Chapter 3078 Pressure
Cambodia, Phnom Penh.In front of a small three-story building surrounded by jungle on three sides, six troops lined up in a square formation.In front of each phalanx, there is a military flag erected, which are "Myanmar National Independence Army", "Vietnam National Independence Army", "Laos Myanmar Independence Army", "First Army of Laos Royal Army", "First Army of Royal Thai Army". First Army", "First Army of the Japanese National Liberation Army".That's right, these six phalanxes belonged to the Southeast Asian United Nations Army that was waiting for Ouyang Yun's review.If there is no accident, after this review, this unit will go to the front line of the Malay battlefield and become an important combat force under the control of the Chinese Ministry of Defense.

"First of all, let me ask a question. Is there anyone who can't understand Chinese?" Guo Kui, dressed in the uniform of a general of the United Nations Army, was holding up a loudspeaker and yelling at everyone.

"No!" He was answered loudly and unanimously in Chinese.

Satisfied with this answer, Guo Kui said loudly: "Who is coming to inspect us today? I don't think I need to explain too much, do you? The efforts you have made during this period, I and the generals have all seen it, and we are also willing to give it a try. Quite gratified. However, can you go to the battlefield? Do you have the qualities of a strong army? Close comrade-in-arms—General Ouyang Yun!"

Applause sounded, and accompanied by Zhang Liang, Ouyang Yun, who was dressed in a military uniform, walked out of the building quickly.

"Report sir, the team is assembled, please give instructions!" Guo Kui saluted him first and shouted loudly.

"Then let's start!" Ouyang Yun returned the salute, and then waved his hand.

Forming the Southeast Asian United Nations Army and turning it into a battle-ready army was not Ouyang Yun's whim, but a long-term plan of the Supreme Command.Ouyang Yun has never been a good man and a believer, and has too much historical experience to learn from, and knows the importance of stability and harmony in Southeast Asia to China's southwest frontier defense.That's why he was willing to spend a lot of money to train such an army.

It is completely different from the National Independence Army in the Indochina Peninsula countries. The National Independence Army that was selected into the United Nations Army in Southeast Asia not only has the same level of equipment and training as the National Defense Forces.Moreover, the proportion of cultural courses and ideological and moral courses in daily training is twice as long as that of the National Defense Forces.

When Guo Kuigang was transferred to Phnom Penh, he complained quite a bit at first, but as he got in touch with the complete training plan, and as the Supreme Command sent a high-standard officer training group to his command, he calmed down and began to resolutely Carry out every order of Supreme Command.

The standard for joining the United Nations Army in Southeast Asia is that every soldier can understand Chinese and write [-] basic Chinese characters.Compared with the heavy physical and tactical training, this subject is the most difficult.Vietnam, Myanmar...Why is the commander of the National Independence Army not a well-known general in his own country but an unknown junior who was unknown before?The reason lies in this aspect.Because of the delay in passing the Chinese standard test, the top commanders of these countries who had led teams into the United Nations Command in Southeast Asia were brushed off one by one, which is tantamount to giving up control of these armies.

Why are Hu Anming and Okamura Hiroshi so keen on flattering Guo Kui? No reason, because they didn't make their fortunes by virtue of military exploits.They can finally become the highest officers of the United Nations Army in their country, only by relying on their ability to master the speaking and writing of the Chinese language faster than others.

There is no shortage of wise men in the armies of Indochina countries, and they can naturally see through the tricks of the Chinese.However, on the one hand, they have little say in themselves; on the other hand, their country cannot achieve independence without the support of the Chinese government.So even though they know that the fundamental purpose of the Chinese government to set up such an army is to help China fight wars, they can only watch and swear behind their backs that "the Chinese are cunning and arrogant".

Ouyang Yun wanted to come over to see the United Nations Army in Southeast Asia in person. It was of course the main reason to check whether this army had formed a combat capability, but at the same time, to see Guo Kui and the others' control over this army was the fundamental reason.

Therefore, after the simple military parade, he ordered Guo Kui to gather all those who were above the regiment commander of the United Nations Army, and asked [-] of them to talk to each other by drawing lots to confirm whether they could really help me. Used".

Ouyang Yun was quite satisfied with the result of the conversation. Among the [-] people, there were both pure soldiers and smart people with speculative ideas. Fighting for peace in the Indochina Peninsula" and "resolutely obeying the instructions of the United Nations" are all very agreeable.

After the conversation, Ouyang Yun and Guo Kui had afternoon tea together.The two sat on the third floor, talking softly while watching the elites of the United Nations Army and the Spikes below.

After so many years of experience, Guo Kui is no longer the big boss who only knew how to kill devils.Regarding the current situation of the country, he was very worried: "Is it really okay? I heard that the Soviets are also ready to move. If it is just the United States and Japan, I think there is no problem in defeating them at home with our current strength. But Coupled with Soviet Russia, this battle is a bit difficult to fight!"

Ouyang Yun has always been pursuing the goal of making China rise and even replace the United States as the only superpower in the world by virtue of World War II.However, judging from the current development trend, there are suspicions of playing too big.As Guo Kui said, with China's current strength, there is still a certain chance of winning against the US-Japan alliance alone, but it is really unknown whether China can persist and win the final victory if it is combined with Soviet Russia and even the United Kingdom.

Sometimes when he was alone, Ouyang Yun would feel confused or even bewildered about the current situation because he never thought that the stall could be so large.Of course, since there is an opportunity to control the Strait of Malacca and the Pacific Ocean, and to take back the Far East, it is absolutely impossible to spit out the meat after eating it.As for whether this would cause excessive force to exceed the current limit of China's tolerance, and even cause the country to fall short of success, it is irresponsible to say that Ouyang Yun has not really thought about it yet.

It is impossible to make the negative thoughts in one's mind public. After all, one is now the banner of the country and the mainstay of supporting the country's development in this direction.Ouyang Yun still has a clear understanding of this.

Negative emotions cannot be vented out, of course, all the words that are exported are high-sounding.

"What are you afraid of? At the beginning of the Second Pacific War, no one expected that we would win the final victory, right? What was the result? Look at the Malay War again, who would have thought that we would be able to win the battle with only one expeditionary army?" Defeating hundreds of thousands of Japanese troops..."

(End of this chapter)

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