book eye

Chapter 189 The Island Adventure and the Strange Book Coffin

Chapter 189 The Island Adventure and the Strange Book Coffin
The fishing boat sailed towards the island in the sea ahead, and the scenery of the island gradually became clearer.

The island is oval in shape. To the east is a small mountain with lush forests and greenery; to the west is a sloping hillside, which stretches for hundreds of meters and extends to the sea on the west bank.

Not long after, the fishing boat arrived at the west coast of the island, and a golden sandy beach appeared in front of us, and there was no one on the beach.

It appears to be a deserted island.

As soon as the fishing boat docked, Liu Xing immediately jumped from the deck to the beach.

The beach was very soft. Liu Xing took a few steps and looked forward. Not far away was a green hillside, where some unknown wild flowers and small saplings grew.

The hillside is very vast, covering an area of ​​more than 10 square meters, which is larger than 10 football fields.Behind the hillside is a sickle-shaped hill, about 150 meters above sea level, standing like an unfolded canvas on the east side of the island.

Seeing this sickle-shaped hill, Liu Xing frowned slightly. There is also a sickle-shaped hill on the island where the protagonist of "Book Tomb Notes 04" goes!

The only difference is that the sickle-shaped hill in "Book Tomb Notes 04" is about 200 meters above sea level, which seems to be tens of meters higher than the hill in front of you.

In addition, the foot of the island in "Book Tomb Notes 04" is a small valley, but the foot of the island in front of you is a sloping hill, and the terrain is quite different.

"Boss Liu, this island is called 'Cradle Island', and it has been deserted for more than 100 years." At this time, the old fisherman Ning Fucai also got off the boat.The ancestors of the Ning family have been fishing for a living for generations, so they are no strangers to the islands in the nearby waters.

"Cradle Island?" Liu Xing was curious, "This island doesn't look like a cradle, why is it named 'Cradle Island'?"

"The origin of Cradle Island can be traced back to 800 years ago." Ning Fucai introduced, "About 800 years ago, a group of civilians lived on this island, and they made a living by fishing. The ancestors of our Ning family also lived in On this island, as the water level in the East China Sea has risen year by year, many lands on the west coast of the island have gradually been submerged. Fishermen on the island began to fill the sea. They dug sand from the mountains on the east coast of the island and filled it to the In the valley. This reclamation project lasted for about 400 years. With the joint efforts of more than a dozen generations of fishermen, the land on the west side of the island was filled up by nearly 50 meters, and the small valley became a small hill.”

Liu Xing suddenly realized, no wonder he felt that the altitude of the hills on the island in front of him became lower. It turned out that the water level of the sea had risen, and the land on the west coast of the island had also been filled up.

"Since these fishermen have spent so much effort to fill the island, why is there no one on the island?" Liu Xing was a little puzzled.

"The fishermen on the island have always lived here, but then a strange thing happened on the island."

"Strange thing?"

"Yes. More than 300 years ago, some changes suddenly occurred on the island. Whenever night fell, the ground of the island would shake violently. The whole island was shaking from side to side like a cradle, and many houses on the island collapsed. In just one month, the island shook hundreds of times, with an average of more than ten times a day. A month later, the fishermen were forced to move away from the island. After the news spread, the island became known as for 'Cradle Island'."

Sighing softly, Ning Fucai continued to introduce, "In the next 200 years, we could hear some rumors about the violent vibration of 'Cradle Island' every once in a while. Therefore, no one dared to live in Cradle Island. Over time , and this place became a deserted island.”

Liu Xing wondered: "Why is Cradle Island vibrating so violently?"

"That's unknown." Ning Fucai said, "The strange shaking of Cradle Island has been rumored for hundreds of years. Whether it is true or not, no one knows. I also heard from my grandfather. 30 Many years ago, geologists went to Cradle Island to conduct a survey and found no abnormalities. Therefore, some experts believe that the rumors of Cradle Island may be fabricated by someone, not the truth. However, everyone still has some taboos about Cradle Island. A few years ago, a real estate developer wanted to buy Cradle Island and planned to build a villa area, but they gave up because they were worried that the island would shake."

After listening to Ning Fucai's words, Liu Xing couldn't help being a little more curious about Cradle Island.

This island seems to have many stories.
After that, Liu Xing left the beach alone and came to the hillside in the middle of the island to carefully check the environment on the island.

Although Cradle Island has been transformed, and the valley on the west coast of the island has become a hillside, everything here still looks very familiar.

After walking around the island, Liu Xing confirmed one thing - Cradle Island is the island where the fourth book tomb is buried!

If nothing else, the book coffin should still be buried on the island.

However, it was daytime at this time, if the book coffin was detected now, it would be easy to be discovered.

Liu Xing is going to wait until night before starting detection.

After wandering around the island, he returned to the beach on the west bank and found the Ning family and his son.

"Boss Liu, are you going to spend the night on Cradle Island tonight?" Ning Fucai reminded, "Cradle Island is a deserted island, where do you sleep?"

Liu Xing explained: "Don't worry, I brought a tent and a sleeping bag."

"Boss Liu, why don't we stay with you?"

"No need. The two of you go back first, and then sail over to pick me up at noon tomorrow.
After explaining the matter, Ning Fucai and Ning Hanghai left Cradle Island together in the fishing boat.

Liu Xing was the only one left on the island.

Soon, night fell.

When the sun set on the sea, the island suddenly darkened.

The surrounding area was quiet, only the sound of the low tide was heard.

Carrying a backpack, Liu Xing walked alone on the hillside. When he came to a lawn on the hillside, he stopped.

"It's about this position."

Open the backpack and take out a packaged book coffin detection stick from the bag.

According to the memory information in "Book Tomb Notes 04" in his mind, the book coffin should be buried at the bottom of this hillside, and he was going to explore it.

