Chapter 3020 Conditions
The focus of the battle of Kampong began to shift to the direction of Xiaolin Heights because of the outstanding soldiers of Kim Jong-hwa's brigade, which seemed to be a good thing for Koizumi Toshiichiro.The center of gravity of the Chinese army's attack deviates from the industrial base by the sea. Perhaps this is only temporary, but for the Japanese army in Southeast Asia, which needs to be self-reliant, every minute means that a tank or a fighter plane will go offline, and The birth of basic weapons into pieces is even hundreds.

"The Chinese small army broke into our strategic depth. It seems that the Chinese have found a new breakthrough, but for us, is it not an opportunity to delay the main force of the Chinese army here? The natives of Southeast Asia need to be trained in the fire of war, and the imperial army needs it. Rest and recuperate. Honma-kun, I can forgive the failure last night, but from now on, I don’t want to hear similar news again! Troops can be exhausted, but the front line must never retreat! Do you understand what I mean?”

The artillery positions occupied by Kim Jong-hwa's brigade are called "unnamed positions" in the military textbooks of various countries in later generations.Because the subsequent battles revolved around the unnamed positions, the battle was later named "Gambang Unnamed Battle".

The next day, when the Japanese army regrouped and launched an attack on the unnamed position, the attack of the Third Chinese Expeditionary Army also began.As with any confrontation in the past, the first to dispatch and exchange fire between the two sides is the aviation unit.

When Masaharu Honma dispatched a brigade of fighter planes to bomb Kim Jong-hwa's brigade, Sun Liren immediately dispatched two brigades of fighter planes to support it.Not long after the air battle started, at a place about [-] kilometers west of the unnamed position, the Expeditionary Third Army launched a fierce attack on the Japanese troops of the two divisions in front of Kim Jong-hwa's brigade with a division as the vanguard.

The Americans decided to take the Eastern Front to retreat to the Japanese mainland and asked the combined fleet to help them hold back the Chinese fleet.Koizumi's first thought was that the Americans had given up hope for the Second Pacific War.From this, he couldn't help worrying, once the Americans really went back to the Hawaiian Islands, would the Americans still have the guts to enter again?And if the Americans give up the Pacific Ocean, what will Japan do?Japan simply cannot stand alone against a growing China.

Furthermore, he thought that because of the alliance between the United States and Japan, the prototype of an anti-China group had already appeared in the world. However, whether the British or the Russians were thunderous and rainy, although they also assembled troops, the British After being hit head-on by the Chinese, they shrank back. As for the Russians, they pretended to be waiting for an opportunity, but in fact they didn't dare to take action at all.He has self-knowledge, knowing that Japan does not have the ability to further promote this matter.However, he immediately thought that the relationship between the United States, the United Kingdom, and Russia, which has always been the supply trousers of the allies, is good. If Truman is willing to come forward, there must be no problem in facilitating this matter.Thinking about it this way, he has more thoughts about the "unreasonable demands" of the Americans.

"First of all, the Americans must not be allowed to get out of the matter," he first set this premise when discussing this matter with Narumi Inoue and others.Then, after a long discussion with Narumi Inoue and others on how to operate this matter, he replied to Truman in this way—first of all, he expressed his willingness to help the US Pacific Fleet retreat from the standpoint of allies; but then the topic changed , talked about the ongoing battle of Malan.Pointing out that it was because of the proposal of the US government that he withdrew the Combined Fleet from the Malay coast for the Pacific War.But now it seems that the U.S. Pacific Fleet failed to show the expected combat power, and he transferred the United Fleet from the Battle of Malan to cooperate with the U.S. Pacific Fleet in launching the Second Pacific War. This actually gave the China Expedition the third The opportunity for the group army to stand in a stalemate with the imperial army in Kampong - "If the combined fleet was there, the Chinese would have been defeated by us long ago. The battle of Kampong is related to the future of the Japanese Empire, and failure will never be allowed. Mr. President, sorry, for the sake of For our own survival, I cannot agree to sacrifice the combined fleet. Of course, I will not sit back and watch the US-Japanese combined fleet be wiped out by the Chinese navy, so I will provide them with support within my ability. I believe that with our land forces in the Philippines It may not be realistic to defeat the China Navy, but it is absolutely no problem to help the combined fleet retreat to the Philippines!"

Koizumi's reaction was expected by Americans.Time is precious, and Truman knew that this was not the time to bargain, so in the subsequent call back, he explained directly to Koizumi that the withdrawal of the US Pacific Fleet to Japan was a decision of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the order had been issued to the current US Pacific Ocean Fleet. General Li Mei, acting commander of the fleet, cannot be changed.However, the U.S. government also understands Japan's current situation. Therefore, in addition to ordering the Pacific Fleet to assist Japan in its defense, they will also compensate Japan in other ways to make up for the losses suffered by the Japanese Combined Fleet in covering the retreat of the Pacific Fleet. .

The Americans directly offered conditions, and Koizumi stopped being hypocritical, and directly telegraphed Truman, saying that if the U.S. government insisted on keeping the Pacific Fleet, the Japanese Combined Fleet would also be willing to provide assistance, but they needed the help of the Americans to resolve the Kampang crisis.As for how to do it, Koizumi set out a number of conditions, the key point of which is that the United States can persuade the United Kingdom and Soviet Russia to actually go to war with China.

"...It's not our alarmist talk. The facts are here. If we can't contain China's military superiority at this stage, then when we are defeated by China, which country in the world can stop China's rise? Mr. President , as the queen of Europe, you should not forget the yellow peril in history, right? Not only you, but I think Prime Minister Churchill and Commander Stalin should also not forget. After all, we were all victims of the yellow peril at that time—”

At the end of this reply, Koizumi attached the above paragraph which can be called alarmist.

Koizumi's request of the United States for this and that is not a problem for the United States, which can still be called rich and powerful.But for Koizumi's biggest obsession, that is, to persuade Britain and Soviet Russia to go to war with China, Truman was not very sure.

Let’s talk about the British first. After the secret agreement between the United States and Japan was made public, especially when the United States and Japan jointly launched the Second Pacific War, the British thought they could take advantage of the fire, but actually dispatched troops to gain benefits in the Indochina Peninsula.It's just that the army really failed to live up to expectations. As a result, taking advantage of the fire and looting turned into taking advantage of the fire, losing his wife and losing his army.Coupled with the fact that the situation in Europe has not become the dominance of the United Kingdom as the British expected, the German centipede is dead but not dead, and France also seems to have signs of rising again.After comprehensive consideration, the British had to face reality and devote their main energy to running Europe.

Let alone the Russians.The situation in Soviet Russia was more complicated.Of course, Stalin had been plotting to recapture the Far East, but because he had seen the strength of the Chinese army from the Chinese Far East Expeditionary Force before, his subsequent temptations were without exception met with bloodshed.Coupled with the turmoil in the internal political situation of Soviet Russia, the Belarusian puppet regime showed signs of revival.Therefore, Stalin did not dare to put all his eggs in one basket, but hoped that a more suitable opportunity would appear.

(End of this chapter)

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