Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 3021 Supplementary Agreement

Chapter 3021 Supplementary Agreement
In fact, from the standpoint of the United States, it is as urgent as Japan to persuade Britain and Soviet Russia to go to war against China.Moreover, Truman also firmly believed that as long as he was willing to spend time and pay a certain price, it would not be too difficult to facilitate this matter.However, because every day or even an hour of delay, the Pacific Fleet would be in danger of being wiped out, so after thinking twice, he replied to Koizumi, saying that he would try his best to promote the fact that Britain and Russia would go to war against China as soon as possible, but this would have to wait for the safety of the Pacific Fleet. after.Worried that Koizumi would continue to make a fuss about this matter, he offered sweet dates, saying that the United States was willing to assist Japan in fighting China in the Malay Peninsula.

Truman did not intervene in the Malay war on a whim.In fact, when he decided to launch the second Pacific War with the Japanese combined fleet, Truman had such a plan, that is, the sea and the land would fight at the same time, and he would use all his strength to kill China as soon as he came up.However, considering that even if the Chinese can be driven out of Southeast Asia, the Japanese will ultimately benefit. Before the United States and Japan could reach a consensus on the post-China Pacific power distribution, Truman forcibly stopped this idea.It's just that in South America, they were bullied too hard by the Chinese, and the conflict with China has become irreconcilable, whether it is Truman, the generals of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, or the members of the Senate and House , but they all have the consciousness of "all-out war with China" sooner or later.Moreover, because it has been realized that the purpose of China's burning of the war to South America is to avoid the impact of domestic construction.Therefore, on the issue of "all-out war with China", everyone from Truman to ordinary Congressmen all had the desire to bring the flames of war to mainland China if they did not fight.

"The Chinese are showing off their power at our doorstep, telling us to throw a weapon, and we should retaliate in the same way. Therefore, I think that if there is no plan to make peace with China, the government should put 'massive expansion in Asia' on the list from now on. The agenda..." This passage comes from a member of the U.S. House of Representatives named Strong.

China and the United States are fighting each other. Although due to political needs, there are confrontations between "pro-China" and "anti-China" in American political circles, but this does not affect Americans' view of China as the biggest enemy of the rise of the United States.After all, the United States is a country ruled by businessmen, and businessmen put their interests first.Since the United States has paid such a high price for "anti-corruption and defending world justice", at least in the eyes of businessmen, it is natural and legitimate to obtain corresponding returns.

Therefore, even though South America was humiliated and lost face by the Chinese-Pakistan coalition forces and the Chinese navy at the "doorstep", the Americans never gave up their long-term vision of dominating Asia.This is why South America is inextricably fought, but the US government has been slow to send troops back to aid from Australia.

The Americans have been making preparations to send troops to Southeast Asia, just as the Pacific Fleet is in distress. If the dispatch of ground troops in advance can save the Pacific from danger, this reason is enough.

Regarding Truman's proposal, even though Koizumi felt that there was a conspiracy in it, he was still heartbroken.Prior to this, after discussing with Narumi Inoue and others, Koizumi already felt that in order to clarify the situation of the Malan war as soon as possible, the best way was to open up another battlefield so that the Chinese army could take care of one and lose the other.For this reason, they also launched a tentative attack in Sumatra, but they had to give up this plan only because the results were very bad.

As the Chinese army opened up a new battlefield in the area east of the Xiaolin Heights, the situation in the Battle of Malan became more and more confusing.Even though Koizumi had already made a decision, he wanted to use this war to train the native troops of Nanyang and select high-quality soldiers for the Japanese army in Southeast Asia.However, as an overall weaker party, he always feels that it is not a good thing to delay for too long. Therefore, if there is an opportunity for immediate results, he thinks it is worth grasping.Narumi Inoue obviously saw this too, so when Koizumi asked for his opinion on the new conditions offered by the Americans, he said: "The Americans are willing to dispatch ground troops, so let them attack Sumatra Island. They can Taking the western half of Sumatra has no effect on us. Even if they can't take it, as long as they can interfere with the layout of the Chinese Army, it is a happy result for us. Moreover, since the Americans are willing to dispatch ground troops, it means that they must not Will easily give up the Pacific Raiders. Your Excellency, I think it is acceptable."

Telegrams from both parties came and went, and it took nearly five hours to reach an agreement.Then, after Japanese Minister Goro Kakino and U.S. Secretary of the Army Stimson signed the Supplementary Agreement on the Sino-Japanese Military Alliance, the two sides immediately acted according to the agreement.Koizumi immediately called Yamaguchi Wenduo, asking him to fully cooperate with the US Pacific Fleet's eastward withdrawal plan; Truman called the US Pacific Command, asking them to immediately implement the "Far East One Operation Plan."

Let’s talk about the Japanese Combined Fleet first.After Yamaguchi Wenduo received the new telegram from the headquarters, the old devil's first reaction was that Toshiichiro Koizumi was "confused", otherwise "how could it be possible to make this decision?"

Ozawa Jisaburo was also puzzled, and asked again and again: "Your Excellency Koizumi, is this going to give up the combined fleet? Without the combined fleet, can we still open up the sea channel with the mainland?"

Of course Yamaguchi couldn't answer Ozawa's question.The two stared at each other for a long time, and they both thought of one thing: "This is an American conspiracy!"

Let's talk about the US Pacific Fleet.After Li Mei became the acting commander, she felt that her qualifications were not enough to secure this position.So one of the first things he did was call the White House and ask King to stay on as his senior adviser.Then, without waiting for a reply from the White House, he went to see Jin in person, and Xiaozhi persuaded him to stay and continue to serve the United States with emotion and reason.

Li Mei's high EQ helped him.The current commander lowered his posture and took the initiative to show his favor. No matter how rebellious Jin was, he knew how to go downhill.Furthermore, because he found in reflection that the current situation of the Pacific Fleet is indeed closely related to his command, so Jin is also willing to do his best to save the fate of the Pacific Fleet.

At this time, I received a new order from the White House and learned that the Japanese Combined Fleet would cooperate with their eastward retreat.Inspired by the hope of life, all members of the US Pacific Fleet were revived with full blood, and their fighting spirit was rekindled.

If Truman and Koizumi Toshiichiro's consultations on the eastward withdrawal of the US Pacific Fleet and the direction of the Maran War situation can be hidden from the Chinese side, it will undoubtedly have a miraculous effect, and it may really change the current Pacific situation.However, because of the existence of Kong Lingyi, their plot was seen through by the Chinese Supreme Command in just six hours.

(End of this chapter)

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