Invincible little uncle

Chapter 429 29. The Unreal World

Chapter 429 29. The Unreal World
Why did Dreamland Changhe release such an assessment, and which side does the emperor stand on?

Thinking about it, Xia Yuxue walked out of the temple, while the priest beside her was resting.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Priest Alice opened her eyes, saw the saint coming out, and hurriedly got up.

Xia Yuxue still had a glimmer of hope and asked, "Has Priest Mo Fan left?"

"Leaving three days ago."

"Do you know where he went?"

After Xia Yuxue asked, she knew that she was concerned and confused, so she didn't wait for an answer, and directly added: "Notify all priests, I heard the oracle of the new god."

The saint issued two orders: the first is to send a letter to Haotian Temple and Kunlun Ruins, and the three parties will go to the Wangxiang Terrace to kill the Queen Mother of the West.

The second is to send priests to look for the priest Mo Fan.

The wording of the saint is "that Priest Mo Fan is a very important person".

After doing all this, Xia Yuxue started her daily practice.

The affinity for the devil soul is the natural strength of the ancient race. Now that Xia Yuxue has awakened, she naturally knows how to cultivate a kind of strength beyond the limit of "just not dying".

Her awakening is only in its infancy, and she wants to speed it up.

in the wilderness.

Xia Guang was also not sure if the Holy Maiden Jingjue understood what he meant.

But he was almost certain that this saint should be Xia Yuxue.

Unless there are other people participating in the "assessment" of the river of dreams, and their personalities are similar to those of Yuxue.

By the side of a black stream in the wilderness, a small wooden house was built soon.

Xia Guang didn't plan to go to Kunlun Ruins right now, he always felt that something would happen in the new temple.

So, after he bought some supplies in a nearby town, he decided to wait nearby.

Teaching little Li Lisi became a matter of his convenience.

A stretchy branch was selected for the bow, and within a short time, a simple "savage longbow" was made, and the arrows were all heavy and regular branches selected from the tree.

Every demon soul master first needs to be someone who is extremely good at bowing.

Therefore, Li Lisi's first task is to learn archery.

In his spare time teaching archery, Xia Guang began to take little Li Lisi to adapt to the use of the magic soul lamp.

You just need to transfer the usage rights.

Xia Guang didn't need to be afraid of the round-faced girl snatching the magic soul lamp.

Many times, he sat on the balcony on the second floor of the wooden house, watching the round-faced little girl practicing bowing and using the magic soul lamp in this thousand-meter light field.

Soak a cup of the local dark-colored plant called "Caramel Flower", and when the heat rises, a light red fragrance mist will emerge. In his eyes, the light field is like an island in the eternal night, and he and little Li Lisi are the two only people on the island. There are survivors.

He had to admit that his evaluation of little Li Lisi was a bit wrong.

It's not a matter of the little girl with a round face.

Her aptitude is amazing.

At least she didn't feel tired after using the five-soul demon lamp continuously.

"Brother, teacher, how is little Li Lisi doing today?"

The round-faced little girl is heroic, with cropped trousers revealing half of her legs, a pair of black ink-spotted leather boots underneath, a fierce cloak, and the golden longbow that Xia Guang gave her. vitality.

Xia Guang said strictly: "You are far behind."


Little Li Lisi was dejected, hung the big golden bow at the entrance of the wooden house, and then ran into the house to wash rice and cook.

The water is in the nearby stream, and the world of eternal night is nothing but darkness.

After testing, the little girl found that the river water did not appear to be poisonous.

Putting on the apron, I was busy on the ground floor of the wooden house for a while.

On the second floor, Xia Guang could hear the sound of chopping vegetables and the smell of white rice gradually. It was obvious that the little girl who lived alone had qualified living skills.

He leaned back on the wooden chair, looked into the distance, and had a whim in his heart, maybe he could try Li Lisi's limit.

Because, to a certain extent, he was also sent into this world by Dreamland Changhe, with the same mission as his little niece.

This kind of mission is bound to produce some unique fortunes.

It's just that until now, he has traveled all over the world relying on his own strength, maybe this little apprentice is luck?

He's not quite sure.

While thinking about it, a voice called from the stairs: "Brother, teacher, the meal is ready."

Xia Guang put down his glass, got up and went down the stairs.

The simple wooden table in the center of the bright room is made from the stakes of different trees.

The annual rings of the wooden stakes are clearly visible, and a plate of fried vegetables with eggs is placed on these annual rings. This vegetable is a new variety after the eternal night, and Xia Guang does not know it.

There is also a plate of steamed jerky with honey beans. The jerky is very easy to preserve. It is a very good dry food. It is just steamed until soft, and after being mixed with other spices, it will change from a monotonous function of filling the hunger to a delicious one.

The soup is filled with salt, diced meat, black vegetables, and some oil floating on top.

In addition, there were two bowls of rice. Little Li Lisi put the big bowl in front of Xia Guang, and the master and apprentice sat in front of the simple stump of the simple wooden house and began to eat.

Xia Guang thought for a while, and told the Queen Mother of the West version of the world view in the form of a story, and then asked: "Li Lisi, do you have any ideas?"

The round-faced little girl muttered and ate the food in her mouth before she said, "Then these intruders are all bad people. They invaded other people's places and started a war."

"But they don't have too many choices, because their world is in a state of collapse. If they don't want to do anything, they can only go to destruction. And although their people live in this world, these people are already used to this world , the original invasion has even been forgotten.”

"Huh? Brother, teacher, are you saying that you and I are not from this world? We all came from that invaded world?"

Before Xia Guang opened his mouth, the round-faced girl said to herself: "But I always feel that I am not, I think I like Demon Soul very much, this place is like my home, a real home.

Although I think the Queen Mother of the West is beautiful, this kind of intrusion is wrong. How can they go to other people's homes because they can't stay in their own homes?
This is wrong. "

"Then you have to pay in blood, killing all the talents in this world, right?"

Xia Guang didn't know why he said so much to a little girl.

"Brother, teacher, this is not true. But everyone says that Haotian's sun was eaten by the Queen Mother of the West, and the world will fall into darkness. As long as Haotian wakes up, the light will come again."

The little girl didn't seem to want to continue this topic, she lowered her head and filled a bowl of soup for Xia Guang, and then filled another bowl for herself, the oily light of the soup rippled in the bowl, reflecting the unreality of the whole world.

(End of this chapter)

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