Wanli 1592

Chapter 1135 "Battle of the Qin Dynasty"

Chapter 1135 "Battle of the Qin Dynasty"

After the test was successful, Xu Guangqi excitedly reported the news to Xiao Ruxun.

Xiao Ruxun was overjoyed, and immediately went out of the city to the test site of the Ministry of Military Industry, to watch the firing site of the wooden support bullet in person.

After Xiao Ruxun arrived, Xu Guangqi personally arranged for the test firing. He fired five rounds in a row. Compared with the solid bullets that had not used wooden supports, the distance was longer, the position was corrected, and the target was more accurate. It was a good innovation.

Xiao Ruxun knew that this type of shell was basically successfully developed, so he nodded in praise. Xu Guangqi was very happy.

"Being able to do something for the soldiers has always been my greatest wish. I am very happy to be able to do this now. It's just that your majesty, the wooden support is easy to play, and the wooden support is easy to play, but your majesty I have no idea about the wooden fuze and the explosive shell with a wooden soft back."

Xiao Ruxun said: "Don't worry about this. If you want to make a bomb that can be fired by the Hongyi cannon, you must make the fuze well and strengthen the shell of the shell. Otherwise, once the chamber explodes, the four gunners will be killed." end."

"My subject, my subject is guilty."

Xu Guangqi knelt down and pleaded guilty.

Xiao Ruxun helped Xu Guangqi up.

"I have already ordered to support their families. Fortunately, none of them are the only children in the family. I gave money and tax-free land, and they all accepted it. This can only be regarded as a tragedy, but you have to think that Quiet, this kind of thing can only be done by death row prisoners and prisoners of war, I have stipulated it in Myanmar, and you just don’t listen to it.”

Xu Guangqi didn't speak, probably because he felt sorry for him.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it, you still have to pay more attention to this wooden fuze."

Xiao Ruxun shook his head.

"Attention, of course, I know this, but, Your Majesty, if the gunpowder is to burn slowly, what should be done? The gunpowder must be made into pellets to burn quickly and fully. If it is to burn slowly , could it all be turned into powder?"

"That's not enough, it's just relatively slow, but it's probably too late. What we want is to bloom on the ground, not explode while flying, let alone explode in the barrel of a gun. Study whether gunpowder is particles or powder. It's useless, you need to improve the gunpowder formula.

Charcoal, saltpeter, sulfur, you have to figure out a way, saltpeter and sulfur can’t be changed, you can try charcoal from other woods, or try to change the ratio, always find the one that burns slowly, enough for us to shoot the shells out, and then explode on the ground , By the way, how is the modification of the new Weiyuan General Cannon? "

Xiao Ruxun continued to ask.

Xu Guangqi said: "According to His Majesty's request, we have slightly lengthened the barrel of General Weiyuan's cannon, thickened the inner wall, and its shape has greatly improved. Can't finish it."

"I know, you arrange things step by step, as long as you do your best, I won't be too harsh, you just need to keep in mind that any invention, making one is not considered a success, and you can make thousands of things Success comes when the army is deployed.”

Xu Guangqi bowed deeply: "Your Majesty's words, I will keep them in mind."

"Okay, just remember it. You arrange more wooden support solid bullets here, and I will go back first."

Xiao Ruxun turned around and left the testing ground of the Ministry of Military Industry.

Xu Guangqi watched Xiao Ruxun leave.

To be honest, at this time last year, he hadn't accepted the fact that the Ming Dynasty no longer existed.

But over the past year or so, he has completely accepted this fact, and it is impossible not to accept it. The rule of Daqin is becoming more and more stable, and Daming really cannot come back.

Moreover, to be honest, this Great Qin is more in line with the ideal country in his heart.

You will not see corruption, you will not see the rampant tyrants and tyrants, you will not see the emperor with an extremely rigid relationship with his courtiers, and you will not see a court with fierce party struggles that never rests for a day.

Everyone knows how Xiao Ruxun came to the throne, and everyone knows how many people he killed during his more than a year as emperor.

The imperial court was killed by him inside and out, and all of them were replaced by his own people. The former Ming and old ministers were almost wiped out, and only a group of high-ranking officials were left. I am afraid that they are also buying time for the growth of new officials. .

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the new emperor is aggressively sweeping away everything from the previous Ming Dynasty, vigorously eliminating dissidents, even the eunuchs and maids in the palace, and carrying out land reforms in the local area, killing people like hemp...

But Daqin's rule has been stabilized day by day.

Xu Guangqi also thought that Xiao Ruxun was a lunatic at the beginning, so he went crazy. He actually dared to attack the deep-rooted local gentry and local tyrants, and even urged the peasants to riot, directly uprooting them.

All normal people thought that this was asking for their own death, but a group of abnormal people helped Xiao Ruxun to do this, washing out the powerful gentry at the local level who were fighting for power with the central government, and the local area became extremely stable.

The people have never been chaotic or rebellious, but have become more vibrant.

One year after the founding of the Great Qin Dynasty, several provinces in the south of the Yangtze River were able to support a battle of 10,000+ people with commercial and agricultural taxes, and the local mobilization situation was quite gratifying. "Baoqin".

So that's how Tyranny swept the world?

Xu Guangqi was poor and had little land in his family. During the land reform, a large piece of land was allocated to his family, and he became a vested interest. He was also designated as a minister during the reorganization of the new government departments. In addition to his experience in Myanmar for a period of time , almost reaching the sky in one step.

He understands what it means to descend talents without sticking to one pattern, but the new emperor is a bit too aggressive.

Those who thought that the new dynasty was about to collapse were dumbfounded. Seeing that the rule was becoming more and more stable day by day, they always felt that they had made a mistake somewhere.

Since the Qin Dynasty, the land of China, where no real imperial power has been sent to the countryside, seems to be quite adaptable to this. After only a bloody storm, the place is stable, and production and order are restored, and it begins to become prosperous.

The southeast shipping trade flourished, and the ships of Daqin continued to march toward Korea, Japan, and the vassal states in Southeast Asia.

The commercial tax revenue cannot be described in daily terms. The commercial tax revenue of several coastal provinces and cities has become an important fiscal revenue for the nascent Great Qin Dynasty. The proportion of agricultural tax has been greatly squeezed, and it has a tendency to develop towards the Song Dynasty.

The Qin army became more and more capable of fighting, with better equipment and more rigorous training, and its combat effectiveness was significantly improved compared with that during the Northern Expedition.

After the founding of the country, the first battle of Liaodong was a complete victory, which fully demonstrated the power of the Great Qin to the vassal states.

Yang Yinglong, who had [-] soldiers, was defeated within [-] days of the Battle of Bozhou in the Second Battle.

At the same time that martial arts was flourishing, the new emperor was also promoting the rule of culture. To achieve unprecedented times, government schools were established in several coastal provinces, called schools. They claimed to establish elementary schools in every village, so that every child could be educated. Reading and literacy.

Adults can also spend their nights learning to read and write in the elementary school, not for anything else, but for the purpose of being able to directly understand the imperial edicts in the future, without being easily deceived by others, and can judge right from wrong by themselves.

The emperor also summoned many people to improve the method of literacy. It is said that the method of pinyin recognition and reading will be adopted, and Chinese characters will be phonetically marked with strange characters. Then go to a more advanced school to learn new knowledge.

All this made Xu Guangqi feel that his eyes were opened.

(End of this chapter)

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