shen Mu began to understand why all the dynasties of the Han Dynasty were the success of the servants and ministers.

No matter you are a minister of border control or a fierce general on an expedition outside the territory, the emperor who is stationed in the deep palace can't see or feel their achievements. No great achievements can match the cordial feeling of helping him win in the game.Therefore, Yin Zuwen allowed Li Yuan to be addicted to civilians, and won Li Yuan's trust and favor more than Li Shimin's life and death outside the pass.

In the second set of the next game, the Persian team won all three chips, so that the Persian team can only lead by one chip. If the Li family wins the final set again, they can take the victory crown.

Zhang Jieyu, Concubine Yin De, Dong Shuni and other concubines and concubines more than a dozen people rushed out from the stands to welcome Li Yuan, the situation was lively and chaotic.

Shen Mu and Xu Ziling searched with their gods, but Shen Luoyan was nowhere to be found, and You Chuhong and Dugufeng also disappeared. They knew something was wrong, but they couldn't escape.Fortunately, Li Jing and his wife were not there, so we had to hope that they successfully intercepted Shen Luoyan.

Li Yuan and Li Yuanji had no time to pay attention to them at this time, Xu and Kou handed the horse's stick to Cheng Mo's men and walked aside.

Shen Mu said in a low voice: "Damn it! What kind of tricks can the other party play? Even if Shen Meiren goes to persuade Li Mi not to leave the customs, it doesn't matter if Li Mi listens or not. Can the family take advantage of this to offend Shen Meiren, and kill first and then play? If Li Shiji is forced to rebel, it will be even more difficult to explain to Li Shimin."

Xu Ziling stood on the sidelines, thinking: "Of course things are not that simple. For example, what if Li Mi forces Shen Luoyan to go out with him?"

Shen Mu frowned and said, "Li Yuan's approval for Li Mi's exit from customs has been granted by Li Yuan. Li Yuan won't go back on his word for the time being. If Li Mi's exit is legal, wouldn't Li Mi restrain Shen Luoyan and take her out of the customs? Isn't it self-intentional? Li Mi won't do that stupid?"

Xu Ziling sighed: "Don't forget that Yang Wenqian once promised that there will be proper arrangements after leaving Chang'an, so as long as Li Mi passes the Chang'an city defense level, he will have no worries. And with Shen Luoyan's bargaining chip in hand, he can coerce Li Shiji to follow him, which is very effective Big, Li Mi has to take this risk, and he is not afraid to take it."

After a pause, he continued: "As for Li Yuan's decision to let Li Mi leave the city, he made a decision before moving, so there must be an afterthought. It's just that we can't think of his method!"

Shen Mu showed a dignified expression, nodded and said: "Your analysis is very reasonable, if Li Mi is really accompanying Shen Luoyan, Li Yuan can point out that Shen Luoyan and Li Mi have the same intention of rebelling, it will be very bad, what should we do now? "

Xu Ziling said: "Li Mi will not be able to leave until the hour. We will contact Brother Li immediately after the match. As long as we can find out Li Mi's whereabouts, we can rescue Shen Luoyan, and Li Mi will let him fend for himself. Nothing."

Shen Mu cheered up and said, "That's the decision!"

At the beginning of the last set, the Persian team lost confidence and was suppressed by the Datang team.

Shen Mu and Xu Ziling are well-versed in the game of polo. Not only have they mastered various skills, but they have also seen through and understood the tactics of the Persians. In the palm of his hand, he tried his best to create opportunities for Li Yuan to score goals. Under the drums and applause, Li Yuan showed his might. After another victory, the two sides became a tie, and the Persians lost their leading advantage.

The defeat was like a mountain. Everyone, including the members of the Persian team, knew that the Persian side was defeated, and they were powerless to force peace. Ha Meimei and others looked depressed and helpless.

