Chapter 1029
In August, the autumn is high and the air is crisp. In the outskirts of the west of Nanjing, the sky is full of heat, the flags are flying, and the trumpets and drums are sounding.

Since last year, Wang Yan has been planning the reform of the military system to realize the imperial court's control over the army and nationalize the army instead of serving a certain general.

This is something that all dynasties have to do, and it is also the cornerstone of the stability of the dynasty. It is the only way for the modernization of the army and the modernization of the dynasty.

For this reason, Wang Yan made a lot of efforts, not only sending Chen Bangyan to lobby the generals of the Five Loyalist Army, but also building large-scale construction projects in Nanjing to expand the Five Army Commander's Mansion to give the generals office space, and then built a large number of houses for the commanders. In the end, they were afraid that the governors would have nothing to do, so they expanded their martial arts, and while the war was over, the various ministries recommended potential officers, and recruited soldiers who were willing to join the army from the people for the governors to teach.

This time, apart from the officers recommended by various ministries at the end of March, plus the original martial arts students of the martial arts school, the entire martial arts school already has [-] disciples, except that the Southwest was not selected due to the serious battle damage and the long distance.

The status of martial arts in the Ming Dynasty was originally low. After Wang Yan’s constant encouragement over the past few years, and as long as he graduated with at least a seven-rank general banner, it became a way out for many people, which changed the society’s understanding of martial arts. .

In this reform, the martial arts also made some changes. There was no sacrificial wine, but now there is a sacrificial wine, and Wang Yan will naturally not miss this opportunity. No matter whether he has time to teach these martial arts, he will first use the Title to cum.

Wang Yan's intention for this position is obvious, that is to make all future martial arts graduates his disciples.

He only needs to make this sacrificial wine for a few years, and when the cultivated warriors enter the army and gradually take power, his position will be unshakable.

Many people can see the importance of this position, so it is not easy for Wang Yan to get it.

Every official, more or less, has the ideal of being a prime minister, and they all want to hold power to realize their inner ambitions and political ambitions.

After these years of hard work, the Chu Party followed its original political goals and demands, took advantage of the young emperor, and gradually controlled the imperial power. They can delegate power, so that they have the opportunity to display it, and they don't want an overlord to exist.

After years of development, the Chu Party has the embryonic form of a modern political party with political goals. At the same time, it has gradually realized that the interests of the party are greater than Wang Yan's personal interests, and it has become a political interest group.

This time, the Chamber passed the reform of the military system and formulated a decree, stipulating that the army belongs to the Ministry of War. The Ministry of War is responsible for the replenishment of soldiers, the distribution of soldiers’ salaries, and the deployment of materials and equipment. Put it in the hands of the council.

Compared with the military system of the Ming Dynasty before the Tumubao change, the change this time is actually not that big. It just puts the power belonging to the emperor in the meeting hall.

After the bill was passed, Wang Yan gave up his personal control over the Five Loyalty Army in name, and handed over more than [-] troops to the imperial court.

He gave up his command of the Five Loyalty Army and handed over the army to the central government, so he wanted a seat of martial arts sacrificial wine, so many ministers were ashamed not to give it.

The essence of politics lies in compromise and exchange. If the two political forces do not back down, but insist every time, and one party completely overwhelms the other, then most likely there will only be a civil war, and both sides will suffer.

Compromise and exchange are the best methods Wang Yan has used in recent years. This seems to be very angry, and there is no willingness to enmity, but which politician is happy to enmity?

Right now the system has been determined, but to turn it into a rule that everyone abides by, it does not mean that it can be realized immediately after it is finalized. It will take a long process, and there may even be ups and downs.

A system is important, but it needs a soil suitable for operation in order to function, and the formation of this soil will take at least several decades.

The three stages of "military administration, political training, and constitutional administration" proposed by Mr. Sun Yat-sen in later generations are the process of cultivating this soil.

China has always been a society ruled by individuals. A certain principal in later generations has resigned, but he can still control the country from his hometown. Although Wang Yan handed over the command of the Wuzhong Army, his influence in the Wuzhong Army will at least wait A generation will slowly dissipate.

Wang Yan reached a compromise with the civil official group, and exchanged the army for the position of offering wine at the Wuyuan, and he took control of the Wuyuan, which was equivalent to taking Tang Lu's army again, which made them very embarrassed.

If they recommend potential officers to study in the martial arts academy, then these officers will become Wang Yan's disciples, and the martial arts training will mainly be the generals of the Wuzhong army. They will send people to the martial arts academy, It is tantamount to giving talent to Wang Yan.

But if they don't send it away, there will be a problem, that is, under the cultivation of the martial arts academy, the combat power and quality of the army directly under the imperial court will only become higher and higher, and the distance between the army controlled by them and the army controlled by the imperial court will decrease. It is getting bigger and bigger, and it can't retain talents.

Seeing this, Tang Lu planned to set up a martial arts school to train their officers, but was rejected by both the cabinet and the council.

The civil official group is more and more fond of the current political environment. Wang Yan has handed over the military power, so they naturally set their sights on Tang Lu. As long as the imperial court takes over the military power, they will have the final say in the future. Will hand over military power.

After the reform of the military system was passed, it was inevitable that the Five Loyalty Army would be organized into the five imperial guards, front, back, left, right, and middle, and would directly belong to the court.

Then the question arises again, who is the front, who is the back, who is the left, who is the right, and who is the center?
The Five Zhongjun Army had a mixed faction, and they were not all the way. Liu Shun, who was stationed in Yangzhou, wrote to Wang Yan because he was close to Wang Yan, saying that he knew that he was not the best at fighting, but he was not the worst either. He doesn't want to be a soldier, but don't give him the title of "Rear Army", otherwise he won't be able to explain to his subordinates.Li Guo from Hefei also wrote to ask, but he didn't want the number of the rear army in words.Dai Zhifan was more explicit, looking back at his achievements, Wang Yan saw that he wanted to fight for the title of the Chinese army.

Front, back, left, right, and middle, it was originally because the Five Army Commander's Mansion was divided into five military governor's mansions. I didn't expect the people below to care so much. Wang Yan immediately issued an order. Only the governors were appointed in front, back, left, and right, but even so, the generals did not settle down.

Before the Ming Dynasty, only the left and right governors were set up in the Dudu Mansion of the Five Armies. Now, in order to take care of the ranks of the generals of the Five Loyalty Armies and to leave a place for the Tanglu faction, the imperial court made some adjustments to the rank and official positions of the Du Du Fu of the Five Armies. In each prefecture, there is one governor, who is the first rank, two governors on the left and right, who are the second rank, two governors who know each other, and the second rank; four governors, who are the third rank.

In normal times, there are five major governors, five left governors, and five right governors, all of whom are permanently stationed in Nanjing. They control the soldiers and horses of the world by remote control. During wartime, they are dispatched to various theaters to command battles. , It should not exceed five years, so as to prevent generals from supporting themselves and forming warlords.

How to rank the commanders of the five armies is also a difficult problem for Wang Yan. Wang Yan thought about it, and it is better to have an autumn exercise to compare.

In this way, in the name of Qiu Cao, several generals can be called to Nanjing to adapt to the commanders of the five armies, and they can also be compared so that no one will be unconvinced.

It's just that this autumn exercise, in addition to the participation of all the men and horses who brought back their ties, there are also martial arts students who have been training for three months, so they have to show their faces.

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(End of this chapter)

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