Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 3094 Lake Baikal Bloodshed

Chapter 3094 Lake Baikal Bloodshed
The Jewish issue was once the biggest problem for the coalition government due to the existence of the Zionist Organization and the Jewish Chamber of Commerce.People who are not of our race must have different minds. This sentence has too much market in China, which makes many politicians hesitate and even repeatedly alter it when formulating policies related to the Jews.In addition, the Zionist Organization and the Jewish Chamber of Commerce will jump out to make troubles in many cases, so the Jews have been listed by many people as one of the important causes of national instability.Fortunately, the Jewish military headed by Stern has a relatively firm stance and has always stood firmly on the side of the government.Under the influence of the Jewish military, the Jews have gradually settled down and tended to be completely Chinese.Not only that, under Chang Gen's operation, the Jews also set up an intelligence organization controlled by the military, and their main role was to instigate rebellion against American Jews.

These underground things are not visible, and not everyone at the meeting has the right to know, so it is inevitable to raise various questions.

The issue of military restructuring is by no means sufficient to be explained in one piece of paper. The relevant details, especially the distribution of power, are the most important. "Party struggle" and "factional strife" have a long history and deep roots in Chinese history.Since the coalition government is called coalition, it is inevitable.Ouyang Yun may have been very taboo about this in the early days, but now, after the Huaxia United Nationalist Party has gained a firm foothold, he is no longer worried that this will weaken the cohesion of the country.So you can turn a blind eye and close one eye, watching the development of the situation quietly.

When it comes to the issue of power, many special and relatively small arms have become the targets of competition for the spokespersons of various military regions.Among them, the special artillery unit is the hot spot for everyone to loot.

When it comes to actual interests, Ouyang Yun is fine, others such as Deng Xihou, Feng Yuxiang, He Yingqin, Li Zongren, and Yu Xuezhong, who was later forgiven by Zhang Xueliang, will risk their lives to fight for it.The missile manufacturing project is huge and costly. With China's current strength, it is naturally impossible to achieve "everything that one expects".As a result, the three special artillery brigades became the sweet pastry in the eyes of everyone, arousing everyone's covetousness.

It was not the first time that this kind of quarrel, like the quarrel between the vegetable sellers in the vegetable market, happened at the meeting of the Supreme Command.With Feng Yuxiang, the most staunch target of the "former Central Army", whether it is Chen Cheng or He Yingqin, there is no easy way to get benefits.As for the former Northeast Army, because of historical issues, it will also be the main target of Feng Yuxiang's attack.Therefore, after some intense noise, Ouyang Yun stood up to smooth things over, and finally decided on the distribution plan of the three special artillery brigades, one for the Guangzhou Military Region, one for the Far East Military Region, and the remaining one for the Supreme Command for maneuvering use.

The most difficult thing to finalize is settled, and the rest is easy to talk about.However, when it came to the quality of the troops, there was another fierce quarrel between He Yingqin and Li Zongren.This time, what they were fighting for was the allocation of a batch of the latest mandrill tanks and rocket launchers.

In the upcoming new round of world war, the south and the north are undoubtedly the two most important battlefields. Among them, the current Central Third Army, the former Expedition Third Army will undoubtedly be the main force on the southern battlefield.In the battle of the unknown, Sun Liren successfully used the artillery and armored troops to win the unknown victory.This not only proves to the world once again the importance of artillery and armored forces in modern warfare, but also reminds all Chinese generals that in modern warfare, equipment has become a key factor in determining the outcome of a war .

The meeting lasted more than nine hours, and three times there were major quarrels, and even a fight almost occurred.I don't know how this incident spread to the society, and when someone with a heart heard it, they immediately concluded a report that "Ouyang Yun's control over the coalition government has declined".These reports immediately appeared on the desktops of Truman, Stalin and others, including Toshiichiro Koizumi. They looked at China, which occupies a large territory on the map, and they couldn't help but feel more confident in their eyes.

The "Four Heads of State Meeting" was not very successful. The key reason is that Stalin has always shown a rogue style, using the Red Army of the Soviet Union as a condition to put forward a lot of harsh conditions to the US, Soviet Union and even Koizumi forces.From his own standpoint, there is nothing wrong with Stalin's approach. After all, in the Far East theater, the Soviet Red Army must face the Chinese army alone.It's just that the strength of the United States and the United Kingdom today is no longer comparable to that at the beginning of World War II, so some things are "tolerable or unbearable" in the eyes of Truman and Churchill.Of course, as the initiator of the meeting, Truman had already prepared for some bloodshed before going abroad.Only in this way, more than half of the military aid that should have been supported by the United Kingdom was snatched by Soviet Russia. Of course Churchill would not be satisfied.

In January 1947, because there were almost no major wars in the world, this calm seemed very strange.Beneath this superficial calm is the brutal shopping by the underground forces of several belligerent countries.

In the Far East, when Ouyang Yun was discussing military system reform with He Yingqin and others in Chongqing, a bloody incident that shocked the world was taking place.

The bleeding party is the Chinese residents on the east side of Lake Baikal in the Far East, including 320 Russians with Chinese nationality and 35 Han Chinese.It was a local garrison of the Far Eastern Front of the Soviet Russian Red Army that caused the bloodshed.

The Far East, as a place of exile for former Soviet Russian political prisoners, has always had low awareness of the Soviet Central Committee.Therefore, when the coalition government entered with a relatively moderate policy, it was quickly affirmed.Of course, the fusion of two nations has never been an easy task.Therefore, although the overall situation in the Far East is relatively stable, friction and contradictions have never disappeared.

It was under this general situation that Soviet Russian agents entered the Far East, and immediately set off a bloodbath.Fortunately, the coalition government incorporated those former Soviet Russian Red Army officers and soldiers into the military system early on. With these people on the side of the coalition government, although Soviet Russia continued to conspire, they failed to have much impact on the situation in the Far East. .

It should be realized that this kind of conspiracy will not work, and after the meeting of the heads of state of the four countries, it is inevitable for Soviet Russia to use troops against China.Therefore, the KGB of Soviet Russia went directly to the stage from behind the scenes and planned this bloody incident.

During the Marco Polo Bridge Incident, the Japanese provoked China on the pretext of finding a missing soldier.The Soviets used the same reason for the bloodshed at Lake Baikal.The slight difference is that during the Marco Polo Bridge Incident, Chinese troops were stationed opposite the Japanese army.In the Lake Baikal bloody incident, because the entry point chosen by the Soviets was just outside the garrison area of ​​the Chinese army, a border dispute directly escalated into a simple bloody incident.

(End of this chapter)

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