Wanli 1592

Chapter 1170 He Will Pay Any Price

Chapter 1170 He Will Pay Any Price

In any case, cavalry has been a powerful unit with absolute battlefield dominance from ancient times to modern times.

From the age of classical slavery to World War I, throughout almost the entire history of human warfare, the role of cavalry is self-evident.

Thinking that with firearms, the cavalry can be abandoned, and that the army can successfully defeat the cavalry by fully weaponizing the army, the Song and Ming troops really laughed without saying a word.

Even if it is not meaningless for the European battlefield to abandon cavalry after World War I, it is not unreasonable for some countries such as Japan and China to still use cavalry during World War II. Cavalry naturally has its importance and irreplaceable attributes .

Armored soldiers are actually armored cavalry. In an essential sense, cavalry has never been eliminated, but the rider's mount has changed, from a flesh-and-blood animal to a cold alloy armor.

Xiao Ruxun is very clear that the biggest enemy of Daqin right now is not the Jurchen and Southwest chieftains who have been maimed, nor is it Japan that has been beaten into two halves, and it is not the Mughal Empire that does not see signs of conflict at the moment, nor is it far away. The Europeans who have been caught up in the technological footsteps by Daqin thousands of miles away.

It's the northern captives.

With the existence of Beilu, Xiao Ruxun always felt that a sword was chosen on his head.

Everything that has been done now and before, whether it is expelling the Spaniards in Nanyang to subdue the Portuguese, or cleaning up the Jurchen in Liaodong, or cleaning up the toast in the southwest, and the upcoming final battle against Japan, the purpose is to To lay a solid and stable backyard for the future large-scale Northern Expedition and Northern Captives.

Fighting on two fronts is the most taboo of military strategists, because under the conditions of productivity at that time, fighting on two fronts was not feasible. However, with the development of productivity to the present, Xiao Ruxun believes that it is not too big for both Qin and Ming to be able to handle two battles at the same time. Large-scale local campaigns.

However, Daqin has a stronger ability to deal with wars. The war mobilization force mobilized by the imperial power sent to the countryside by officials at the grassroots level is enough to support Daqin's two-front war. The premise is that there are local battles.

As for the Northern Expedition to the Northern Captives, to be honest, none of them was not a national war.

From the period of Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty until now, every war launched by the Central Plains dynasty against the northern captives was a war against the northern captives, using the strength of the entire country to launch a war against the northern captives, and there was no time to divide troops against others.

Among them, the Northern Expedition and the Northern Captives went abroad to fight, so it was difficult to supply them locally, and the domestic supply line was too long and consumed too much, which was a big problem. Therefore, with the overwhelming power of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty at that time, only [-] cavalry could be dispatched for the decisive battle in Mobei. fight.

For the logistical support of the [-] cavalry, hundreds of thousands of infantry and tens of thousands of horses were dispatched to transport grain and grass. The battle was won, but it also caused a huge loss of halving the domestic household registration. It is also a heavy burden.

It can be said that without the decades of accumulation of Emperor Wenjing and the foundation laid by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, there would be no subsequent strategic counterattack decisive battle. After this decisive battle in Mobei, the next time the Han army goes deep into the desert again, it will go to the Tang Dynasty. The next time is the Ming Dynasty.

It can be seen that the Han army's Northern Expedition was very difficult and demanding.

And there are not without deep-seated factors, and it can even be said that these deep-seated factors are the factors that determine that it is difficult for the Han army to go deep into the desert to completely solve the problem of the northern captives.

The Han government, which takes Confucianism as the guiding ideology of the government, not only ignores technology, but also is very wary of border people automatically organizing themselves to defend themselves.

The strategy of immigrating to the frontier was proposed by the Han Dynasty. It laid the foundation for the Northern Expedition of the Huns by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, shortened the distance of transporting supplies, and reduced financial consumption. This is a far-sighted way.

However, the Confucian sect, which was pushed to the fore by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, opposed the self-organization of the people, which caused the people in the northern villages to be unable to cooperate with the local defenders when they encountered the Mobei cavalry.

The Confucian standpoint of Huayi and Fangmin opposes the people learning from Mobei's self-organization and riding and shooting, making the people unable to protect themselves and becoming lambs to be slaughtered. Once the army is defeated, the people and their property will fatten the Huns and make the Huns The Han army lost its excellent source of soldiers.

Later, the Chinese government finally realized the power of mobilizing the people and the vast ocean of the people. However, for a long period of time, the ancient Chinese government had no such awareness at all, and was even extremely guarded against this awareness.

It's not that it doesn't make sense, but in some areas, this approach is wrong.

In fact, one of the hundreds of pre-Qin philosophers was based on the basis of the common people, arguing that the ruler should be good at organizing the people and not ignore the people.


In fact, Xiao Ruxun has always felt that Mohism appeared too early and died too early. It was born at an untimely time, and when it encountered the prosperity of its deadly rival, Confucianism, it was a pity of history that Emperor Wu of the Han chose Confucianism instead of Mohism, but it was also a historical necessity and cannot be reversed. .

Xiao Ruxun thinks that some of the Mohists' arguments are quite correct, and they specifically hit the key points of Confucianism's hegemony. Confucianism is not without its merits, but it has a greater negative impact.

Some of the theories of Mohism happen to be the best way to attack Confucianism and suppress Confucianism.

The most direct application is to conduct military-civilian integration pilots in several northern areas that are planned to be the starting point of the army and the logistics supply base in the future.

The government has focused on these areas, delegating some grassroots officers in the army who are good at training troops, and conducting military-civilian integration strategies for local people to train soldiers during farming seasons and slack, so that these areas close to the invasion of the North Koreans are under the threat of the invasion of the North Koreans. The people in the country have the power to protect themselves, let them train riding and archery, and become reserve soldiers.

Xiao Ruxun wants to build several military-civilian integration areas in the northern land before the Northern Expedition to the desert. Farming is done during farming hours, soldiers are trained in leisure time, and a solid reserve of basic soldiers is formed. He also forms a horse policy strategy that focuses on government horse raising and private horse raising as a supplement. .

Cavalry is the most difficult to train among the various arms. Government-organized military training can train regular troops, while civil military training focuses on self-protection, training militiamen who can handle horses proficiently, and can immediately join the army and become cavalry in case of emergency.

At present, Daqin has not got rid of the threat of the northern captives. It is very important to use the power of the people and mobilize the people to lay the foundation. Xiao Ruxun set a five-year preparation period for Daqin. Five years later, after the reorganization of the Qin army is completely completed, When the cavalry reached its peak, it was the time of the Northern Expedition in the Battle of the Nation.

In that battle, Xiao Ruxun wanted to completely solve the northern border troubles that had been pressing on the Central Plains Dynasty for thousands of years and that had left the people of the Central Plains unsettled for thousands of years.

At that time, Xiao Ruxun will bring the most fertile grassland in the north into the rule of Daqin, occupy the grassland, organize border residents to build cities on the grassland, and settle in the grassland.

He wants to organize people's animal husbandry, develop Daqin's animal husbandry, provide Daqin with a stable and high-quality source of meat and milk, reduce the price of meat and dairy products, and improve the diet structure of Daqin people.

If the northern border troubles can be completely resolved and the northern border troubles will no longer be chaotic, then Daqin and himself will surely be able to create an eternal feat that will shine through in the annals of history.

This is a huge temptation that no emperor can refuse.

Of course Xiao Ruxun couldn't either.

For this, he did not hesitate to pay any price.

(End of this chapter)

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