The world of film and television

Chapter 683 How can it be called robbery for the government affairs?

Chapter 683 How can it be called robbery for the government affairs?

Everyone was taken aback by what Wang Xuan said, as if they had never thought about this issue.

Yellow Turban Thieves also want to farm?
The land doesn't belong to a family, so it can be planted casually!
However, since they are farming, why are they still called Yellow Turban Thieves and they still want to rob everywhere?

For a while, everyone couldn't figure it out.

After glancing at everyone, Wang Xuan knew that they were disturbed by inertial thinking.

"Qingzhou has no aristocratic family anymore. The original aristocratic family was either destroyed or ran away. Therefore, all the land is land without an owner."

Jian Yong opened his mouth to ask something, but was interrupted by Wang Xuan waving his hand, "Don't tell me that the aristocratic family who ran away still has a land deed, the government has no stub, how do I know it wasn't forged by them."

"Yes, the government is completely gone, not to mention the stubs, so all the land is unclaimed land, which is reasonable and justified. If you don't accept it, send troops to beat me!"

Everyone knew that Wang Xuan wanted to play a scoundrel, but no one could pick out any faults.

"So, the current land is planted by the Yellow Turban Thieves. They are originally farmers. What else can they do without farming?"

"As for going out to rob, it is because of anarchy, no organization, no discipline, and no ability to resist natural and man-made disasters. Whether it is drought or flood, once there is a disaster, if you don't want to starve to death, you will rob. How do you live in robbery in Qingzhou?"

Speaking of this, everyone suddenly realized that no one had ever paid attention to how the yellow turban thieves lived before, and now they only realized it after listening to Wang Xuan.

"Now that we have just cultivated, the people in Qingzhou still have a certain amount of food to consume before harvesting. Therefore, it is not as difficult as you imagined."

Zaozhi finally couldn't help but interjected: "But, these grains are in the hands of the common people, we can't rob others, right? What's the difference between this and bandits?"

Now, he doesn't talk about yellow scarf thieves anymore, these people are no different from ordinary people.

"What is robbing? Besides, the food is not in the hands of individuals, it is all in the hands of the leaders of big and small forces!" Wang Xuan directly corrected the mistakes in Zao Zhi's words, "Since those leaders have surrendered, the food is of course ours."

"Then, we will have food, so we can do whatever we want!"

"Uh..." A group of people stared at each other with wide eyes, this really can't be regarded as robbery!

But why does it still feel so awkward.

Xi Zhicai's eyes flickered, and after a while, he suddenly looked at Wang Xuan and said, "No, it's still not enough!"

"Hahaha, why do you say that." After seeing Xi Zhi, he realized that there was a problem, and Wang Xuan became interested.

"The yellow turban thief must have some food and grass, but the amount is definitely not much. It would be nice if people would not starve to death, but according to Zaizhi's character, he will definitely not let people eat such a little food!" Zhicai could see very clearly that what Wang Xuan said was cruel, but in fact, he was very kind to the common people.

"Hahaha, it's really not enough, but so what, presumably, the Mi family will bring food over, with Tao Qian as the backing, food is not a problem."

"What we lack is not only food." Since Qingzhou is to be the foundation, there are too many things that need to be built. The whole Qingzhou was destroyed by the Yellow Turban Thieves. How much food.

"Okay, okay, it seems that if I don't tell you today, you can't feel at ease!" After speaking, Wang Xuan took out a large map from his arms, pointed his finger at the position of Qi County and said loudly: "Our goal is not only Qi County, but also the Steican Kingdom to the east."

"An important reason for choosing this place is that the water network in this area is dense. The county includes Rushui, Rushui, Zhuoshui, Yangshui, Steoshui, five major rivers, and a Juding Lake. The dense water network can Let agriculture return to the level before the war at a fast speed, and after the overall planning, there will be a qualitative transcendence.”

"In order to build the entire Qi County, I need 80 manpower!"

"Within one year, I will bring Qi County back to the pre-war level!"

Wang Xuan spoke sonorously, and as soon as the words fell, Xi Zhicai and Zaozhi shouted directly: "This is impossible!"

Liu Bei looked at Wang Xuan on the left, and Xi Zhicai and Zaoyi on the right. These two are talents recognized by Wang Xuan. Now that Qi Qi opposes Wang Xuan's words, he doesn't know what to say.

"Why is it impossible!" Wang Xuan looked at these two guys with a half-smile, not to mention that Xi Zhi is one of the top counselors of the Three Kingdoms. They are experts in internal affairs construction, and both of them have their own arrogance.

Although he had been impressed by Wang Xuan's knowledge before, it was still far from being fully convinced plus admiration. The reason why Wang Xuan threw out such a big plan when he came up was to completely convince the two of them and establish their prestige.

Xi Zhicai glanced at Zaozhi, Zaozhi nodded, and said first: "First, we don't have enough officials to manage 80 people. Second, it is easy to destroy and difficult to build. The various agricultural tools that 80 people need alone are not enough. It can be fully prepared within a year, of course, I’m not talking about the kind of broken wooden farm tools, thirdly, food, we don’t have the food and grass for 80 people a year!”

"You!" Wang Xuan raised his chin at Xi Zhicai.

Xi Zhicai added: "Rebuilding the Qi County and Jiazhichuan Kingdom will not be enough without a few billion dollars. Even if the Mi family of the five major merchants helps with all their strength, we will not be able to spend so much money and food."

"What, billions?" The three Cao Cong brothers almost jumped up from their seats in fright. These guys are used to being poor, billions, they can never imagine how much it is.

"Finished?" Wang Xuan leaned back on the chair, raised Erlang's legs, and his feet were still trembling.

Liu Bei and others who are familiar with Wang Xuan know that Wang Xuan is going to pretend again... Of course, this also means that Wang Xuan has full confidence.

"Who wouldn't spend money on construction? How can it show how powerful I am as the world's number one schemer!" Wang Xuan unceremoniously boasted that he was the world's number one schemer, without paying attention to the world's people at all.

Since ancient times, there is no first in literature, and there is no second in martial arts. The corners of Xi Zhicai and Zaozhi's eyes kept twitching, wanting to see what brilliant ideas Wang Xuan could come up with.

"In the future, Qi County and Shuchuan Kingdom will be grouped together, and they will be called Qi County. The construction targets will be Linzi, Juxian, Linqu, Changguo, Juding, the seaport wharf at the mouth of Rushui, the main arterial roads and water conservancy facilities in the county, and farmland reclamation. ..." Wang Xuan stared at Xi Zhicai and Zaoyi with burning eyes, and said word by word: "Within one year, 1000 million yuan is enough!"

"Hiss!" The two gasped, looking at Wang Xuan like a madman, "This is absolutely impossible!"

"If I can do it!" Wang Xuan had a vague smile on his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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