Wanli 1592

Chapter 1171 The Qin Army Reorganization Plan and the Five-Year Plan for the Northern Expedition

Chapter 1171 Qin Army Reorganization Plan and Five-Year Plan for the Northern Expedition

Just after the news of the complete victory in the Battle of Bozhou and the capture of Yang Yinglong came back, and after the capital's jubilation and national prestige soared, Xiao Ruxun issued the "Edict to the People of the World" very timely.

In this imperial edict, Xiao Ruxun announced the tasks of the Qin Empire for the next stage, namely, the Qin Army's reorganization plan and the five-year plan for the Northern Expedition.

In order to do all this, the corresponding preparation work is very complicated.

First of all, the government must be a big government, a centralized big government, with enough manpower and material resources to go to the countryside, without local obstacles and constraints, and the central government's decrees can be directly issued to the localities without tampering.

The people directly accepted the emperor's order and organized under the orders of the central government. All military training was conducted directly under the leadership of village officials and township officials sent by the government. The results were directly reported to the central government. Local governments were only responsible for organizing production statistics, household registration, etc. Agricultural civil affairs.

With such accumulation, judging by the current population base and financial resources, the Ministry of War predicts that after five years, the Qin army will have at least 30 elite cavalry and [-] reserve troops, enough to launch a war against the northern captives.

At that time, the Qin army would cross Mobei, defeat the forces of the various tribes of the northern captives in one fell swoop, and relieve the border troubles that had oppressed the Central Plains Dynasty for thousands of years, and achieved an incomparable achievement.

For this reason, Xiao Ruxun issued a clear edict, calling on officials all over the world to live frugally, work hard, save every penny, every grain of grain, accumulate strength for the country, and contribute to the Northern Expedition five years later.

For this reason, as the emperor, Xiao Ruxun took the lead in announcing further reductions in royal and court expenses, and the emperor took the lead in living frugally.

He announced that the reduced royal family expenses and palace expenses would be charged to the "Northern Expedition Treasury" established separately in the national treasury to accumulate strength for the future Northern Expedition. preparations for war.

This is Xiao Ruxun's ingenious five-year strategic plan for Daqin.

This is not only a military strategic plan, but also a political program, announcing the next step of the Great Qin Empire's strategic plan to the ministers, so that everyone can work together, and have a clear and tangible plan for a country is very meaningful.

Everyone knows what the emperor is going to do, and they can feel at ease, and have a goal to act and pay, instead of not seeing the goal and just following the trend, which is easy to breed political struggle and corruption.

And when the clear goal of an empire is set, everyone who wants to make contributions in this unprecedented political and military action will work very hard towards this goal, and this government will explode with extremely powerful strength.

Both the Qin Army Reorganization Plan and the Five-Year Plan for the Northern Expedition were very purposeful plans, and the detailed rules of action were also continuously improved within a year, which was continuously recognized by Xiao Ruxun. After the first good news of the new year came, the new The political program and military program were promulgated.

Everyone in the world will know what the emperor will do in the future.

There is no need to hide this plan, and there is no need to hide it. Xiao Ruxun will distribute this plan to every village controlled by the central village officials and township officials, so that every citizen of Great Qin knows what the Great Qin Empire is doing.

Let them know their taxes, what they do with their food and money.

With the complete victory of the Battle of Banshu, a new goal was proposed. After completing a stage of work, people ushered in a new goal and a new challenge.

All the officials felt that His Majesty the Emperor was full of energy, and there was a steady stream of things he wanted to do. They had just escaped from the heavy war support work, but they were about to devote themselves to the next stage of work.

However, compared with last year's reluctant coping, the mental outlook of government officials this year has undergone a huge change. The most active group of people is the first-class banquet during the Chinese New Year, earning enough face in front of their families. official.

These officials were full of motivation. After receiving the emperor's "Report to the People of the World", they immediately devoted themselves to the next stage of work with full energy.

I hope that I can have a first-class banquet during the next Chinese New Year, chat with the emperor face to face, be rewarded by the emperor himself, earn enough face in front of my family, and greatly satisfy my self-esteem and vanity.

Compared with them, another group of full motivation is the officials in the ninth-class banquet who have been warned by the emperor, some are old bureaucrats of the Ming court, some are new bureaucrats who followed Xiao Ruxun's Northern Expedition, and some are tired of land reform officials.

Especially the officials who were born in the land reform, they felt burnt out within a year, and were severely reprimanded by the emperor, warning them that this was their last chance, if they committed the crime again, they would be dismissed immediately and returned home to work on the land, never to be employed again.

This group of people was so frightened that they immediately turned from lazy government officials to officials, devoting [-]% of their energy to work hard. They are the most motivated group of people except for the first-class banquet officials.

The administrative machinery of the central government was running again. After the government work conference was over, various departments held their own work meetings, distributed tasks, defined responsibilities and completion deadlines, and then issued an order, and the central officials ran around to work. up.

As a centralized emperor, Xiao Ruxun's task is naturally the heaviest. During the busiest period of work, he moved the entire cabinet to his Qing Palace to handle government affairs with him, and even set up a group for Xiao Zhenbang in the work room. Tables and chairs, let him sit on them and practice calligraphy.

Let him realize the difficulties and hardships of the emperor as soon as possible, and constantly convey Xiao Ruxun's expectations, recognition and support for Zhenbang to the outside world.

Xiao Ruxun needs to constantly convey the unshakable will of the Great Qin Emperor to inherit the throne, which can effectively curb the thoughts and actions of some ambitious people and increase the stability of the imperial government. After all, the stability of the empire is more important than anything else at the moment.

When the reorganization plan and the five-year plan began, the Qin Empire government once again entered a high-speed operation cycle.

For a period of time, in the Qianqing Palace, the lights were brightly lit all day long, even if the emperor and cabinet ministers were asleep, there were cabinet staff on duty in shifts.

The emperor's sleeping hall directly became the largest office in the central government. The emperor rested in one side hall, and his ministers rested in another side hall. Go home and nothing else.

Wang Xijue is old and lacks energy, but he is obedient and Xiao Ruxun is a qualified marionette.

The empire still needed him to show off, so Xiao Ruxun maintained his position as chief assistant, but in order to share Li Tingji's pressure, Xiao Ruxun directly ordered Ye Xianggao to be promoted to the cabinet, becoming the No. 3 assistant minister of the imperial cabinet.

Right now, Wang Xijue can only do some rough work because of mental problems.

The work of the cabinet is actually led by Li Tingji, who leads the work of the cabinet ministers who have been promoted from the local and central government to the cabinet. Difficult Problems.

Xiao Ruxun made decisions with Wang Xijue in the center and discussed some important political strategies.

Wang Xijue's seasoned experience and keen political vision are worthy of praise.

The stable political structure of the imperial government has greatly promoted the Qin army's reorganization plan and the five-year northern expedition plan. At least after several months of continuous large-scale purges, there is no political opposition from Xiao Ruxun within the Qin government. power.

Now is the time to work together to break through the obstacles and complete the two big plans, no opposition is needed.

(End of this chapter)

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