Sui and Tang Dynasties Summons

Chapter 121 Who is afraid of who in the battle formation

Chapter 121 Who is afraid of who in the battle formation
Qin Qiong's army and Yang Lin's army confronted each other for more than ten days. Qin Qiong also tried to break through the encirclement several times, but failed several times, so he could only gather his energy and wait for the arrival of Chen Tian's army.

The gangsters in Tuoluo Village basically have martial arts skills, but they are used to wandering and find it difficult to adapt to military life.

An army cannot be complete without rules. In Xiangyang City, Lu Meng, Zhao Yun and others practiced day and night with the [-] Tuoluo village bandits who were incorporated into the army.

The front line is imminent, and after ten days of drills, although the discipline of this group of bandits is still not as good as that of the general army, they can basically adapt to the life of soldiers.

Chen Tian saw that the army was almost trained, so he began to personally lead the troops, and took Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei, Wu Tianxi, and Jia Xu to the Nanyang battlefield to supplement the lack of troops.

Five days later, Chen Tian's army marched to the Nanyang battlefield in mighty force, and joined forces with Qin Qiong's army outside the encirclement of Nanyang City.

Chen Jun, the camp of the Chinese Army.

Chen Tian sat on the top, with all the generals on the left and right sides.

Chen Tian glanced at all the generals in the audience, cleared his throat and said, "Currently our army has a total strength of [-], there are still more than [-] in Nanyang City, and the Sui army has more than [-] troops. Our army is at a slight disadvantage. I wonder if you have any strength?" What good plan can defeat the Sui army?"

Zhang Fei jumped out and yelled loudly: "Your Highness, don't care about his grandma's [-] troops, you let me lead the troops out, and see how I can poke hundreds of transparent holes in him among the chaotic army!"

"What this guy said is bold enough. I like it so straightforward. Your Highness, you can send troops and watch how I peel the Sui dog alive and boil it into human soup!" Wu Tianxi stood wearing a black gold helmet with a fish tail and a black gold armor with fish scales. Come out and express your appreciation to Zhang Fei.

"General Zhang can't." Qin Qiong, dressed in golden armor, shook his head, raised his hands and said, "Your Highness, the old thief Yang Lin uses his troops well. I have tried many times to break through the encirclement but failed, so the last general thinks it is impossible to attack by force." , but to outsmart.”

After pondering for a moment, Chen Tian nodded and agreed with Qin Qiong's point of view. After all, the strategy of killing one thousand enemies and harming oneself by eight hundred is an inferior strategy.

"Jia Wenhe, do you have any plan?" Chen Tian frowned, casting his eyes on Jia Xu who had been silently by his side with his eyes closed, as if he had nothing to do with him.

"Your Highness, why should you be so worried about the disparity in military strength? I have already calculated that variables will still happen." Jia Xu just threw out a sentence without even opening his eyes.

"Report!" Just as Jia Xu finished speaking, the soldiers outside the tent lifted the curtain and came in to report.

"Your Highness, there are envoys from the Sui army outside the tent to ask His Highness to summon you."

"An envoy from the Sui Army?"

"What are the envoys of the Sui army here for? Are they here to surrender?"

Hearing that there was an envoy from the Sui army coming, all the generals in the audience immediately discussed and raised many questions.

Jia Xu narrowed his eyes slightly, a sneer sneered slightly at the corner of his mouth, and the black feather fan in his hand kept shaking. Chen Tian suddenly had a faint premonition, looked away from Jia Xu, and nodded to signal for the envoy to come in first.

A moment later, a man dressed in Taoist robes and scarves, holding a letter in his hand, walked in calmly and stood proudly in the center of the big tent under the gaze of the generals.

"You bastard, how dare you not kneel when you meet His Highness!" Zhao Yun was so proud when he saw the envoy, and when he saw Chen Tian, ​​he didn't even have a basic greeting, and he wanted to make a move when he stepped forward.

The man smiled sarcastically and said, "Hehe, could it be that the way the King of Qiantang treats guests is like this?"

