Chapter 57
Chen Xuan and Bai Gu rode for several days, passing through lakes and mountains, and also went to cottages and farmhouses. Chen Xuan was attentive every day, harassing each other in the morning, noon, and evening. And because the trapped demon map couldn't escape, and he couldn't fight well, so he could only sulk and endure it. Fortunately, in a few days, Chen Xuan was well-behaved, so he gradually got used to it, but Bai Gu didn't know that, every time she When washing the body, there is always a thief peeping.

The sun was rising, and it was time for dinner. Chen Xuan caught a fat carp from the stream, skillfully scaled it and cleaned it, and then boiled it in a stone pot. Bowls and chopsticks, the posture should be a feast for the taste.

"Supernatural powers do such a thing, don't you think it's overkill?" Bai Gu smelled the aroma of the rice, watched Chen Xuan scoop up the soup and take the bowls and chopsticks, so he couldn't help but sneer.

"Isn't it for this purpose?" Chen Xuan spat out the fish bones, recalling the scene where Zhen Yuanzi used the pockets in his sleeves to hold tables and chairs, and set the bowls and chopsticks, then he turned his head and asked the bones strangely.

"Hmph, it's useless to hide supernatural powers, it's really dusty." Bai Gu snorted coldly, quite disdainful.

"Nervous." Chen Xuan continued to push and pull, too lazy to pay attention to the bones. In the past few days, he said such words more than once, secretly blaming her for not knowing how to enjoy the food, but not allowing himself to enjoy it.

"Do you still have bowls and chopsticks?" Seeing that Chen Xuan was unmoved, Bai Gu knew it was useless, thinking that he would feast on him in the future, but he could only stare at him, so he decided to give in.

Chen Xuan was stunned when he heard this, but he thought she would be subdued, knowing that the important matter was one step closer, so he didn't want to talk cheap, and took the bowls and chopsticks as he said.

Seeing that Bai Gu didn't have a sharp tongue, he was very surprised. After a few days of getting along, Chen Xuan's trolling nature has long been impressed, and he can be said to scold whatever he catches along the way.

"You don't talk to each other?" Bai Gu scooped up a bowl of soup and picked out a good piece of meat, and asked suspiciously.

"How dare you, eat it, I'll catch it if it's not enough, and cook it for you." Chen Xuan said seriously, with a look of love on his face.

"Hmm." Bai Gu took a bite gently, feeling a little touched in his heart, as if returning to the days when he was cared by his parents when he was a child.

Seeing this, Chen Xuan knew that the big thing was settled, the little girl was already happy, and his wife was in trouble, and the next step was to find the top of the mountain. Although the Guanyin Temple is good, it is unavoidably secular. It has to be as good as the Wuzhuang Temple. Home.

Bone carefully glanced at Chen Xuan, seeing that he looked pensive, and felt more and more like his dead father. Back then, he cared silently like this, and always treated himself special.

After Chen Xuan finished drinking the soup, he made a decision in his mind. He planned to drag his family to Wuzhuang Temple after he finished his journey to the west. Anyway, it was quite deserted, and his family could cheer it up, and when he had a child, Qingfeng and Mingyue can also help take care of the children.

"Well, it's done." Bai Gu handed the bowl back to Chen Xuan, his face slightly shy.

"Eat or not, or I will catch it again." Chen Xuan took the bowl, and Wen Sheng spoke again. Invisible courtesy is the most deadly, so he will not let this opportunity go.

"No need, I'll just satisfy my greed." Bai Gu hurriedly refused, he was embarrassed to speak before, how could he be so cheeky now.

"Okay, next time I catch a kun and put it in the pot, I promise you will have a good time." Chen Xuan accepts it when he sees it, knowing that falling in love needs to be like playing ghost tricks, you have to take it slow, there is no use in haste.

"Kun?" Bone was puzzled, not knowing what to say.

"Hey, there is a fish in the Northern Darkness. Its name is Kun. Kun is so big that it can't be stewed in a pot. It turns into a bird. Its name is Peng. Peng is so big that it needs two grills, one secret and one spicy. Ping Xuehua, I will take you bravely to the end of the world." Chen Xuan thought of the past life anecdote, and said it smoothly, and the more he said it, he became more and more enthusiastic, without noticing his anxiety.

"Quickly stop talking." Bai Gu was anxious, stepped forward and covered Chen Xuan's mouth, and then listened carefully to the movement around him, feeling a little uneasy.

