Sui and Tang Dynasties Summons

Chapter 120 Confident Yang Lin

Chapter 120 Confident Yang Lin

Before Qin Qiong's army reached Nanyang, it was intercepted by Ding Yanping's troops on the way.

The sun was scorching hot, looking at the battlefield, Taishi Ci, Taishi Zhong, two Xiao generals and Ding Yanping fought together.

The wild sand danced in the sky, streamers of light shot in all directions, flying stones splashed everywhere, guns came and halberds flew, and the sound of edge rubbing whizzed.

Tai Shici struck with a halberd, Ding Yanping's left spear was thrown away, and the right spear was about to stab, Tai Shizhong bounced Ding Yanping's right spear with one shot, and the three of them rode back and forth, their weapons intertwined. No result.

Flowing gold and turning stones, Wu Niu is still panting for the moon, the sweat on the faces of the three of them is like spring water, continuously flowing down their cheeks presumptuously, after fifty rounds, all three of them are panting and out of breath gas.

Qin Qiong watched from a distance, not only the three people on the battlefield, but even his own army could not bear it. Seeing this situation, he pulled out his two maces from his waist and shouted loudly: "Soldiers, the enemy army is dead, come with me!" Rush forward and kill the Sui dog!"

"Kill the Sui dog!"

"Kill the Sui dog!"

Stretching for several miles, the [-] army, led by Qin Qiong, let out a loud cry of killing. The soldiers had been exposed to the sun for so long, and they could no longer bear the scorching heat, and their hearts urged them to fight the Sui army quickly.

Seeing that the effect had already been produced, Qin Qiong waved his mace, clamped the horse's belly with his legs, and the yellow puma under his crotch rushed forward like a gust of yellow wind, and kept roaring backwards: "Brothers, kill!"

The main general took the lead, and then tens of thousands of soldiers marched forward one after another. The overwhelming Sui army rushed in through the steep slope of the hill, forming a huge wave, and the physical torture drove the soldiers to no avail.

Ding Yanping, who was fighting, saw the sound of shouts soaring to the sky, and Qin Qiong led the whole army to rush towards him, a trace of shock flashed across his old face.

This time, I wanted to show off Chen Tian's children, but now I can't even take down the two young generals in front of me. The place is full of woods, and my infantry is not at the same level as Chen Jun. If I am rushed by Qin Qiong's army again, I am afraid All five thousand infantrymen must be accounted for here.

After pondering for a moment, Ding Yanping used two spears on the left and right to make a move of two dragons out to sea, forcing Tai Shici and Tai Shi Zhong back temporarily, and turned his horse's head, "Soldiers, the enemy army is powerful, come back to camp with me!"

"Where's the old thief! Leave the head to me!" Seeing that Ding Yanping was about to run away, Tai Shici yelled, and rushed forward with Tai Shizhong beside him.

Ding Yanping held on to his two spears, whipped his horsewhip, turned around and confronted Tai Shici, and at the same time led five thousand infantry to fight and retreat.

Qin Qiong used two maces, flying left and right in the chaotic army like two swimming dragons, one mace will fall, one person will be killed, and the soldiers under him are also invincible, killing Ding Yanping's infantry by surprise, killing one person, and continuing to chase.

Through the steep mountain forest, Qin Qiong's [-] infantry and cavalry mixed together, killed Ding Yanping's [-] infantry and fled, and finally left [-] to flee back to the Sui camp.

After killing Ding Yanping, Qin Qiong led his army into the encirclement circle under Nanyang City. After fighting bloody for several hours, the army killed countless enemies and lost a lot of soldiers, but they couldn't break into the encirclement after all. In desperation, Qin Qiong had to lead his troops back to encircle the encirclement Set up camp outside and wait for Chen Tian's army to arrive before making plans.

Sui army camp.

Yang Lin set up several tables of food and wine in Sui's tent, but he didn't take a bite, as if he was waiting for the victory song.

