Chapter 3059
The fleet of [-] Japanese special attack aircraft was flying closer and closer. Dai Anlan stood at the mouth of the turret and looked back. He saw a group of medium-sized tanks and armored vehicles approaching rapidly. He looked forward and saw that there were many The devil was busy laying anti-tank mines, and with a slight twitch of his mouth, he ordered: "There are all of them, give up the front, and go around from the left!"

In terms of efficiency and economy, anti-tank mines are undoubtedly the best anti-tank weapons.However, because the special climate and geographical environment in Southeast Asia are not conducive to the operation of large-scale tank units, and Koizumi Toshiichiro and Hyakutake Haruki did not expect the Chinese army to deploy large-scale armored units on the unknown battlefield at this time, so , When Hyakutake Haruki remembered it, he sent people to search through the military supplies warehouse of the Southern Front Army, but in the end they only found less than a hundred anti-tank mines, and all of them were captured by the British army.

After Liu Dasheng led his troops across the anti-tank trench, he began to form formations.Under his dispatch, ten "Sunset Bows" were cleverly embedded into a total of about 240 armored vehicles. They moved forward in a fan shape, with a clear goal of "outflanking" the two wings and the rear wing of the Mandrill tank group.

The assembly and formation of the troops went very smoothly, and Liu Dasheng's tone of voice seemed full of confidence: "Listen up, the position behind the middle of the fuselage, calculate the amount in advance! Brothers, the little devils think that the suicide plane can intimidate you!" We, we let them know today that Chinese soldiers will never be afraid of terrorism on the battlefield!"

While Liu Dasheng was boosting morale, his enemy Shanchuan Eryu was doing the same thing.What's interesting is that Liu Dasheng looked dismissive of the fifty special attack aircraft attack group led by Shanchuan Eryu, while Shanchuan Eryu directly ignored them.

Shanchuan Eryu's voice was full of sinisterness: "I repeat, the target is the mandrill heavy tank of the Chinese Army! Gentlemen! Your Excellency Koizumi spent so much money to train us, and equipped us with the latest [-] special attack aircraft , Now, it is time for us to repay him! For the imperial soldiers, it is the first honor to live in the Yasukuni Shrine after death, gentlemen! Let the Chinese army tremble under our invincible attack!"

After the fifty special attack planes were equipped with cannons, the special attack was given a more domineering name - "Invincible Attack" under the will of some devils.This can also be regarded as a reserved feature of the Japanese army, that is, no matter what the real effect is, at least one has a name that makes one sound very HI.

The Japanese army targeted the Chinese mandrill from the very beginning. Although this was the fundamental purpose of Toshiichiro Koizumi's transfer of the Shanchuan Battalion, the result of ignoring those armored vehicles was that the Shanchuan Battalion was attacked by the "Great Sage" as soon as the attack was launched. "Department of head-on blow.

The speed of the [-] special attack aircraft when it entered the attack state was not bad. However, the "Sunset Bow III" anti-aircraft rapid-fire gun equipped with the "Sunset Bow" was able to catch the target relatively easily when the sufficient advance was calculated.The Fifty Special Attack Machine has been around for so long. Regarding its attributes, the relevant units of the Xuebing Research and Development Institute have already conducted in-depth research and obtained relatively comprehensive data.Therefore, although under the auspices of Toshiichiro Koizumi, the Japanese military industry department in Southeast Asia has made many improvements to the [-] special attack aircraft, but this has not changed the fundamental weakness of the [-] special attack aircraft, which is top-heavy.

"Listen to my order, don't fire without my order!" Liu Dasheng shouted loudly in the microphone when he could clearly see the Japanese [-] special attack aircraft in an offensive posture.Liu Dasheng has quite a lot of actual combat experience. He knows that no matter how targeted the "Sunset Bow" equipped by his side is against the Fifty Special Attack Machines, it is impossible to change the fact that "the spear is strong and the shield is weak".Therefore, their chances lie more in the unexpected first strike. The "Sunset Bow" is determined by its equipment characteristics. Although it has considerable air defense capabilities, it is an indisputable fact that it is relatively fragile.Therefore, although it can pose a considerable threat to the Fifty Special Attack Aircraft, once the Fifty Special Attack Aircraft starts targeting them, they will become equally vulnerable.

The word "ninja" is a tactic. Of course, the Japanese seem to understand it more thoroughly because of the existence of the traditional profession of "ninja".However, since Japan's "ninjutsu" is inherited from Guiguzi's lineage in ancient China, then, as the descendants of Guiguzi's direct lineage, how could Chinese soldiers lose to the Japanese in this respect?
Ishikawa Eryu also has rich experience in battle. Under his command, the Japanese army did not launch a direct attack in a swarm, but first dispatched a [-] special attack aircraft to conduct a tentative strike.The purpose of Ishikawa Eryu's doing this is very simple, it is to verify the destructive ability of the new [-] special attack aircraft against mandrills.

A lone [-] special attack aircraft broke away from the formation and swooped down towards the mandrill group. Seeing this scene, Liu Dasheng yelled again: "Don't move the 'Sunset Bow', other people fire at will!"

Compared with the "Sunset Bow" equipped with more professional anti-aircraft guns, other types of armored vehicles are equipped with general-purpose machine guns.More than fifty qubing-type general-purpose machine guns fired at the same time, and the sound and light effects created by them were also impressive.But in the eyes of Shanchuan Eryu, he just smiled coldly, and shouted in a low voice: "Childish!"

A [-] special attack plane swooped down aggressively, and Dai Anlan got into the car under the pull of his subordinates.Coincidentally, the mandrill targeted by the [-] special attack aircraft was the one behind him, so he closed the turret end cover on his side, and heard the sound of explosions and sharp metal collisions, but it was the mandrill of the [-] special attack aircraft. The ten special attack planes fired heavily at the mandrill behind them with their machine guns, and the shells hit the armor or exploded or bounced off, making a loud noise.

After the improved mandrill is covered with armor made of composite materials, it can withstand [-]mm caliber armor-piercing shells on the front, so it doesn't matter the [-]mm caliber cannon shells.

In just a few seconds, this [-] special attack aircraft fired more than [-] shells but only caused a little scratch to the target mandrill. The first test was achieved. It crashed into the mandrill that Dai Anlan was riding on.

At a distance of only about 1000 meters, the Fifty special attack aircraft was diving at full speed again, and several students all exclaimed when they saw this scene.

Dai Anlan was taken aback when he received the alarm, but before he could react, the drivers of the two mandrills had already made a correct reaction, that is, slammed on the brakes and moved the steering wheel vigorously, within a second or two He turned the mandrill around, released the brakes, and let it jump out like a wild horse.

(End of this chapter)

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