Lord Lu's cuteness has transformed again

Chapter 265 Only one person will be treated, that's all

Chapter 265 Only one person will be treated, that's all
Looking up at Uncle Zhong, Uncle Zhong was also a little surprised.The young master doesn't let go, how can this be done?
In the end, Mu Yu stayed by Lu Zhenyan's bed for more than three hours in a daze, before finally slowly pulling his hand out.

In fact, she herself was a little sleepy, so she lay down beside Lu Zhenyan's bed for a while, and ended up lying down for more than three hours.

When he woke up, Lu Zhenyan was still holding his hand, but it wasn't so tight, so Mu Yu quietly withdrew his hand, and left Lu's house at three o'clock in the morning. Uncle Zhong escorted her to the door of Mu's house: "Miss, the matter of the young master is left to you."

Seeing Mu Yu nodding his head solemnly, Uncle Zhong felt a little relieved.

Lu Zhenyan had a dream, a very strange dream.

He has always had severe insomnia, and he has no memory of dreams for a long time.

Even if he gets drunk occasionally, barely falls asleep, and sleeps extremely restlessly, he will wake up after an hour or two at most, and then spend the long night with his eyes open again.

But last night, he actually slept until after five o'clock in the morning.

In the dream, it seemed that someone held his hand. The palm was small and soft. It seemed that someone was whispering in his ear. The soft voice was like the best sleeping pill in the world, which actually made his nerves extremely relaxed. Down, and thus into the deep darkness of sleep.

This dream was so real that when Lu Zhenyan turned over and sat up, he lost his mind for a while looking at his right hand, as if there was still a faint fragrance and soft touch left on the palm.

When he was in the car last night, even though he was drunk and closed his eyes, he knew she was looking at him.But he never opened his eyes.

The last memory of her is when she got off the car and returned to Mu's house.He opened his eyes and saw her hazy back.

Therefore, the dream may only be a dream.

It's just because I met during the day that I dreamed at night.

After all, how could she enter Lu's house, and how could she appear by his side in the middle of the night?

The corners of Lu Zhenyan's thin lips curled up in a self-deprecating arc.

Thinking back to the various scenes at the dinner last night and what the old man of the Xu family said, maybe it's time for him to think about his personal issues.

At least, he has his own responsibilities to his elder brother and to the Lu family.


After Mu Yu returned from Lu's house, he couldn't sleep, so he went to the study to rummage through the cabinets and found several medical books related to the treatment of insomnia and began to read.

The next day, I went to work in the hospital with dark circles under my eyes, and took advantage of my lunch break to find an expert in treating insomnia at Kyoto Medical College. When I asked the other party to understand some things, I asked him to recommend some books for me.

Then within a few days, Mu Yu's desk was filled with these heavy tomes, taking advantage of the rest time and the overtime work when going back at night, she finished these books bit by bit with the fastest speed, I also took the time to visit several domestic and foreign experts on insomnia to ask for advice on effective treatments for insomnia.

"No, it's like you've been injected with chicken blood every day. Why do you study insomnia?" Xu Zonghuan didn't understand, "Are you insomnia?"

"Can't you?" Mu Yu raised his head every time he was taking notes.

"Okay, of course." Xu Zonghuan touched his chin, "It's just that your insomnia is so serious? So many experts don't work, so you have to study the treatment yourself?"

"Anyway, I'm a doctor now, so there's no harm in learning more."

This reason seems irrefutable, but Xu Zonghuan was a little worried for the doctors in the insomnia department: "If you really want to come out of the mountains with your reckless way of studying, shouldn't they lose their jobs?"

At the beginning, Mu Yu started to study her dual personality due to her own illness, but after she recovered from her illness, her understanding of dual personality had almost reached a very deep level.

So much so that when she entered Kyoto Medical College as a fresh graduate, the hospital directly gave her the treatment of deputy chief physician, which was higher than many doctors who had worked for three to five years.

If one day she learns everything, the doctors in this hospital will be in danger.

"It's not as exaggerated as you said." Mu Yule said, "I have come out as an insomnia therapist, and I won't treat others casually."

Only one person will be treated, that's all.


As soon as Lu Zhenyan returned to the Lu residence, Uncle Zhong came up to him: "Master, the insomnia therapist I told you about last time has arrived and is waiting in the living room."

The man gave a faint "hmm", "This is the end."

In the past few years, after trying all kinds of treatment methods to no avail, Lu Zhenyan actually didn't have any expectations of doctors, and even treated them passively.

It’s just that Uncle Zhong was worried, and always asked Zhu Cheng to look for some experts everywhere. Lu Zhenyan would meet him at first, but he basically refused him immediately.

This therapist, according to Uncle Zhong, has a very high level of professionalism, and is recognized by the Kyoto Medical College as a rising star with a very high level of insomnia treatment. "Anyway, young master, you have to see him."

Lu Zhenyan's first reaction was to refuse. After all, there were excellent insomnia treatment experts at home and abroad before, and they were helpless to deal with his illness.

As a result, Uncle Zhong talked about it in front of Lu Zhenyan for three or four days. Lu Zhenyan really couldn't bear to let him down, so he had to agree to reluctantly meet him.

When walking towards the living room, Lu Zhenyan answered the phone, and when he hung up the phone, he raised his head and saw the figure of the girl sitting on the sofa in the living room, his handsome face suddenly sank.

Turning to look at Uncle Zhong: "What's going on?"

"Miss Mu is the insomnia doctor we invited." Uncle Zhong said hastily.

"Nonsense." Lu Zhenyan said coldly, "Ask her out."

"Mr. Lu, I am indeed the doctor invited by Uncle Zhong, otherwise, I would not have stepped into Lu's house."

Mu Yu stood up, with a calm expression, and with a professional doctor's business tone, she emphasized: "I am a doctor appointed by Kyoto Medical College to treat your insomnia. My duty is to see a doctor."

It's true.Because Uncle Zhong approached the relevant person in charge of Kyoto Medical College and asked him to recommend a reliable insomnia therapist.

He didn't say who he was treating, but Uncle Zhong was from the Lu family, so when he spoke, it was naturally very important.

So the other party recommended several excellent doctors internally, and also conducted an internal assessment, but it turned out that Mu Yu from the surgery department won the championship.

In this way, Uncle Zhong can also say something in front of Lu Zhenyan: "This is the best doctor selected by the Kyoto Medical College, and I didn't just invite you for it."

(End of this chapter)

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