Wanli 1592

Chapter 1136 Everyone is Busy

Chapter 1136 Everyone is Busy

Popularization of education, the ideal of Confucius, who created the style of private learning thousands of years ago, has finally seen the dawn of realization today.

The irony is that this was not done in the hands of the scholars who claimed to be disciples of saints, but in the hands of the new emperor who was born as a general.

His Majesty the new emperor was born as a military general, and the first imperial edict for civil governance was to popularize education in the three southeastern provinces and Northern Zhili.

Some people couldn't understand it, and only thought that the emperor was messing around, but some people could understand it, knowing that the emperor was playing a big game of chess by doing this.

Reminiscent of the emperor's decree stipulating that the land in the officials' homes should also pay agricultural taxes, they knew very well that the emperor wanted to use this wave to get rid of the tradition of preferential treatment of gentry.

Not only to tame them immediately, but also to get rid of the gentry from the root.

To this end, prepare with both hands, popularize education, prevent education from becoming a monopoly resource, and establish military academies to strengthen the military's strength and counteract the possible increase of civilian power.

No one knew how the emperor came up with such a trick, and no one knew what kind of mood the emperor had in promoting such a decree. They only knew that things that they could not even dream of believing had really happened and succeeded.

It was rumored that the emperor was going to implement the mausoleum system that was implemented in the pre-Han period, and deal with the local wealthy and big households in a leek-like way, to prevent the possibility of local power becoming bigger, to prevent the possibility of local power from the central government, and to ensure the centralization of power. run.

The tax policy also clarifies the principle that the local government has no right to manage. All tax collectors are central officials, belonging to the centrally stationed places, not affiliated to the localities. They are self-contained and have their own transshipment policies. Secretary moderation.

The salaries of officials and staff and the silver taels of daily expenses allocated by the local government have their own quotas, which are kept in the local treasury, and all the rest are handed over to the central government for unified allocation and use.

In order to deal with emergencies, the central government has also set up tax bank warehouses and grain warehouses in local areas to store a certain amount of tax silver and collected grain, all of which are managed by the central government. If the local government needs to use them in an emergency, it needs to be reported. take.

It would rather reduce efficiency than allow local governments to intervene in taxation, further restrict local powers, and restrict local governments under the strict control of the central government.

The lesser of two evils, without the support of modern technology, Xiao Ruxun chose the less harmful and shorter-lasting decision from the dilemma.

The expansion of local power and the decline of central power are devastating hazards.

For this reason, the scale of the central government of the Great Qin Dynasty was greatly expanded compared with that of the previous Ming Dynasty. More and more officials received salaries from the central government rather than local allocations, and belonged to the central rather than local establishments.

It is the yearning of all local officials to become an official in the central government, and a large number of central officials have been dispatched to divide the local power. Heizhen officials began to spread to the local government in the name of the audit department and the investigation department, and became Xiao Ruxun's support in the local government. Another eye and ear.

The construction of the Dachi Road is accelerating, expanding from Beijing to all directions, which is like the arm of the central government, expanding from the seat of the central government to the local area, embracing the entire Daqin territory.

After the main road of Dachi Road has been repaired, there will be branch roads spreading to the surrounding important cities, forming a reliable transportation network from point to line, further strengthening the connection between various regions, promoting the development of economic exchanges, and strengthening the relationship between local control.

With a reliable transportation network, the speed of message transmission will increase by at least one-third. This one-third seems inconspicuous, but at critical moments, if you know the news earlier than the enemy, you can arrange it earlier and preempt it. Machine, predict the enemy first.

In the process of completing these tasks, Xiao Ruxun can clearly feel what it means to be high in the sky and far away from the emperor.

He can feel the extent to which the authority of the central government has declined in the local area, and what kind of state the local government knows that there is a country but does not know where the country is.

They don't know anything about the concept of the whole country. Some people think it is the world, some people think it is the imperial court, some people think it is the emperor, and some people think it is the capital.

The concept is chaotic, the hearts of the people are scattered, and the human and material resources cannot be integrated when needed.

The local officials of the Ming Dynasty could not go to the real place at all, and the management of the place was extremely limited. Once something happened, they had to rely on the help of the imperial court and local gentry.

This kind of chaotic and disorderly state seems to be fine, but once the critical moment of the national war is reached, the country will be destroyed, the national power will be empty and cannot be used, and the huge elephant will be swallowed by the snake. It seems absurd, but it is inevitable.

Xiao Ruxun explained this truth to the big bosses of the central department more than once at cabinet meetings, telling the inevitability and legitimacy of his strengthening of centralization, asking central officials to keep pace with him, coordinating the localities, and telling central officials how much power they have.

"Now there is no local influence. Whatever you say, you can do what you say locally. There are no restrictions, no discounts, and government orders are usually communicated. Therefore, any policy must be carefully formulated, taking into account all aspects, and handed over to the Great Court for discussion. After accepting inquiries from all parties, select a location to conduct trials, and then promote after trials.”

Xiao Ruxun stipulated the implementation rules of the new decree of the central government. It was fine if he didn't say it. After explaining it clearly, the officials who came from the Ming Dynasty were deeply shocked by it.

After this major reshuffle of the world's forces, new rules began to operate, and everything was different from before. At the beginning of the new dynasty, their life was not easy at all.

They were so busy with all kinds of things that they didn't even have enough time to eat and sleep. Although the imperial court continued to expand and increase its manpower, and more and more capable officials were transferred to the central government to work, they still felt that they were not enough manpower.

But the emperor didn't understand them at all. Not only was there a lot of government affairs, there were several government orders a day, but also wars. do things.

It's not that people with a discerning eye don't understand the emperor's intentions in doing this. Apart from actually doing things, it's more because they don't have time to engage in political struggles. They can only focus on doing things. What else? Neither can be done nor should it be done.

One year after the founding of the new dynasty, it was the time to forge ahead, and they didn't know whether they were lucky or unlucky to encounter this era of great change.

From the central government to the local government, officials have to do things, and every official has a lot of work to do, so he works with his eyes open and sleeps with his eyes closed.

Local officials are engaged in construction and population statistics management, and central officials are responsible for overall statistics and arrangements for inspection and acceptance. The entire Great Qin State is in full swing.

Under such a scorching heat, the war in the Southwest is undoubtedly the hottest.

Gathered 16 Great Qin troops and [-] servants, as well as tens of thousands of civilian men and hundreds of transport ships. A large number of mules, horses, even donkeys and cattle were used to transport supplies to the front line for fighting.

Connecting from the southeast to the southwest, the new officials of Daqin accepted an extremely rigorous examination. The grassroots officials who had just arrived in the local area had to show their abilities, and they would be severely held accountable for any problems in any link.

Everyone is busy.

(End of this chapter)

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