Chapter 3093 Restructuring
The chaos in Europe is no accident.Germany did not become weak because of Hitler's death, and Ouyang Yun played a key role in this.Although the exchange between the student army and the German military was very short, it was limited to the military.However, for an already mighty war monster like Germany, a small improvement is enough to propel them to a big step in history.Therefore, not only were they not defeated in Soviet Russia, but after Hitler was assassinated, even though the country was in chaos due to political differences, the overall strength did not suffer much loss.Therefore, it can still maintain an active position in the chaos in Europe.

As a traverser, Ouyang Yun has a clear understanding of the trend of the world situation. Therefore, when his strength reaches a certain level, he only needs to move his gold finger a little, and the butterfly effect will be produced immediately, thus easily changing a situation. direction of historical events.This ability, even he himself, actually didn't realize it.

When did Ouyang Yun start to dream of being the only one in China?Even he himself has no answer to this question.A person's ambition is closely related to his ability.From the perspective of a bystander, Ouyang Yun's previous layout in the United States and other places actually has the meaning of playing "idle pieces" in Go.It is the so-called chance to get it by a good hand; that is, when he makes a move, he himself does not know what kind of result will be produced and what kind of impact it will have.Then, when the game progressed to that point, he realized that it was a good move...

"This is Ouyang Yun's first visit to the United States, and according to the information we have obtained later, he has been implementing strategies to weaken the United States since then..." This text comes from a later American historian. The Decline of America.

Several years later, when Ouyang Yun needed to walk with a cane, one of his grandchildren showed him this book.At that time, Ouyang Yun thought for a long time, and only gave an ambiguous answer: "Maybe!"

Did Ouyang Yun deliberately weaken the layout of the United States?The answer is yes.However, whether he has been doing this since the first time he landed in the United States is not certain.After all, at that time, he was still running for the Xuebing Army and the fate of China's Anti-Japanese War, and the Xuebing Army was far from strong enough to be called powerful.

The United States is idle, as is Guderian in Germany.And with the development of the situation, when the whole of Europe may become China's enemy, the role of Guderian's leisure will be highlighted.

The deployment of the Academy Army in Europe began when Ouyang Yun decided to develop nuclear weapons.There is no doubt about the power of nuclear weapons, and because the understanding of this super weapon is far deeper than others.So Ouyang Yun certainly hopes that China can maintain its uniqueness in this respect.Ouyang Yunqi's idea really does not exist in the so-called "for the sake of world peace", but simply proceeds from the national situation, hoping that its uniqueness can enhance China's right to speak in international affairs.

After these years of operation, the European Branch of the CIA has now developed into a huge underground organization.Among them, there are more than [-] spies in Europe alone.Among these people, there are both people in the army and people in the government, and once this force is concentrated to support Guderian, it will be of great help to Guderian.

As long as Guderian can stand up, it is impossible for the civil strife in Germany and the war in Europe to subside in a short period of time. In addition, the Restoration Army of Emboss is making waves in Europe. Ouyang Yun can be sure that at least Churchill can integrate European forces The difficulty more than doubles.As long as the European and Japanese local factors are removed, Ouyang Yun believes that with China's current military strength, at least it will not lose to the United States, Soviet Russia, and Koizumi's forces in a frontal confrontation.

Foreign affairs and espionage work have already begun, and the next step is the reform of the military system.Facing the huge map, Ouyang Yun expressed his plan: "...My opinion is to divide the war zone by region, and initially decided to divide the whole country into five war zones, namely Nanjing Military Region, Guangzhou Military Region, Far East Military Region, The Liaoning Military Region is followed by the Central Military Region! Among them, there are three group armies under the Nanjing Military Region, four group armies under the Guangzhou Military Region, and five group armies under the Far East Military Region... The expeditionary force was cancelled, and the original First Expeditionary Army was renamed the Central First Group Army , The former Second Expeditionary Army was renamed the Central Second Army... The former Jewish Independence Army was renamed the Central Sixth Army, and the former Xinghua Volunteer Army was renamed the Central Seventh Army... The air force and the navy were separately organized, and the command power belonged to the air force and navy The general headquarters, in wartime, will be delegated to command by the air force and naval headquarters... In addition, the special artillery unit will be established, organized into three armies, under the command of the Supreme Command, and the command will be delegated to the Supreme Command in wartime Quan... Everyone, take a good look, and if you have any opinions, please raise them now!"

After Ouyang Yun finished speaking, everyone buried their heads in looking at the documents in front of them. After a few minutes, He Yingqin spoke first and asked, "Where's the paratroopers?"

"The paratrooper units will be split into various military regions and will be directly commanded by each military region."

"Will the joint operations be affected if the military regions do not have the command of the air force and navy?" Zhou Zhirou asked this question.

"That's a good question, and that's why I want to add the devolution of command authority during wartime. Furthermore, although the air force and navy are directly under the command of the air force and navy headquarters, each military region can also be equipped with certain equipment according to its own situation. Large-scale air force and navy. This will be covered in the detailed rules later.”

John Niu: "If the Jewish Independence Army becomes the Sixth Army of the Central Committee, will the military pay be paid by the central government? This is a large investment, and it is a new addition!"

John Niu, as the finance minister of the coalition government, has an advisor in the Supreme Command, so he is not only eligible to participate in such meetings, but also to express his opinions.

Ouyang Yun nodded: "Of course! The officers and soldiers of the Jewish Independence Army all have the status of Chinese citizens. As members of the country, they serve as soldiers and fight to protect their home and country. The country is naturally obliged to take care of their military pay and other expenses!"

"Aren't the Jews always wanting to reunite? I'm just worried—"

"There is nothing to worry about. At this time, we can give them the right to choose, but as long as they still have the status of Chinese citizens, we should treat them equally. Everyone, the country is advancing and developing, and you should take a long-term view. Our The foundation is still too weak, so for foreign talents, as long as they are willing to join, we should not close the door to them."

(End of this chapter)

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