Li Yuan suddenly called a stop, and in silence, he galloped to the midfield and reined in his horse and shouted: "This polo match ends here, the two sides will make peace, I hope that the Tang Kingdom and the Persian Kingdom will live in peace from generation to generation, and the friendship will last forever. "

His words were beyond everyone's expectations, showing Li Yuan's magnanimity, and the voice of "Long live" was loud at the moment, and everyone in Persia showed a moved and grateful look.

Shen Mu and Xu Ziling were glad that the competition was over, so they could leave as soon as possible. Ha Meimei and others went forward to thank Li Yuan, but Li Yuanji said to Shen Mu and the two: "You have made a great contribution, father is very happy, you can go to the side to rest and wait." Father's will." After saying that, he went straight to Li Yuanchi who was having a cordial conversation with the Persian team members.

At this time, the entire square was full of festive atmosphere, concubines and high-ranking officials came to congratulate Li Yuan one after another, the situation was a little chaotic, the two dismounted from their horses, and handed the horse's stick to the guards who waited on them, while Cheng Mo cheerfully welcomed them to the scene On the other hand, I can't help but praise them for their excellent performance.

The two of them couldn't listen to half a sentence, they only thought about how to get out and rescue Shen Luoyan.

After waiting for more than an hour, Li Yuan finally summoned him.

Li Yuan met them in the Qinzheng Hall in the east of the Gongpin Hall of the Harem. Eunuch Wei, Yu Wenshang, Li Yuanji, Li Nantian, Li Shentong, Xiao Yu and Liu Wenjing were also present.

Li Yuan looked delighted, and first praised their performance on the field, and then said: "You are certainly outstanding in playing polo, and you are even more skilled in riding. You are only above the Turkic people and not below. It is a pity that such talents are buried in the world. , have you ever thought about being loyal to the imperial court and making achievements?"

Shen Mu was in a bad mood, and said: "The emperor's favor, the two villains are so grateful, but... oh! But..."

At this time, Eunuch Wei moved to Li Yuan's dragon chair, whispered something in his ear, and then backed away.

Li Yuan looked at Shen Mu and Xu Ziling standing at the foot of the stone steps without any displeasure, and nodded with a smile: "I understand the situation of the two of you, and I will give you a year to handle the affairs of the Jianghu, and then leave the gang and come to serve me. effective."

The two quickly thanked each other.

Li Yuanji said with a smile: "Father and I are waiting for you to come back and play the ball game!"

The others laughed, and the atmosphere was cheerful and relaxed.The two took the opportunity to report their intention to leave, and finally managed to escape from the palace.

Cheng Mo personally led the guards to send them back to Situ's mansion, and deliberately flattered them, making them feel that although they hadn't really become small officials in the Tang Dynasty, they had become favored celebrities.No matter how high or low their future official positions are, they are at least close ministers who can play polo with Li Yuan.

Both Li Jing and Hou Xibai waited in the inner hall for a long time, Lei Jiu led them in, and said: "We are ready, we can leave at any time. Chen Fu has Li Jing's guarantee, so he stays in Chang'an with peace of mind. Alas! It's me and Song Erye Worried about him."

The two were concerned about Shen Luoyan's matter, so they quickened their pace, and after entering the hall, they turned to Li Jing and said, "Stop Shen Luoyan?"

Li Jing watched them sit down around the table first, and said: "There is no chance, but don't worry, Li Mi told the city guard that he will leave the city at dusk and leave the customs by boat. We still have about two hours to do business."

Shen Mu and Xu Ziling breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Xu Ziling said: "Didn't Brother Li send someone to monitor Li Mi?"

Li Jing shook his head and said: "We found that there were people from the Forbidden Guard outside Li Mi's residence, so we were forced to retreat."

Ding Zhong was stunned and said: "Then don't you know if Shen Luoyan went to see Li Mi?"

Li Jing said: "I have no choice but to deal with Li Mi with my own hands now. If we find out that we are involved, even if we jump into the Yellow River, we will not be able to clear up the suspicion. I have to think about the overall situation."

(End of this chapter)

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