Invincible little uncle

Chapter 430 30. Visitors After the Rainstorm

Chapter 430 30. Visitors After the Rainstorm
After lunch, Xia Guang left Guangyu alone, and caught a few more special demon souls in the nearby wilderness.

His catching skills are already very proficient.

As long as he appears in the wilderness, countless demon souls will wrap him up. He only needs to pick out the brightly colored, "juicy" and "outstanding" demon souls, and then eat them.

But special demon souls are very rare, and demon souls like "Xiang Liu" and "Fei Yi" are even more regional.

In other words, these demonic souls, which are rarer than special demonic souls, can only be found in special regions, and Styx is obviously one of them.

After turning around and looking at many demon souls, Xia Guang finally found ten special demon souls.

It seems that people in this world really have the means to select special demon souls, otherwise how could there be such special demon souls in the soul lamps within the five souls?

Back then, the bearded man bought slaves to survey the density of demon souls.

It seems that they still have other ways to test the specificity of the demon soul.

Throwing away his thoughts, when Xia Guang returned to the light domain, little Li Lisi was leaning against a strange tree and sleeping soundly. She held the big golden bow tightly in her arms, and two or three swirling flowers in mid-air Dead leaves slid onto the clothes on her belly.

There were still beads of sweat oozing from her forehead, which was crystal clear, and the expression on her small face was very quiet and innocent. A few strands of bangs drooped on her reddish cheeks, and she let out an imperceptible snoring sound as her chest rose and fell.

It all seemed very quiet and peaceful.

Xia Guang walked past in a low voice, found the magic soul lamp at the center of the formation, gently put away the formation pattern, and the magic soul lamp floated in the air.

Xia Guang directly added another demon soul to it.

Thus, the five souls became six souls.

He wants to try the limits of his apprentice.

After a while, Li Lisi woke up. She was too tired this time, and this sleep was a long sleep.

Hearing the sound of "cuckoo" coming from her stomach, the round-faced little girl hurried to the house to cook again.

During the meal, Xia Guang ate salt-baked chicken legs, and said casually: "Now it's the Six Soul Demon Soul Lamp, you can try it."

"Huh? Is there another Mister Demon Soul?"

Li Lisi seemed to be very happy. She didn't even care about eating anymore. She ran out to circle around the floating demon soul. After a while, she returned happily, sat at the dining table, and said in a tone of sharing her joy: "There is one more demon." Miss Soul."

Xia Guang:.
Can you still tell whether the demon soul is male or female?
Li Lisi was immersed in the state of excitement, finished the meal in two or three bites, and then ran out to start experimenting with the new Six Soul Demon Soul Lamp.

Xia Guang squinted his eyes, his disciple should not be an ordinary person.

He developed a strong curiosity. If he really had a unique destiny, then this destiny made him and Li Lisi destined to meet each other.

So what role does Li Lisi, who is destined to meet, play in this world of light versus darkness?
After eating the exotic food in a leisurely manner, Xia Guang cleaned the pots and pans, made another cup of caramel tea, went up the stairs and sat on the balcony, watching the little girl downstairs happily using the magic soul lamp. The power of the six souls.

Seems to be more than enough? !
The weather in the wilderness is not always balmy.

And even if it is a violent storm, there will be no signs.

First, a few raindrops fell tentatively, and soon there was a torrential rain like a slanting Milky Way.

The terrifying gust of wind in the distance was showing the power of nature, the tornado pulled down the trees, but fortunately, it went to the west, and there was still some distance from the cabin where the two were staying.

There is a gap in the roof of the wooden house, which needs to be knocked and repaired at this time.

Little Li Lisi was passing the wooden strip on her feet, while Xia Guang repaired the leak with a hammer.

The sound of beating nails was inaudible in the storm outside.

After stopping the rain leaking from the roof, little Li Lisi was wrapped in a blanket, and sat shyly on a wooden chair near the balcony. Xia Guang brewed two cups of hot tea and handed one to his disciple.

The round-faced girl broke the calm and said: "I have seen such a heavy rain when I was in the city, but this rain is abnormal. The last time I saw it was four or five years ago when I was lying on the window sill and looking at the braziers in the entire alley. At the same time, the world fell into boundless darkness, and even the city could not stop the spread of this darkness.

In the past, because there were fires in the city, I thought that the light was there, but after that storm, I knew that the flames were small and the light was temporary.

Until I saw the demon soul.

Those bad guys killed my parents, but the devil soul saved me, and the devil soul killed all those bad guys.

The bright light burns eternally in the dark, exuding multicolored luster, which made me realize for the first time that the light might not disappear, and made me feel how beautiful this colorful is.
I really want to be one of them, it's like running into the most beautiful garden. "

Li Lisi took a sip of tea, the temperature of the water made her face more rosy, "Teacher, you can take me into the wilderness and meet the demon soul, thank you so much."

Xia Guang felt some warmth inexplicably.

In this world where the rainstorm is about to destroy everything, in the little light, only myself and this little apprentice are drinking tea and chatting together.

He felt more and more like a human being.

"What do you think of the six souls?"

"Very good, I think these demon souls are very kind to me, just like little brothers and sisters, they and the teacher are my relatives."

Xia Guang nodded, he decided to upgrade the magic soul lamp again.

The torrential rain fell for a long time, until the stream on the side of the wooden house had completely overflowed, and then it slowly subsided, and the road in the distance faintly showed a deep ditch. Refers to the scene caused by pressing and passing over the ground.

The sound gradually disappeared, and the wilderness returned to tranquility. Xia Guang and Li Lisi went back to their respective houses and slowly fell asleep.

Xia Guang tried to go to the country of Dream River through the dream, but failed. They are now in the river. If they can't complete the task, the will of Dream River will not open the door to them.

After sleeping for a long time, he vaguely heard rustling sounds from the land in the distance. Xia Guang got up from the wooden bed, went to the balcony and looked into the distance. He saw a black figure riding something in the wilderness. Running wildly, but he was not ignited by the demon soul.

As if aware of the light here, the figure rushed into the light field like a gust of wind, and the moment his mount came into contact with the light, it was wiped out.

A ferocious female face appeared in the light, holding two knives, wearing a black robe with a double moon emblem embroidered on the hem, which is the symbol of the priests of the Kunlun Ruins.

Eye-like wounds appeared one after another on the black robe, some were scabbed with blood, some were still bleeding profusely, and even the blood showed a dark green poison under the illumination of the soul lamp.

The mysterious Kunlun Ruins priest seemed to have sensed the gaze from the balcony, looked up at the master of the Soul Lamp Master, suddenly sneered, and quickly and skillfully pinched his left hand in the void.


A huge black panther suddenly appeared, she stretched her left hand, took advantage of the momentum, stepped onto the panther, crossed her swords, followed the panther into a fierce black light, and volleyed towards the balcony. Xia Guang woke up.

(End of this chapter)

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