Ding Yanping ran back with the remaining [-] remnants bloodied all over, got off his horse, and walked into the commander's tent in some embarrassment.

"My virtuous brother came back so soon. My virtuous brother is covered in blood. It seems that my virtuous brother has killed those children. My virtuous brother is really invincible with two spears. The king has already arranged a celebration banquet for you. Hurry up! Take your seat."

Seeing that Ding Yanping turned over the curtain to enter the tent, and his armor was covered in blood, Yang Lin took it for granted that Ding Yanping must have beheaded Chen Tian's general, so he got up and waved Ding Yanping to take his seat.

"Celebration Banquet"

The words "Celebration Banquet" pierced Ding Yanping's heart like a needle. He usually talked about his excellent marksmanship, but today's loss in the first battle made Ding Yanping feel extremely guilty.

"Marshal, I will lose to those children today. I am ashamed. I will be guilty. I hope the Marshal will deal with it with military law." Ding Yanping stepped forward and knelt on the ground, pleading guilty to Yang Lin.


Hearing what Ding Yanping said, the smile on Yang Lin's old face froze instantly, and then slowly shattered into powder, replaced by a look of shock.

After a moment of dead silence, Yang Lin stepped forward to support Ding Yanping, and asked in puzzlement, "How did my brother lose to those children?"

Ding Yanping got up and said with guilt and embarrassment: "Today I led the troops to intercept, but unexpectedly, the Chen army was resting in the forest. , this young general has a good marksmanship and a short halberd, and he can fight me for dozens of rounds without losing."

Ding Yanping said with curiosity in his eyes, "Originally, I fought with that young general for forty or fifty rounds, and when I was about to take him down, another young general came out from the oblique stab, and he was also a good player with a gun. People and I fought for forty or fifty rounds, the weather was scorching hot, the enemy's chief general took advantage of the hillside to rush down, and these two young generals entangled me again, so our army had to be defeated."

Hearing Ding Yanping's description, a strange color appeared on Yang Lin's face, and he asked, "Did you ever know the names of those two young generals? Are they called Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong?"

Ding Yanping shook his head and said: "It's not Zhao Zilong, I only know that young general who wields two halberds calls himself Jingzhou Taishi Ci."

"Tai Shici? This king has never heard of it. I didn't expect that the king of Qiantang would have such a powerful general, but this king underestimated him." The strange color on Yang Lin's face turned into a bit of admiration for Chen Tian.

Yang Lin regained his usual composure, and asked in a calm tone, "Do you know who Chen Jun is so handsome?"

Ding Yanping still shook his head helplessly, but only added: "I don't know who leads the troops, I only know that his weapons are two golden maces, and his martial arts are not inferior to the two young generals who are fighting against me."

"Those who use golden maces, there are very few people in the world who can reach this level of mace skills, but the golden mace king Qin Yi that I met back then has superb mace skills, and there is no other in the world." Listening to Ding Yanping's narration, Yang Lin had a feeling. Kind of nostalgic.

"The last general lost the first battle, and I hope the marshal will punish him with military law!" Ding Yanping once again knelt down on one knee to plead guilty.

"Victory or defeat is a common matter for military strategists. Don't blame yourself too much. Besides, my brother, you don't know the details of the enemy army. Now you have exchanged two thousand soldiers for the enemy's intelligence. It is not a loss." Yang Lin stroked the white beard on his chin, Help Ding Yanping up.

A gust of cold wind blew the curtains, and the candles in the tent were quietly extinguished, and a few confident smiles appeared on Yang Lin's weather-beaten face.

The beard at the corner of his mouth moved slightly, and he said calmly: "Besides, our army still has a hundred thousand troops, plus this king's unparalleled Tiangang Seven Killing Formation, if the King of Qiantang dares to enter the battle, I will definitely tell them to come and go. !"

(to be continued o(∩_∩)o)

(End of this chapter)

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