Chapter 3058

The commander of the fifty special attack aircraft of the third wave of the Yamato Soul Standing Team is a major named Yamakawa Eryu.The order from the supreme commander, of course, Shanchuan carried out unconditionally.And he led the 73 [-] special attack aircraft of the brigade to complete the turn and fly to the direction of the unnamed position. The relevant information was detected by the front-line radar station of the Expeditionary Third Army behind Malan, and was sent to Dai Anlan's ear. .

"Damn it, it's still here!" Dai Anlan yelled after hearing this information.

Although Toshiichiro Koizumi has been vigorously developing chariot technology since he took power in Southeast Asia, but limited by the backwardness of material technology, he has never been able to manufacture a tank that can compete with the Chinese mandrill.Originally, the German Leopard and Elephant tank destroyers and tanks were able to resist the Chinese mandrill.However, with the death of Hitler, Germany fell into a civil war between the Communist Party and the Wehrmacht, and it was no longer possible for Japan to obtain related technologies or finished products from Germany.Therefore, under the impoverished skills, Koizumi Toshiichiro can only put his hope on the Fifty Special Attack Airframe again.

The Japanese army may regroup at any time, so the attack must not stop before joining the defenders of the unnamed position.Dai Anlan asked in the command channel: "Have you run out of smoke generators? Each company counts and reports!"

"Use all in one row!" "Use up all three in a row!"...

All the answers are basically all used up.Dai Anlan's brows furrowed even tighter.While ordering the attack not to stop, he called the group of medium tanks and armored combat vehicles behind, asking them to catch up immediately and prepare for air defense.

Whether it is a mandrill or other types of Jiguang medium tanks, they all have certain air defense capabilities.However, for freaks like the Fifty Special Attack Aircraft, even professional large-caliber anti-aircraft guns can't do anything about them. Of course, don't expect to be able to beat them down with general-purpose machine guns.In comparison, some of the tanks in the armored force are equipped with equipment that is biased towards air defense, but they are more powerful.

At this time, Dai Anlan and the others were only the last line of defense of the Japanese army from the unnamed position Kim Jonghe and the others.According to the previous advance speed, it can definitely penetrate in 10 minutes.Of course, since this was the last line of defense of the Japanese army's southern front, Haruki Hyakutake would definitely order his subordinates to strictly guard against it, and this time might be extended a lot.According to the information provided by the front-line radar station, the Japanese 10 special attack aircraft unit will arrive at the battlefield in 10 minutes. That is to say, Dai Anlan and the others must survive the attack of the Japanese [-] special attack aircraft for at least [-] minutes.

Because there is no aviation force to support the battle, Dai Anlan thought about it carefully and thought, "It's really impossible, we can only consume the armored force."Using armored forces to cover the rear wings of the mandrill cluster, the Japanese Fifty special attack aircraft would not be able to attack the mandrill cluster unscrupulously.And as long as it lasts for 10 minutes, after the successful reunion, the attack of the Japanese [-] special attack aircraft will be meaningless.

The engineering troops of the Expeditionary Third Army were extremely efficient. Of course, their high operating efficiency was largely due to their complete equipment.Equipped with professional equipment such as excavators, bridge builders, and tractors, an engineer battalion successfully built five solid temporary steel bridges in only about 10 minutes from the time they arrived at the anti-tank trench .With these five temporary steel bridges, Dai Anlan's successor troops quickly caught up with the mandrill swarms and wiped out a large number of Japanese troops along the way.

The mandrill group was personally commanded by Dai Anlan, the commander of the medium tank group was a colonel named Shang Haichun, and the commander of the armored vehicle group was named Liu Dasheng, also a colonel.

Dai Anlan quickly got in touch with Liu Dasheng, and he said in the chat: "'Great Sage', it's up to you next time!"

Liu Dasheng is tall and thin, plus he is lively, so he got the nickname of "Great Sage".

"Army seat, you command!"

"The little devil has dispatched dozens of [-] special attack aircraft, and the prevention and control mission is left to you!"

"Ah! No problem!"

"Make good use of your air defense company, use those ten 'Sunset Bows' well, it's enough for us to completely disperse the little devils!"


The "Sunset Bow" multi-purpose armored vehicle is equipped with two twin [-]mm rapid-fire guns, so it has considerable air defense capabilities.In previous battles, its pre-installed version had an impressive record of shooting down three enemy planes in an air defense operation.

On the unnamed position, since Dai Anlan's troops launched a strong attack, Zheng Dongguo, commander of the Sixth Army, the supreme commander of the defenders, organized troops to carry out several counter-charges.

It is not easy to hold on to the unnamed position. In the absence of artillery, the continuous bombardment of the Japanese army is a roll call from hell for the defenders.Chung Dong-kook led two infantry divisions to airdrop unnamed positions, and together with more than a thousand soldiers from Kim Jong-hwa's brigade, two-thirds of the more than [-] casualties were thanks to the Japanese artillery fire.

Precisely because they were severely abused by the artillery units of the Japanese army, during this period of time, the Chinese defenders who held on to the unnamed positions did the most to strengthen their positions and then strengthen their positions.

The Chinese defenders repeatedly reinforced their positions, which naturally made the Japanese attack more difficult.Hyakutake Haruki was not a vegetarian either. After repeated attacks to no avail and the troops suffered heavy losses, he simply ordered his men to lay mines in the two directions northeast of the unnamed position, making the two directions northeast of the unnamed position about 500 meters wide. The place was completely turned into a minefield, leaving only two directions to the southwest for attack.

Hyakutake Haruki had no choice but to do this in the first place, because the fighting power of the National Independence Army under his command was too weak.But now it seems that this has instead become a kind of protection for the Chinese defenders led by Zheng Dongguo.For example, if there were no these two minefields, Hyakutake Haruyoshi would be able to gather troops to launch a fierce attack on the unnamed Chinese defenders from four directions with the idea of ​​fighting to the death.However, there were two minefields blocking him. Even though he still had a large number of fresh troops in his hands, due to the limited space, he was beaten into disgrace by the defenders' counter-charges one after another, leaving only a parry.

The Southern Army's embarrassment has a lot to do with the destruction of the heavy artillery regiment.The National Independence Army is still low in combat power even under the condition of doping injections, and can only be used as cannon fodder and cannot be the main force.So when encountering such a situation, Hyakutake Harukichi would definitely give Wada Narizawa an order without hesitation to let him beat him with a cannon fire regardless of the 21.But now, the destruction of the heavy artillery unit has reminded him that the Chinese artillery unit has moved forward.At this time, he didn't dare to let the few artillery units under his command take any more risks.

"Yamato soul, now we can only count on Yamato soul!" In the middle of the front finger 5000 meters away from the south of the unnamed position, Hyakutake Haruki watched the fleet of fifty special attack aircraft flying closer and closer in the sky, and prayed involuntarily in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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