Not to mention that Chen Xuan was stunned by Bai Gu's initiative, but also the movement of Beiming, when Chen Xuan said the name of Kun, Beiming erupted for a while, as if a giant monster would fly out.

In Wuzhuang Temple, Zhen Yuanzi felt the way of gold in front of Bodhi, and suddenly he had an early warning in his heart. He knew that there was movement in the north, and that there was no cause and effect in the dark. He thought it was not because of the red clouds, so he turned to Chen Xuan, and used the method to observe the heaven and the earth. Seeing him boasting, he understood the reason, and went out cursingly, trying to stop Kunpeng: "Poor monk, if you want to cause trouble, you will eat fish if you eat fish. Why do you have to involve Kunpeng, and I have to wipe your ass in the end, that's all. Return the promise of the past, and don’t care about courting death in the future.”

"The younger generation insults me, if you don't smash him into thousands of pieces, it will be hard to get rid of the hatred in my heart." The Kun came out of Beiming, spread its wings and became a Peng, traveling thousands of miles in a blink of an eye.

"You're not in Beiming, why are you showing your prestige when you come out now?" Zhen Yuanzi suddenly appeared and stopped Kunpeng from afar.

"Go away, don't worry about my business." Seeing being blocked, Kunpeng stared at Zhen Yuanzi coldly with a gloomy face.

"I don't want to care about it either, but I owe that kid a promise, so I have to stop you." Zhen Yuanzi said indifferently.

"That can only be done once." Kunpeng said coldly.

"It's just what I want, and let's go to the chaos and void, so as not to blame the heavens." Zhen Yuanzi squinted his eyes, intending to weigh Kunpeng, and vented his anger along the way. He still dare not forget the matter of the red cloud.

"Hmph." Kunpeng snorted coldly, ripples appeared in the void, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, the corners of Zhen Yuanzi's mouth turned upward, and his steps disappeared.

All the quasi-sages from all directions were startled, and they were all speechless to find out the reason, and then they looked sideways at Chaos and Void, wanting to see the strength of the two of them, thinking that they were preparing for the battle for sainthood in the future.

Chen Xuan didn't know what was going on in the emptiness, and it had nothing to do with it. At this moment, he only saw the bones and jade hands, thinking that the hard work of several days was not in vain, but now he is willing to have a blind date with the skin.

"Kunpeng is a quasi-sage, and you can feel it when you read his name. Now you insult him with words, he will not forgive you." When Bai Gu remembered the prestige of a demon master, he looked at Chen Xuan with worry in his eyes.

"Are you worried about me?" Chen Xuan grabbed his jade hand and said with a smile on his face.

"I'm not joking. The consequences of this matter are serious. Let's consider how to appease the demon master's anger." When Bai Gu saw Chen Xuan talking about something else, his face was a little annoyed, but anxious.

"It's okay, I can see your sincerity, everything is worth it." Chen Xuan hurriedly hit the iron while it was hot, and hugged the bones. As for the matter of Kunpeng, he let it go, and wanted to make amends when he came. background, the other party should not be embarrassed.

However, Chen Xuan didn't know that because of his unintentional words, the two quasi-sages were fighting in the void, and he also lost a chance to save his life.

"You misunderstood, I didn't treat you as you said." Bai Gu tried his best to push Chen Xuan away, and explained the situation with a blushing face: "The previous actions reminded me of my father, so I kindly reminded him."

"What, your father?" Chen Xuan looked at the bone blankly, his mind was muddled, and his heart was running wild.

"Yes, so don't think wrongly, I have no feelings for you, so I won't marry you." Seeing that Chen Xuan didn't seem to understand, Bai Gu clarified his thoughts and decided to completely cut off his thoughts .

"Your uncle, I treat you as my wife, but you actually treat me as your father. Why don't you give me a good person card?" Chen Xuan yelled, feeling that these days have been a waste of time, and thinking about it, he would completely miss her. Wishing, so he gritted his teeth and decided to take extraordinary measures, even if his favorability for a few days was cleared, it would not hesitate.

Seeing that Chen Xuan was in a panic, Bai Gu planned to clear up the relationship. After all, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. Although I don't know what attracts Chen Xuan, but after getting along with him for a few days, I found that his essence is not bad, so I don't want him to work on impossible things. , So he said: "The relationship between a man and a woman is absolutely impossible. If you don't think about it, you can become friends with you..."

"Come here." Seeing her serious face, Chen Xuan kept chattering non-stop, not wanting to know what to say, so he was too lazy to listen to her nonsense, pulled it away, and blocked his red lips with his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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