Autumn of the 17th year of Chongzhen

Chapter 1028 Breakthrough

Chapter 1028 Breakthrough
The Shimadzu family?Xu Junsheng's face changed, and he exclaimed: "Could it be that Ryukyu has leaked the news, and the Shimadzu family is looking for trouble for us?"

This was the first thing Xu Junsheng and Qian Bingdeng thought of. They didn't know that the Shimadzu clan colluded with the forces in the Ming Dynasty and decided to disturb the relationship between Huang Mingchao and the shogunate in order to maintain the smuggling trade between tomorrow.

"Cut off the flying claws! Raise the sails!" Xu Junsheng made a judgment without Qian Bingdeng, and rushed to the edge of the fence in one step, and immediately shouted, no matter what the Shimadzu family wanted to do, he couldn't just catch him without a fight.

The sailors on the deck heard the order and immediately pulled up the sail again, but the bamboo sail was too heavy to be pulled up in a while.

The soldiers were taken aback for a moment, and they all pulled out their knives in response. A hundred households ran to the side of the ship, drew out the seedling knives, and slashed continuously. A stretched rope was cut off immediately.

On the Ataka boat, the light feet pulling the rope suddenly lost their balance and fell to the ground in an instant.

Tadaro Shimadzu, wielding a samurai sword, saw that the rope was cut off one after another, and several strings of light feet flew upside down and hit the board wall in succession. , cursing in the mouth: "Baga!"

Shimadzu Tadaro didn't know that it was because of the family crest on his body that exposed his identity. Seeing that the Ming army suddenly cut off the rope and the sail was pulled up halfway, he felt anxious and didn't want to understand the reason, so he immediately ordered Said: "The iron cannon exploded!"

A team of iron cannons holding matchlock guns lightly lit their matchlocks and rushed to the edge of the plank wall. The muzzles of the guns protruded from the shooting holes, and white smoke rose from outside the plank wall amidst a burst of "bang bang bang" gunshots.

The Baihu with the knife cut off two ropes in a row, and was about to raise the knife to cut again, but a projectile hit his chest.

At such a short distance, the projectile was enough to break through armor, and the huge impact caused the Baihu Saber to drop from his hand, and his body flew upside down, hit the wooden post, and then fell.

Struggle is the theme of human society, and it includes both external and internal struggles.

From ancient times to the present, there has not been an era or a country that did not face these two problems at the same time. The difference is only a difference in degree.

In the Ming Dynasty, from the battle of raising the sea to the opening of the sea in Longqing, among the forces opposing the imperial court's opening of the sea ban, the main force was the gentry clan who made a fortune by smuggling.

The same is true in Japan at the moment. The Shimadzu family does not want the shogunate to conduct large-scale normal trade with the Ming Dynasty and ruin the interests of the Shimadzu family’s maritime smuggling, so they collude with the forces in the Ming Dynasty and want to dominate the Japanese market.

As long as the relationship between the Ming Dynasty and the shogunate is disturbed, the Shimadzu family will become one of the few daimyos who can trade with the Ming Dynasty.

In the Ming Dynasty, the maritime merchants and the Zheng family under the King of Lu were able to keep the rising small workshop owners out of the market and prevent them from entering Japan, while they monopolized the Japanese market through smuggling and formed a monopoly.

This matter is a good thing for both parties, so it hit it off.

They acted like this, and it was the Ming court and the Tokugawa shogunate who suffered losses. To a certain extent, these two forces were cancers of their respective central governments.

At this time, neither Qian Bingdeng nor Xu Junsheng knew that the Shimadzu family was smuggling. They had another reason in mind, and this reason also made the Shimadzu family possible to attack the mission.

Under the control of the Shimadzu family, Liuqiu has brought huge benefits to the Shimadzu family every year. Among these benefits, the largest part is the trade share that the Ming Dynasty gave to Ryukyu.

When the normal trade between Japan and the Ming Dynasty was banned, the Shimadzu family was able to accumulate a lot of wealth through trade between Ryukyu and Ming Dynasty in addition to smuggling.

Historically, the Manchu Qing completely banned the sea, and the smuggling trade between China and Japan was completely cut off. However, the Satsuma Domain cheated the Manchu Dynasty for more than 200 years through the Ryukyu tribute, and accumulated a lot of wealth for the Satsuma Domain, making the Satsuma Domain Able to become the main force in the Falling Curtain War.

At this time, the iron cannons on the Anzhai boat were all fired, and the Ming army was not in a hurry to make mistakes. The soldiers standing beside the boat and chopping the ropes were knocked down by the iron cannons one after another.

Behind the board wall of the Anzhai boat, many Japanese light feet took the opportunity to pull the flying hook rope that had not been cut off, screaming and exerting their strength together. The distance between the Anzhai boat and the Fuchuan was shortened to only one or two meters. .

The light feet of the brigade flocked to the side close to the Fuchuan, only to hear a sudden "bang", and the Anzhai boat and the Fuchuan collided together.

The two boats shook violently a few times, Xu Junsheng and Qian Bingdeng hurriedly supported the railing, and the soldiers on the boat shook one after another.

After a while, the hull just stabilized, but at this moment, there was another loud "bang", and another Anzhai boat also hit the blessing boat.

The soldiers on the ship fell down in large numbers, and then quickly got up again, and at the moment when the ship was stable, the board walls of the Anzhai ship were knocked down one after another, directly turning into boarding ladders, and the Japanese light feet with bamboo hats inside were holding weapons , with a roar, rushed towards Fu Chuan.

Once the Shimadzu family's big iron cannon was fired, there was no need to say anything.

??? "Your Excellency, quickly enter the cabin to escape. It is likely that the King of Ryukyu did not keep secrets and leaked the news. The Shimadzu family is afraid that Daming will find out, and will kill us to silence us!" Xu Junsheng shouted.

