The world of film and television

Chapter 682 Zhao Yun's First Time

Chapter 682 Zhao Yun's First Time

In the whole of Qingzhou, there are basically no villages outside the city, because a team of 2000 people cannot live in the wild under anarchy, and will be annexed by small bandits who need to expand their manpower at any time.

The entire Qingzhou has been under the cycle of big fish eating small fish. Of course, the big fish themselves may fall apart into small teams at any time due to internal problems.

In this case, except for the necessary food growing, the rest of the time is spent on guarding against each other.

As time goes by, everyone will gradually live closer to the original city. The reason is that when there are as few as five or six groups of teams near the city, and as many as ten teams of stereotypes, there are too many teams. No one dares to start a war rashly. Even if there is a conflict, it is nothing more than wooing each other, bickering with each other, and arguing with each other.

That's why this strange phenomenon is formed. After the turmoil, the city can actually live with more people than in peacetime.

This has formed the current Linzi City, with 20 people, maybe more, thirteen forces, large and small, more than 4 people, less than [-] people, forming alliances and enemies with each other, it is simply chaotic.

However, this also caused great trouble to Zhao Yun, as it would affect the whole body, and the previous defeating strategies could not be achieved at all.

You can't take a thousand cavalry in your hand to attack 20 people. This... If you replace Lu Bu, maybe, maybe, maybe, but if you rush out, there will be only a bare commander left.

After thinking hard for a whole day, Zhao Yun came up with a solution that was not a solution.

Before coming here, he deliberately found Zhou Cang and other people who were born in the Yellow Turban to learn some information about the Yellow Turban. One of them is that due to the problem of the Yellow Turban's background, these leaders basically do not know a single word, so they can be the leader. All of them are the ones who can fight the best and have the best skills, with few exceptions.

Zhao Yun is going to start from this aspect.

He wants to learn from Lu Bu, one man, one horse, one gun, and challenge all the yellow scarf leaders and generals in front of the two armies, and completely defeat them in front of 20 people!
In order to achieve the greatest effect, Zhao Yun deliberately asked people to send a letter of challenge to all the leaders. In fact, it was just passing on a message. After writing the letter of challenge, these guys can't read...

Of course, the most important thing is to spread the news among the 20 people, and completely block the retreat of these leaders. If you don't want to ruin your reputation, you must fight!
"I've seen this one, uh... General Xu He." A messenger sent by Zhao Yun looked at the yellow scarf leader in front of him with a somewhat embarrassed expression, compared with his own general Guan Zhang Zhao... The one in front of him, no matter in terms of clothing, appearance, strength, The gap between them is too great, and he himself feels ashamed for calling the general two words.

Of course, Xu He, the general of the Yellow Turban Army who was sitting on the high platform, didn't think so. He took the letter from the guards, opened it and read it over and over again. The messenger can be sure that this guy will definitely fall over.

"Who are you, what's the matter, let's talk!" Pretentiously looked, finally Xu He still put the letter in his hand on the table.

"My lord is Liu Bei Liu Xuande, the prefect of Qi County, and my general is Changshan Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong. Today, I came here to teach my teacher. My general will fight against all the generals and generals in Linzi in two days. No matter how many of you there are, my general will have one horse and one gun. Dominate the pack."

"Arrogant!" Xu He slapped the table hard, and the heavy table case was shattered into pieces. He stared directly at the messenger with murderous eyes, "Who does he think he is? How dare he make such wild remarks and challenge all of us in Linzi alone?" General, I really don’t know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth, good, good, I want to see what is so special about this Changshan Zhao Yun!" Xu He laughed back angrily, looked at the messenger and said sharply.

"In this way, the villain will go back and reply to my general. Two days later, there will be a life-and-death battle outside Linzi City."

At this time, not only this messenger, but Zhao Yun sent dozens of people. In addition to thirteen messengers, there were also some who started to spread the news in Linzi City. Thousands of people know the news.

Sure enough, these yellow turban thieves who have nothing to do except eat some gruel to keep them from starving at a fixed time every day, encountered such an incident that is closely related to everyone, and immediately spread it to everyone in just one day. You know, what's more, there are even rumors that Zhao Yun is over ten feet tall, with a blue face and fangs, a waist that is ten girth, and a solar eclipse.

Two days later, Linzi City, up to the city wall and down to the outside of the city, was densely packed with people, noisy, and it was praise for them to say that they were mobs.

People from all walks of life, big and small, were all mobilized out of the city, as if they were afraid of being harmed by others taking advantage of the chaos.

More than 50 people, big and small, gathered together. This group of people is what Linzi City said is a group of guys. There are two or three people from small forces, and three to five people from large forces. Absolutely resist, this is why Xu He felt that the so-called Zhao Yun was arrogant.

Just after eating the eclipse, the sun is not very bright, and a man came strolling along the direction of the sun, riding a white horse.

More than 50 people suddenly fell silent, and really came alone, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, Xu He opened his mouth, "Damn, don't say anything else, just leave him with this courage!"

When they came close, everyone could see clearly that he was not a burly man like Guan Hai, but rather like a frail scholar, white and tender, although he was not weak, he did not look like a peerless warrior.

Xu He stepped forward, pointing at Zhao Yun with a big knife in his hand, "Are you the Zhao Yun from the afternoon?"

Zhao Yun smiled slightly, clasped his fists together, "It's just me."

Glancing at the crowd, Zhao Yun was lucky enough to ensure that his voice could be heard more than ten miles away, and he said loudly: "My lord, Liu Bei Liu Xuande, was personally appointed as the governor of Qi County by the imperial court, and he is about to visit Qi County to completely end the chaos in Qi County State, restore the past, live in an orderly manner, as for the past, everything will be overwritten, and the past will not be blamed."

"Shut up!" Xu He and the others' faces changed drastically, and they shouted sharply. Let Liu Bei be the prefect of Qi County. Their loss must be the greatest. Now the boss of the sky, the second son of the earth, and the life of the third son, don't worry about the following Whether people are hungry or full, Amen has always had three meals a day. If Liu Bei is really allowed to take the stage, at least their days of domineering will be gone.

No one is willing to easily give up the good days that have already been obtained, at least, before seeing the huge harm or gain.

"Speak out loud, what kind of bullshit Liu Bei is, I'm just getting impatient, give it to me, kill this little boy with stewed meat!"

Just for what Zhao Yun said just now, why leave a whole body, go to the fuck.

(End of this chapter)

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