Chapter 3057
Because of Wada Naritawa's caution, the reaction of the Japanese Heavy Artillery Wing could not be described as unpleasant, but can it be faster than the shells?Compared with the two main artillery types of the Japanese artillery force, heavy artillery and mountain artillery, the artillery types of the Expeditionary Third Army can be called "rich and colorful."Self-propelled artillery, towed artillery, rocket launchers, heavy mortars... Among them, self-propelled light artillery and heavy mortars seem to have no ability to target Japanese heavy artillery in terms of range, but they are not.The mobility of self-propelled light artillery, medium artillery and heavy mortars is far superior to that of Japanese heavy artillery and even general artillery units. It is precisely because of this high mobility that they can always complete the transfer or In the "second time (the so-called second time, that is, after the Japanese artillery units have completed the first round or the first few rounds of shooting)" to seize favorable terrain, not only the survivability is greatly improved, but more importantly, it can quickly launch retaliatory shelling, thereby gaining the initiative.

Wen Mingjian was born in the artillery unit, and the means of commanding the artillery unit are quite mature. After Dai Anlan led the armored unit to set off, he ordered a self-propelled artillery regiment and a rocket launcher regiment to follow the armored unit to maneuver. At the same time, he ordered the self-propelled heavy artillery unit to prepare for battle. .In this way, Wen Mingjian and the others obtained the required design parameters in less than 5 minutes after the Japanese heavy artillery unit fired.Then, as Wen Mingjian issued the combat order, immediately, from the front line to the secondary front line and then to the rear, all the artillery units under the jurisdiction of the Expeditionary Third Army, as long as they could obtain an effective range, immediately turned their muzzles to the Japanese Heavy Artillery Wing location.

Wada Narizawa thought that he would only be hit back by the heavy artillery unit of the Expeditionary Third Army. He obviously misjudged the situation.Therefore, when the cannons sounded from several places in the northwest direction, and many fire dragons appeared, the little devil almost didn't jump up in his first reaction. "Eight grids! Why are there so many?" Hotan roared, and then ordered his subordinates to speed up the transfer again.

The Japanese Heavy Artillery Wing had long been prepared to open the way, and responded very quickly, but, under such dense bombardment, all their efforts to escape were doomed to be in vain.

After the first shell used to correct the trajectory landed accurately near the target position, Wen Mingjian personally commanded, and with his right hand swung down, he gave an order: "Correct the parameters each, and shoot rapidly in 5 minutes!" A total of 36 self-propelled artillery with a caliber of 150mm opened fire at the same time, and within 5 minutes, more than [-] shells were shot out.

This is the power of technology. If the Japanese Heavy Artillery Wing wants to fire more than 10 shells, it will take at least [-] minutes or more, while the heavy artillery brigade of the Expeditionary Third Army can do it in half the time.

More than five hundred rounds of 150mm caliber shells were enough to destroy all the heavy artillery of the Japanese heavy artillery regiment. Besides, the Expeditionary Third Army also had a [-]mm caliber self-propelled artillery regiment and a [-]mm artillery regiment. The rocket artillery regiment participated in the battle.

The self-propelled heavy artillery equipped by the heavy artillery brigade can fire at most three rounds per minute, while the medium-sized self-propelled artillery regiment with a caliber of 1mm can fire six to ten rounds per minute.As for the rocket artillery regiment, it only takes 30 seconds for each of them to fire out all the sixteen rockets loaded.

Wada Naritawa really gained experience from being beaten, so there are not many shells for each gun, and the shell storage location is set far away from the firing position.At other times, with such thorough preparations made, Wada is confident that he can pull out half of the heavy artillery.But today, because of the great importance of this battle, Wen Mingjian didn't dare to hide it at all. As a result, under the bombardment of various types of artillery from the two regiments of the Expeditionary Third Army and a brigade, the Japanese Heavy Artillery Wing let alone took away the artillery. Even people rarely escape.

Hotan's adjutant was very clever. The Chinese artillery's retaliatory shelling had just begun, and he took a few people to pull Hotan into an armored vehicle and fled away.So, at a distance of about 6000 meters, I watched the fireballs and fire snakes blasting towards the firing position of the heavy artillery unit from a distance. In the continuous explosion sound, I saw a series of heavy artillery It was torn apart, wheels and gun mount parts were flying all over the sky, and there were also a lot of human body fragments mixed in. The wonderful expression of Wada and the quick transformation can be called the actor-level.

"The heavy artillery unit is over! Our heavy artillery unit!" Wada was standing when he got out of the car, but after seeing it, his legs could not bear the weight of his body, and he directly leaned against the armored vehicle behind him.

"Your Excellency, Yamato Soul will avenge us!" Suddenly, his adjutant said excitedly.

Hotan looked up and saw dozens of [-] special attack planes flying from the east to the front line. He shook his head and said, "We still dispatched special attack troops. If that's the case, why bother?"

Wada's fear of war is by no means an isolated phenomenon among the Japanese troops in Southeast Asia.There are some things that people in the game cannot understand, such as Koizumi.In his eyes, the expulsion of the Japanese invaders from China might just be "a matter of life and death in the military". What he didn't expect was that because this kind of defeat was continuous and lasted for a particularly long period, not only the frontline Japanese troops participating in the war The officers and soldiers left a shadow in their hearts, and it also affected the entire Japanese army and even the entire Japan.

Originally, because of the arbitrary way of disseminating public opinion, the Japanese were living in the victory lies woven by the Communist government, but they could still maintain high morale.However, as China successively dropped many super bombs on Japan, and then came to the Japanese mainland, the Japanese were not really stupid, so the normal emotional reactions of human beings still came to them.

Freezing is not a one-day cold, and it seems that Wada Narizawa's fear of the Chinese army was not established overnight.Before Wada joined the Japanese Army in Southeast Asia, he had served in Hainan as an artillery officer in the Fourth Division of Osaka.It was also from that time that Hotan deeply realized the strength of the Chinese army.Therefore, when he met the Chinese army again, although his current status was not what it used to be, and although it seemed that the troops around him were unprecedentedly strong, but he only suffered a few defeats and was hit head-on by the Chinese artillery a few times. The hidden fear of the Chinese army in my heart immediately took root and sprouted, and it became a trend of crazy growth as soon as the branches and leaves opened.

The Yamato Spirit Standing Team, because it has indeed played the role of setting the world several times since its establishment, coupled with the deliberate propaganda of the Japanese Southeast Asian Headquarters, it is like a god in the hearts of ordinary Japanese Southeast Asian troops.Only those who know the Chinese army and the Japanese army in Southeast Asia like Wada know that the existence of the Yamato Soul is actually just a dying struggle of the Japanese army in Southeast Asia who refused to admit defeat and the status quo.

(End of this chapter)

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