"System, help me find out who this person is?" Chen Tian saw that his clothes and demeanor were not what ordinary lobbyists can have, so he sent a message to the system.

"Ding Dong, who is being tested, this person is Zhu Wu. Zhu Wu's four dimensions are as follows, force: 64, intelligence: 85, command: 87 (focusing on formation), politics: 77."

"General Zhao, retreat first." Chen Tian ordered Zhao Yun to retreat first after hearing the system's announcement, and then asked, "What did Yang Lin send you here for?"

Zhu Wu handed the letter to the desk, Chen Tian opened the envelope, took out the letter paper and scanned the densely packed words with eagle eyes.

Seeing that Chen Tian was already looking at the envelope, Zhu Wu stroked his beard and said, "Our marshal invites you to be in front of Nanyang City in five days. I will withdraw my troops immediately, and I will not raise troops against you again in my lifetime."

One bite at a time, putting Zhu Wu's identity and Chen Tian's identity at the same level, the generals in the audience were already a little annoyed, a trace of displeasure flashed across Chen Tian's face, he threw the letter paper in his hand aside, and replied word by word : "What if I don't want to go to break the formation or can't break it?"

Zhu Wu sneered and said sarcastically: "If you can't break it, you have to send troops to surrender. At that time, my marshal will also go to the court and ask the emperor to appoint you an official to protect your glory and wealth. However, I heard that there are many generals in the Qiantang king's tent. If you don't have this Courage, hehe."

As soon as these words came out, all the generals under Chen Tian's tent stared with anger.

Zhu Wu was not afraid, he just stood there calmly, turning a blind eye to the angry stares of the generals.

Chen Tian was already furious with Zhu Wu's attitude in his heart, he didn't say a word, even the invitation was so arrogant.

But when the two armies are fighting, Chen Tian still understands the rule of not beheading envoys.

"Go back and let the old dog Yang Lin wait for me. I will lead my troops to break the formation in five days. I won't kill you today. I will meet you in the future. I will never forgive you. Yide, see you off!" Chen said. Anger burst out of Tian's eyes, as if he wanted to burn Zhu Wu to ashes, he said coldly.

Chen Tian's tone was as sharp as a knife's edge, Zhu Wu could only suppress his unhappiness, turned around and left with a cold snort.

"His grandma, why are you putting on airs for me here? Let's see Grandpa Zhang serve you!" Zhang Fei's eyes widened with anger, and he could no longer bear Zhu Wu's arrogant attitude. Throwing his small body out of the tent, he fell like a dog eating shit.

Zhang Fei breathed out viciously, and all the generals in the audience laughed at Zhu Wu's appearance, and their anger was relieved.

Zhu Wu got up from the ground, pointed at Zhang Fei who was about to explode, looked up and saw that Zhang Fei was so burly, so he could only swallow the anger in his heart, seeing that Chen Tian had agreed to face each other, he patted the dust on his body, waved Daoist turned and left. ,

"Haha, it's better for General Zhang to beat this kind of person!" Wu Tianxi smiled and praised Zhang Fei.

"This time, Yang Lin must have made sufficient preparations to fight against Gu, what do you think?" Chen Tian calmed down the anger in his heart and asked calmly.

Jia Xu, who had been reluctant to speak all this time, suddenly stood up and said, "Yang Lin will definitely set up a formation of long snakes this time, or a formation of seven kills in Tiangang. General Zhao once broke the formation of long snakes in Tiangang. It can be handed over to General Qin to deal with it."

Zhao Yun and Qin Qiong looked at each other, and at the same time said proudly: "The final general will break the formation of the Sui army, so he dare not underestimate me, Chen Jun."

Regarding the performance of the two, Chen Tian nodded in satisfaction, but there was still a trace of worry on his brows.

Jia Xu knew what Chen Tian was worried about at a glance, and then said: "Your Highness, don't worry so much. I estimate that there are only 7 or [-] people in the Sui army camp. If the Sui army repents, your Highness should cooperate with Nanyang City to surround and kill the Sui army. !"

(To be continued.)
(End of this chapter)

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