Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 3077 Southeast Asian United Nations Army

Chapter 3077 Southeast Asian United Nations Army

After the United States and Japan signed the anti-China covenant, although the military did not inflict heavy damage on China as Toshiichiro Koizumi expected, but the Chinese army was indeed defeated politically.Before the U.S. and Japan formed a joint fleet to launch the Second Pacific War, the U.S. Congress announced its withdrawal from the United Nations and declared to the outside world that China refused to recognize the legitimacy of the United Nations because it was suspected of manipulating the United Nations to attack dissident countries.

A massive anti-government war has narrowed the distance between the United States and European countries, even though many European countries did not immediately respond to the decision of the US government because of the German Civil War and their own problems.But with the start of the Second Pacific War, when more and more European countries realized that they had to stand among the three warring parties, most of them, especially the so-called "traditional allies of the United States" still stepped out The substantive step of breaking with the United Nations and China, that is, recalling the ambassador to the United Nations, gradually denies the legitimacy of the United Nations.

Although Ouyang Yun put on an attitude of not caring about this incident, in fact, as the closest people around him, such as Pan Meiren, or Chen Jiayao and Xiao Min, they have all heard of Ouyang Yun's indifference. Blame those European countries.

European countries chose to side with the United States without hesitation on the issue of their positions. The so-called "traditional allies" are actually just a cover. The fundamental reason is that they have more or less colonial or other interests in Asia, especially Southeast Asia. .Therefore, although Japan's occupation of Southeast Asia certainly annoys them, at the same time, they do not want China to dominate in Asia.

It was precisely because of this that Donovan dared to give Churchill a guarantee, believing that as long as the United Kingdom raised its arms and shouted, it would surely be able to realize the plan of the coalition forces.

In today's world, European countries definitely belong to the group of powerhouses in the first array. Since they all deny the United Nations, the United Nations headquartered in Guangzhou will really lose its representativeness and even its legitimacy.

The importance of the United Nations and the importance of controlling the United Nations, of course someone in the coalition government can see it.For example, Song Ziwen, and Chen Cheng who went to the wild.Even He Yingqin, who just came out of the mountain again, privately suggested to Ouyang Yun more than once that the role and influence of the United Nations should be strengthenedā€”because "it is good for the country".

Ouyang Yun, no, how did the coalition government handle this matter?Ouyang Yun was obviously noncommittal on the surface, but in fact he was moving again and again.Among them, the reorganization of the National Independence Army originally from Southeast Asia into the "United Nations Army of Southeast Asia" is one of them.And in order to fly this banner and prevent it from becoming a joke like that time and space, Ouyang Yun really spent a lot of energy.

Why didn't the Americans see the United Nations Army (National Independence Army) in Southeast Asia on the Malay battlefield?It wasn't that Ouyang Yun used it to disgust the French, but Ouyang Yun sent them to Cambodia for intensive training.

When the British began to conduct extensive activities in Europe and wanted to raise an "Eight-Nation Allied Forces" again, Ouyang Yun finally thought of this army, and went to Cambodia, deciding to personally test the combat power of this army to determine whether it could into the battlefield.

Due to China's intervention, the Indochina Peninsula has undergone earth-shaking changes in the past few years. "Whether it is now or in the future, the Indochina Peninsula should be China's southeast barrier. Therefore, regardless of whether the countries on the Indochina Peninsula agree or not, we must cultivate them to be our most loyal allies." This sentence is of course from Ouyang Yun .Also because of this sentence and the policies implemented by the Chinese government in the Indochina Peninsula, Ouyang Yun was once questioned by many "democrats" in China, who believed that when the domestic reconstruction was at its most tense, the coalition government provided the Indochina Peninsula countries with A large amount of aid, this is an act of betrayal in disguise.Some people even assert that in the near future, China will be backlashed by these powerful neighboring countries, and Ouyang Yun will inevitably bear the reputation of a "traitor" because of this incident.

Is this really the case?
The coalition government currently provides assistance to Indochina countries in two main ways, one is political, that is, to help those political parties seeking national and national independence, to help them negotiate with fighting France or to be their backer to support them and the British government To carry out "combat"; the other is material, that is, to provide these countries with a large amount of weapons and equipment, and to help them train their troops. In addition, they will unconditionally help these countries to digest the country's excess industrial and agricultural products.

Why did the 42-year Henan Famine not become a tragic tragedy like that time and space? Among them, the contribution of the central and southern countries is very important.It is precisely because Ouyang Yun turned the central and southern countries into major food-producing countries early on, and replaced the weapons eliminated by the Xuebing Army with the National Independence Liberation Army of these countries early, so when the famine came, the coalition government was able to Tens of thousands of tons of grain were brought back from the Indochina Peninsula.Moreover, it is not without benefits for the coalition government to help the countries in the Indochina Peninsula to train their troops. Otherwise, why would Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar already belong to independent countries, and why would their armies be collectively called the Southeast Asian United Nations Army?

Among the Southeast Asian United Nations Army, the Royal Thai Army and the Japanese National Liberation Army are two relatively special units.What is special about the Royal Thai Army is that they are determined to be at the bottom of the group every time they perform drills. However, the United Nations Command in Southeast Asia will not punish them like it treats the troops of other countries.As for the Japanese National Liberation Army, just listen to the Vietnamese and Burmese calling them "Chinese dogs" behind their backs to know what makes them special.Yes, among the entire United Nations Army in Southeast Asia, the Japanese National Liberation Army with two divisions is the most dog-legged.According to Ho An Minh, the commander of the First Army of the Vietnamese Defense Forces, he has seen Hiroshi Okamura, the commander of the First Army of the Japanese National Liberation Army, running to the headquarters of the United Nations Army in Southeast Asia in the middle of the night carrying a large porcelain bowl, just because Guo Kui, the commander-in-chief of the United Nations Army, once said when inspecting the Japanese National Army, "The kelp soup in your battalion is very good."

"Anyway, that fellow Okamura is also a military commander, does he still have some integrity as a soldier?" Every time he talked about this matter, Hu Anming must end with this sentence, and when he said this sentence, he would always Showed a look of extreme contempt.But suddenly forgot, just because Guo Kui once said "Your morning exercises are doing well" when inspecting their barracks, as a result, he doubled the morning exercise time of the whole army.

(End of this chapter)

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