Qian Bingdeng took it for granted, and approved Xu Junsheng's analysis. He felt that the Ryukyu King's success was more than a failure. At the same time, he was surprised that the Shimadzu family was so bold that they dared to attack the envoy. He was terrified and very angry.

"Fight back!" Xu Junsheng stabilized his body, pushed Qian Bingdiao into the cabin, and immediately drew out his knife, shouting anxiously.

The fuchuan and the Anzhai boat were too close, the reaction time was too short, and the sail surface was lowered and lost speed, so they were immediately hit by the Anzhai boat.

Without Xu Junsheng's order, the Ming army had already attacked Qingzu with guns and knives. A warrior leader wearing bamboo armor waved a Japanese sword in his hand. With a flash of blood, the roar in his mouth stopped abruptly, his whole body flew upside down like being hit by a heavy hammer, and smashed the two climbing light feet back to the Anzhai boat.

"He ら を kill!" On the Anzhai boat on both sides of the Ming army, the samurai of the Shimadzu family brandished their swords and shouted.

The Qingzu shouted and climbed towards the lucky boat. The Ming army rushed to the side of the ship, relying on the lucky boat to surpass the Anzhai boat, and stabbed the Qingzu down with their spears, but the lucky boat was pinched by two Anzhai boats. The Ming army was short of numbers, several warriors pulled out the short knives around their waists, and threw them directly. Three Ming soldiers fell to the ground immediately, leaving a gap. .

On the deck, the two armies hacked and killed each other, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and blood mist rose from time to time, and the blood flowed all over the deck, making it extremely slippery.

Standing on the ship tower, Xu Junsheng fired three arrows in succession, each of which killed a Shimadzu samurai who had just jumped onto the boat, but his efforts could not save the defeat.

Shimadzu Tadaro swung his samurai sword and killed two Ming soldiers in a row. He quickly noticed Xu Junsheng and rushed to the ship building with several samurai.

During the battle, another Anzhai boat approached, and the Japanese soldiers on it swarmed onto the Fuchuan, speeding up the fall of the Fuchuan.

When Xu Junsheng saw that the deck was almost occupied by Japanese soldiers, and also saw a Japanese general commanding Japanese soldiers to kill him, he felt very anxious.

At this moment, a series of gunshots suddenly came from behind him. The Fuchuan behind him fired continuously, and thick smoke rose from both sides of the ship's side. The shells shot out rapidly and hit an approaching Anzhai boat. , and immediately smashed the board wall.

There were two lucky boats of the Ming army, one in front and the other behind. Xu Junsheng's boat was hit by the Anzhai boat, but the one behind was not.

"Quickly, bring Master Qian out! Put down the sentinel boat!" Xu Junsheng shouted immediately, and at the same time knocked down another warrior with an arrow.

Hearing the words, the personal soldiers rushed to the cabin, but were hacked to death by a warrior head-on. The brigade Qingzu had already rushed to the ship building and killed them.

Seeing this, Xu Junsheng could only sigh, quickly turned around and retreated to the stern with a few soldiers, climbed onto a small boat suspended by ropes, and cut the ropes with a knife.

Tadaro Shimadzu ran to the stern with a knife in hand, and saw that the small boat hoisted a triangular sail, blocking the oars and was already more than ten feet away from the Fuchuan.

A team of iron cannons were light-footed, and immediately raised their guns to shoot. The projectiles splashed in all directions, and the Ming army who was swaying was hit and fell into the water. The other immediately took over and swayed desperately. Lifted it up, and arrived at the side of Fu Chuan in the back after a while.

The artillery on the Fuchuan is constantly roaring, fighting with the seven Anzhai ships.

Xu Junsheng was pulled onto the lucky boat, and the boat had already been raised to half-sail, and the lucky boat that had stopped originally began to move.

During the voyage, the ships only need to keep a distance to avoid collisions. It is this distance that buys time for the blessing boats behind.

When the battle broke out, the former ship was at the bottom of the "U", while the latter one had just entered. If it was discovered later, both Fuchuan would be surrounded, but because of the early discovery, there is still a chance now.

"Swing the rudder to the left! Set up the sails, turn to the northwest, and rush out!" Xu Junsheng got on the Fuchuan, and seeing seven Anzhai boats approaching the Fuchuan from all directions, he immediately took over the command and issued an order.

With all the sails hung up, the speed of the ship gradually increased.The sails were originally kept at an oblique angle, and several sails cooperated to change the southeast wind into a southwest wind, making the ship sail to Nagasaki, Japan in the northeast direction, but now Nagasaki is impossible to go, and the sails are all upright. With the help of the southeast wind, the speed suddenly increased.

An Anzhai boat was paddling, blocking the way of the Fuchuan, but the Fuchuan did not change direction, and the bow of the boat directly knocked the Anzhai boat away.

The soldiers on the two ships fell down in pieces, and Qingzu on the Anzhai boat stood up, and immediately threw dozens of flying hooks over, but before the ropes could be straightened, more than a dozen cannons on the side of the Fuchuan opened fire one after another.

The huge recoil force swung the ship away, and more than a dozen shells hit the board wall of the Anzhai ship at close range. The superstructure of the entire ship was smashed to pieces, and the soldiers on the deck wailed.

The Fuchuan rushed past the barrier, the sails swelled, and immediately left to the northwest.

Seeing this, Tadaro Shimadzu did not let the Ataka ship pursue him. One was that he could not catch up, and the other was that he did not know that he had exposed himself. The Shimadzu family needed to let some people go back to pass on the news. make the boat.

Many light feet from the Shimadzu family stood on the lucky boat, and they raised their hands high, and then put them down again, cheering in unison, "on board!"

(End of this chapter)

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