Chapter 3099 Choice
The bloodshed caused by agents of the Soviet Russian Ministry of State Security in the Baikal region was not actually inspired by Stalin.For the Soviet Russians in the Far East, Stalin had complicated feelings.On the one hand, he hated the betrayal of the Russians in the Far East; on the other hand, he hoped that the Russians in the Far East would be righteous and stand resolutely on the side of the Soviet government after the war in the Far East began.

Stalin's instructions to the Ministry of State Security were originally to assist the army to open up the situation in the Far East. Unexpectedly, with the help of Chinese agents, such an astonishing bloodshed actually occurred.Relevant reports were sent to Stalin, and it was learned that more than 300 people died in the bloodshed, and many of them were Han Chinese. Stalin knew that there was no room for mediation between Soviet Russia and China.

"Call the White House of the United States and say that we will launch an offensive in the Far East in the near future, and ask them to tell me the exact time of action. In addition, urge them to speed up the transfer of support materials. Our 200 million troops are fighting in the Far East every day. It needs to consume a lot of military supplies. If they still want us to keep fighting, they must send the support supplies as soon as possible—”

The occurrence of the bloody incident strengthened Stalin's determination to use troops in the Far East.At the same time, it also gave Truman, Churchill, and Koizumi Toshiichiro a reassurance.Based on his understanding of Stalin and Ouyang Yun, Truman believed that this time, a war between China and the Soviet Union was really inevitable-"Stalin is very cunning, although we signed an agreement with him, we will not wait until they really I wouldn't believe it if he started a full-scale war with the Chinese. But now, even if he still wants to play tricks, Ouyang Yun will definitely not let Soviet Russia go. Ouyang Yun is the most shameful person It is the people in our own country who suffer. Speaking of it, this is very similar to us. It is a pity that the United States must return to the Pacific Ocean, so there will be a war between us and China sooner or later. I know that due to historical reasons, many domestic The public still has a lot of misunderstandings about our alliance with Japan, a former enemy. What I want to say is, from the perspective of national interests, if we don’t form an alliance with Japan to fight against China, will China be allowed to dominate Asia or even dominate the world? Is it? This is absolutely not in the interests of the United States..."

The above text comes from Truman's speech at a public rally after the bloodshed.Before the speech at this rally, that is, on the third day after the bloodshed, Truman convened a meeting at the White House, at which a package of decisions on providing aid to Soviet Russia was directly passed.At the same time, it also passed the decision to order Eisenhower to reorganize the Pacific Allied Command in Australia and to order Nimitz to form the Indian Ocean Fleet.

An interesting thing is that after the U.S. Pacific Fleet was rebuilt for the third time and then wiped out by the Chinese Pacific Fleet, the United States finally agreed to give up the name of the Pacific Fleet.What is unbelievable is that the first person to make this suggestion was a Japanese-American.This Japanese named Makoto Ito was originally an unknown person in time and space.And in this time and space, because he initiated an initiative among Japanese Americans immediately after the secret alliance between the United States and Japan, calling on Japanese Americans to donate money to the "two motherlands" (the United States and Japan) and actively join the army, he was well received by Truman. cordial reception.And at this meeting, Makoto Ito took out the so-called "divination technique" that was completely plagiarized from his Chinese neighbors, and brazenly said that the name Pacific Fleet was unlucky and against the fortunes of the United States. He suggested that Truman give up this name and name it another head.

This incident spread to China a little later, and when the Chinese military and government officials, including Ouyang Yun, heard the news, they all burst into laughter.Among them, Feng Yuxiang was even more joking, and said to Ouyang Yun: "Truman turned to the wrong person for fortune-telling, so he should come to China to find a fortune-teller anyway! The blind man at Lianglukou looks pretty good to me!"

The Americans began to make large-scale military mobilizations against China, but the British's European coalition plan was not implemented very smoothly.

As one of the most important battlefields of World War II, the vast majority of European countries have been greatly negatively affected, both in terms of national power and military strength.Coupled with the German Civil War, many countries had internal strife on the issue of standing in line. Therefore, even though Aiden exaggerated the prospects of the Pacific War, it did not attract the attention of a few people.

As the backbone of the resistance against Japan on the European battlefield, the United Kingdom suffered the most from Germany, and its national and military strength fell to the lowest point since World War I.This is also the main reason why Churchill wanted to form a European coalition.After all, if there are more countries to share, whether it is people or things, the UK can spend a little less.The failure of the coalition plan affected the determination of Churchill's cabinet to send troops to the Pacific Ocean. At this time, the Soviets sounded the horn of attack.

Not long after the bloodshed happened, Churchill held a cabinet meeting. At the meeting, he said bluntly: "The Soviets and Russians created an appalling incident of civilian bloodshed in the Far East. It is now certain that the relationship between China and the Soviet Union is very There will be a big war soon. Gentlemen, God-given opportunity! If we want to maintain our position in Asia, I think at least we have to take some practical actions to let the Americans and Soviets know that we are also involved in the war against China. War, only in this way, after winning China, we will have the opportunity to participate in dividends. Also, I think, with the Soviets in the lead, it will be easier for us to convince other countries...Mr. Eden, I suggest you organize it again immediately Visit abroad. I believe that in the face of interests, the attitudes of these countries will definitely change this time... A division is not enough, but a brigade is fine! You should make it clear to them that the key to this coalition is not how many people and troops they send The Chinese fight, but to create an atmosphere that we in Europe are united; in addition, our European countries have the same attitude towards China..."

The Churchill government of the United Kingdom wants to eat meat but does not want to kill pigs. Compared with them, Koizumi, who is in trouble, has no choice but to go all out.

Neiji Okamura killed Nagano Shoshin and Yamada Otozo, and then directly brought a large number of troops back to the mainland. After returning to the mainland, he directly killed Hideki Tojo. This series of changes happened too quickly. When Koizumi reacted At that time, Okamura was already in power.After Okamura came to power, the Chinese army immediately gave up its offensive in North Korea and Kyushu Island, which made Koizumi feel a deep crisis-"Okamura, this bastard, he must have secretly surrendered to the Chinese!"

(End of this chapter)

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