Chapter 3098 White Russia
Everyone focused their attention on Ouyang Yun's face again.China's current situation is actually a bit similar to that of the United States in later generations, and it can be called the enemy of the world.Ordinarily, in the case of all enemies in the world, China can still maintain the integrity of its territory and even suppress the enemy overseas. This is actually something to be proud of.However, because China's national status quo has just come out of the predicament, many people have not yet developed the mentality of a big country. Therefore, instead of feeling proud, the vast majority of people seem worried.

Little Japan is already defeated, and those present are not afraid.However, Soviet Russia and the United Kingdom, especially the United States, even though everyone thinks that China's military power is ahead of them from the statistics, they still seem a little lacking in confidence.

The coalition government took advantage of the opportunity of the Soviet Union to take back the Far East. This is of course something worth celebrating.In the newspapers at that time, even the words "We Chinese have really stood up this time" came out.However, now, because of the recapture of the Far East, the Soviet Union and Russia are attacking all over the country, especially when the United States, Japan and Britain concluded an anti-China alliance, many people feel that this matter needs to be discussed, and even think that Ouyang Yun's original decision was a mistake. For no reason, it caused unnecessary trouble to the country.

In this case, of course they dare not say it in front of Ouyang Yun.However, the mentality of the citizens of small countries is at work, and many of them may not have such thoughts, that is, since the Far East is so troublesome, it is better to return it to the Soviet Russians.Based on this understanding, Song Ziwen had the illusion that the Soviet Russians might not really launch an attack.At the same time, there are certain illusions about the discussion and settlement.

As early as the beginning of the recovery of the Far East, there was a theory in Taiwan's public opinion that Ouyang Yun was overjoyed.To think that the barren Far East is actually dispensable to China is a tasteless rib.In this regard, Ouyang Yun will certainly not stand up and make a special statement, telling people how much oil and gas resources are in the Far East.So he just laughed it off.

It has been a long time, because the Soviet Russian government hoarded heavy troops in the Far East, and because of the bloodshed, it became the focus again.So similar public opinions emerged again, and not only among the people, but also high-level government military and political personnel would express similar opinions when discussing this matter in private.With the presence of the CIA, of course they couldn't hide their views from Ouyang Yun.And Ouyang Yun also deliberately took advantage of this occasion to explain his point of view, so as to strengthen everyone's belief in this matter.

Under everyone's gaze, he said cautiously: "Foreign Minister Song's guess is not impossible, but I must remind everyone that the probability is very low. Mr. Feng!"

Feng Yuxiang's eyes were fixed.

Ouyang Yun: "Among us here, you have the most dealings with Soviet Russians. Based on your understanding of Soviet Russians, do you think Foreign Minister Song's speculation is possible?"

"Soviet Russians are wolves who can't get enough to feed. It is absolutely impossible. Even if they don't fight now, they will fight sooner or later. I dare say that as long as our national fortune shows a little bit of decline, then the Soviet Russians will immediately feel like they have seen it." Surrounded like bloody wolves."

Ouyang Yun nodded, looked at the crowd and said, "My knowledge of the Soviets is similar to that of Boss Feng. So everyone, I want to remind everyone that we will have a battle with the Soviets sooner or later. And, If we can't completely get the Soviets down this time, there will still be fights between us and the Soviets in the future! Well, everyone knows the deployment of Soviet troops in the Far East. Whether the people will attack first or not, we will prepare for the war first. If the Soviets do not attack next, then we will let Denikin's White Russian army take the lead. Didn't Denikin keep clamoring for our support Will they restore the country? Now we will give them this chance!"

In that time and space, the main area of ​​activity of the Belarusian government-in-exile was in Europe, but in this time and space, Denikin’s government-in-exile came to China because of the initiative of the coalition government.There were already many White Russian immigrants in China. With the acquiescence of the coalition government, Denikin was able to gather these people together and formed a brigade-sized "White Russian Restoration Army."Purely to disgust Stalin, when Germany withdrew from Soviet Russia and the Soviet Russian government began to open their mouths to return to the Far East, Ouyang Yun asked someone to circle an area of ​​about [-] square kilometers in the Sino-Russian border area of ​​the Far East, and gave it to Denikin served as the restoration base of the Belarusian government.The natural environment of this area is harsh, and it is not suitable for human habitation at all. In fact, it belongs to the area of ​​no matter.However, because the coalition government majesticly marked it on the world map published by China and crowned it with the word "White Russia".This move was once strongly protested by the Soviet Russian government.

When the coalition government allocated special funds to support the Belarusian government-in-exile, many people were unhappy. Among them, Chen Cheng solemnly stated at relevant meetings that he would have reservations.But now, as the Belarusian government-in-exile will be used as a clever hand, everyone will discover the beauty of it.

"Wonderful!" Song Ziwen clapped his hands and applauded.

Deng Xihou went on to say: "It is indeed a clever move. Hehe, now, Stalin is shooting himself in the foot."

"I'm afraid that Denikin will not live up to expectations. I went to see his National Restoration Army. It doesn't look like an army at all. If it collapses at the first touch, it will be counterproductive!" Feng Yuxiang said.

Ouyang Yun smiled and said, "That's okay, aren't we and Belarus allied countries? Since our allies are in trouble, of course we have to help."

He Yingqin: "That is an active attack! In this case, it is really difficult to avoid a major war in the Far East! If the United States, Japan, and Britain attack the Malay Peninsula and the Indochina Peninsula at the same time, with our current strength, it will be difficult to win at the same time." Small!"

"Even if we go to Outer Mongolia, we must not lose the Far East!" Ouyang Yun said firmly.

Ouyang Yun's will was firm, and everyone stopped entangled in this issue, and the meeting process immediately entered the decision stage.

China is preparing for the battle in the Far East, and the same is true for Soviet Russia.Compared with Ouyang Yun's resolute attitude, even though Stalin had made harsh words at the meeting of the heads of state of the four countries, when he actually implemented them, he still hesitated.

Because of the butterfly effect, Russia in this time and space is much weaker than that in that time and space.Moreover, because the German army completely destroyed its heavy military industrial base, and the reconstruction work in Soviet Russia was also full of difficulties, all of the above made Stalin cautious about sending troops to the Far East.Of course, as Ouyang Yun said, because of the Far East issue, a war between China and the Soviet Union was inevitable sooner or later.Therefore, when he found that China was besieged on all sides, and there might not be such a good opportunity in the future, even though Stalin was not very confident, he still made the decision to send troops.

(End of this chapter)

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