Lord Lu's cuteness has transformed again

Chapter 264 Could it be that he stayed in his room all the time?

Chapter 264 Could it be that he has been staying in his room?
Seeing Mu Yu's hesitation, Zhu Cheng added: "Uncle Zhong is taking care of the young master, and he can't leave. He said, this matter is very important. Please come here, Miss."

Mu Yu hesitated for a moment, but in the end, he followed him to Xiyuan.

The moment he saw Uncle Zhong, Mu Yu was stunned, almost afraid to recognize him.

I haven't seen him in the past few years, Zhongbo's hair at the temples is all white, and he looks much older.

Uncle Zhong looked at Mu Yu with complicated eyes, as if he had a lot to say, but at the end, he just sighed softly: "Miss, you are here."

Just this sentence almost made Mu Yu's tears fall.

"Miss, sit down for a while, I'll bring the hangover soup to the young master."

Uncle Zhong took the thermos from Zhu Cheng's hand, poured the hangover soup into a bowl, and then brought it upstairs to Lu Zhenyan.

Not long after, he came back with an empty bowl, with a slightly happy expression on his face: "Young Master Hangover Soup has been drunk, and I don't feel so uncomfortable now, I lie down and sleep."

Hearing that Lu Zhenyan was better, Mu Yu also felt relieved, remembering what Zhu Cheng said earlier, he couldn't help asking, "What is it that you are looking for me?"

Uncle Zhong sighed slightly, and instead of answering the question, he asked, "I heard that Miss, you became a doctor after graduating from university?"

Mu Yu nodded: "Yes."

"Miss, do you know if there is any particularly effective treatment for insomnia, or some special medicine?"

"Insomnia?" Mu Yu was a little surprised, "Uncle Zhong, do you have symptoms of insomnia now?"

"It's not me. Yes, young master. Ever since the eldest young master passed away, young master has been prone to insomnia at night, and now it's getting worse. Young master often can't sleep all night."

Uncle Zhong looked a little heavy, "I also invited many experts who treat insomnia to show the young master, but they are helpless."

Mu Yu was stunned for a moment, and didn't speak for a while.

Ever since Lu Jingchuan passed away, has he suffered from insomnia?
For four full years, I have been troubled by insomnia, and even the doctors are helpless? ?

"The young master has had a hard time these past few years. We were not allowed to tell anyone about his condition, even the third lady didn't know about it, and kept it a secret. Not long ago, the doctor gave the young master a A comprehensive physical examination, the doctor said, if this continues, the young master's body functions will decline in two or three years, and the young master's body will probably wear down sooner or later..."

Thinking of Lu Zhenyan's pain of being unable to sleep all night in the past few years, and thinking of the disease that even the experts who treat insomnia shook his head and sighed repeatedly, Uncle Zhong said with a bit of sadness in his old voice, "I think, Miss, you are talented, maybe you can Help me find a way..."

"I...try..." Mu Yu said with difficulty, "But I'm a psychological doctor, so I don't know much about insomnia."

"I know. I know that Miss works with Master Zonghuan. You are all doctors in psychology. However, the doctor said that the symptoms of insomnia, Master, are also related to psychology."

Uncle Zhong hesitated to speak, even though the young master's insomnia was caused by the death of the young master, why couldn't it be because of the young miss?

The young master didn't say it, but he knew it.After all, he couldn't be more clear about the young master's feelings for the young lady.

There is no way to ask Mu Yu for help, but, perhaps, it is also the only turning point for the young master's condition.

Mu Yu was once hailed as a genius in Kyoto, her amazing learning ability is there, and the most important thing is that Mu Yu is a doctor, medical matters, by analogy, as long as she is willing, Zhong Bo believes that she will definitely Better than many so-called insomnia experts.

Moreover, as long as she is willing to help, the young master's insomnia, perhaps, will have half the antidote.

In fact, Uncle Zhong wanted to ask Mu Yu for help a long time ago, but he was not sure about Mu Yu's attitude.

Although Lu Jingchuan died because of Mu Qing, Mu Yu's parents also suffered the accident because of Lu Jingchuan, and Mu Qing was also imprisoned by Lu Jingchuan for five full years, it might be hard for anyone to forgive him .

Uncle Zhong was worried that Mu Yu's hatred for the Lu family might have also been transferred to Lu Zhenyan.

After all, in the past four years, Mu Yu has never had any contact with anyone from the Lu family. According to Lu Yiyi, when they occasionally met in school, they were like enemies and ignored each other.

So Uncle Zhong didn't dare to look for Mu Yu.

Just now, after Zhu Cheng received a call from Mu Yu, he told Uncle Zhong that Mu Yu was going to bring sober soup, and also mentioned that Mu Yu came back tonight in Lu Zhenyan's car, and Uncle Zhong suddenly had a bold I want to chat with Mu Yu face to face about Lu Zhenyan's condition.


Suddenly there was a sound upstairs, as if something fell down.Uncle Zhong didn't care what to say to Mu Yu, so he ran upstairs in a hurry.

Pushing open the bedroom door, Uncle Zhong turned on the light, a wall lamp with extremely soft and dim light, and saw the man sitting on the edge of the bed with his eyes slightly closed.

"Master, what's wrong with you?" Uncle Zhong was taken aback, and hurried over to help Lu Zhenyan up.

"Water..." The man's voice was extremely hoarse.

"Do you want to drink water? I'll help you to lie on the bed, and I'll pour you some water right away."

Uncle Zhong finally helped Lu Zhenyan lie down on the bed, and was about to turn around to pour water, when a glass of water was handed to him.

It turned out that Mu Yu didn't know when, the water was poured and brought over.

"Master, here comes the water." Uncle Zhong called softly.

The man got up slightly, took the glass of water and drank it with drunk eyes, then closed his eyes heavily, not realizing that Mu Yu was also in the room.

Mu Yu looked at the man who was also frowning in his sleep, feeling pity in his heart.

She also suffered from insomnia, and after just one night, she was already dying.

The painful feeling of not being able to sleep will really torture people to the point of going crazy.

But he has been tortured by insomnia for four years, and he has been unable to sleep for four years. How can his body bear it?
If Uncle Zhong hadn't told her today, she wouldn't have known that the man with whom she was only separated by a wall would have an even more difficult life than she imagined.

Staring at the person in front of him, Mu Yu couldn't help but leaned over slightly, and helped Lu Zhenyan cover the quilt very gently, and said silently in his heart: "Lu Zhenyan, don't worry, I will definitely cure you, for sure."

Only then did she straighten up, tiptoeing to leave, but before she could turn around, her hand was suddenly held by a man.

Mu Yu's heart was beating wildly, and she subconsciously looked at the man, but saw that his eyes were still closed, clearly still awake.

Mu Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and wanted to pull his hand away, but he couldn't.

Wanting to pull out her hand forcibly, but also afraid of waking up, Lu Zhenyan, who was able to sleep for a while because of drunkenness, but if she didn't pull her hand, wouldn't she just stay in Lu Zhenyan's room like this?

(End of this chapter)

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