The book coffin detection stick was inserted into the lawn on the hillside, and the switch was pressed, and the radio waves began to be emitted towards the ground.

After 1 minute, no response.

After moving a distance of two meters and changing a position, Liu Xing continued to detect.

Still no movement.

Helpless, Liu Xing could only continue to change the detection position and continuously expand the detection range.

After changing more than 50 positions in a row.

"Beep beep!"

When the detection stick was inserted into a small patch of flowers on the hillside, a rapid siren sounded suddenly, and the book coffin trembled slightly at the same time.

found it?
Liu Xing focused his attention, carefully looked at the small LCD screen on the probe stick, and saw a number——56 displayed on the screen.
"The book coffin is 56 meters underground?"

More than 800 years ago, this place was still a small valley, and the book coffin was buried in a tomb about seven meters deep at the bottom of the valley.Today, the valley has been filled with hillsides, raising the height by about 50 meters.

As a result, the depth of the book coffin in the ground became 56 meters.

Holding the probe stick, Liu Xing walked two meters forward and probed the ground again.

"Beep beep!"

The book coffin detector still responded, and the words "56" were still displayed on the LCD screen.

Liu Xing walked forward for another two meters and made the third detection.

"Beep beep!"

When the siren sounded for the third time, Liu Xing couldn't help but frown.

"Strange, I have moved 4 meters, how can I still detect the book coffin? Is the book coffin longer than 4 meters?"

The three book coffins that Liu Xing found before had the same specifications, about 2 meters in length, 1 in width, and 1 meter in height.

The specifications of the book coffin on Haidao seem to be different.

With doubts, Liu Xing walked two meters forward and probed underground for the fourth time.

"Beep beep!"

There are still sirens!

This book coffin is even bigger than imagined, completely over 6 meters!
Liu Xing did not stop, and continued to move forward. He wanted to know how long the book coffin was.

Afterwards, he measured twice in a row, and both of them could detect the book coffins in the ground. It was not until he reached a range of 10 meters that the detection stick finally stopped.

"The book coffin is actually 10 meters long!"

Liu Xing was a little unbelievable.
After measuring the length of the book coffin, he immediately began to measure the width of the book coffin. After several attempts, he found that the width of the book coffin was about 5 meters.

After tossing here, Liu Xing realized an unbelievable fact: the book coffin under the island is about 10 meters long and 5 meters wide, and its volume is larger than the compartment of a large truck!

"How can there be such a big book coffin?"

Liu Xing was full of doubts. The fourth coffin seemed to be different from the first three coffins.

"Why is this book coffin so big? How did it get buried? Or... after it was buried, the book coffin became bigger?"

Liu Xing thought to himself: Could the volume of the book coffin change?
"If the book coffin is really getting bigger, what causes it?"

At this time, Liu Xing suddenly remembered something.

There was a violent vibration on this island hundreds of years ago. Could it be related to the book coffin?
The book coffin is buried underground. If the volume of the book coffin changes, then when the volume of the book coffin increases, the ground of the island should shake, right?
Could this be the cause of the violent shaking of the island?
The more Liu Xing thought about it, the more curious he became. No matter whether the shaking of Cradle Island was related to the book coffin, he had to find a way to dig out the book coffin to have a look.

It's just that the excavation of this book coffin may be more complicated than imagined.

Not only is the book coffin buried extremely deep, 56 meters underground, but the book coffin is also extremely large, possibly weighing a million catties.

It is not a small project to dig out such a behemoth from the island.
More importantly, once excavated by hand, it is likely to be noticed by the outside world.

Although Cradle Island is a deserted island, ships pass by the nearby waters almost every day, and occasionally tourists come to the island to play.

If you want to dig the book coffin, you must take certain precautions.

"This is a desert island, anyone can come, it's a bit difficult to guard against, unless..."

Thinking of this, a thought flashed in Liu Xing's mind, "Unless you buy the island and manage it yourself."

If you buy Cradle Island, Liu Xing can refuse other tourists to enter.At the same time, he can build a building on the island, and then secretly excavate book coffins in the building to hide people's eyes and ears.

"The area of ​​Cradle Island is not small. If you buy it, it should cost a lot of money, right?"

In the nearby waters, there are dozens of islands. Most of these islands have been bought, mainly for the construction of island villas.There are many scholars with billions of dollars who like to live on the island.
Cradle Island has lush hills, grass-lined hillsides, and golden sandy beaches. The environment is very suitable for building villas.

It's just that most people have heard the rumors that there will be strange vibrations on Cradle Island, so they avoid Cradle Island.

After all, building a large villa on an island requires a lot of bonuses, worth hundreds of millions. If something happens to the island, these investments may be in vain.

It is for this reason that Cradle Island is still a deserted island and no one cares about it.

However, this may be a good thing for Liu Xing.

Because no one is willing to buy this island, it means that the price of the island may be relatively low.

Thinking of this, Liu Xing began to consider the feasibility of buying an island.

Putting the book coffin probe into his backpack, Liu Xing found a clean lawn on the hillside and lay down directly.

The island was very quiet in the middle of the night, the sound of the tide not far away was one after another, and the refreshing sea breeze blew across the hillside from time to time, Liu Xing relaxed all of a sudden.

"If you build a villa on the island, facing the sea every day and reading novels, it seems quite comfortable..."

Liu Xing was thinking, at this moment, the cell phone rang suddenly.

Liu Shiming's call.

"Liu Xing, it's already 12 o'clock in the evening, why haven't you come home yet?" Liu Shiming's voice came from the phone.
"Sister, I'm not going back tonight, I'm going to spend the night on the island." Liu Xing explained.

"Spend the night on the island?" Liu Shiming asked, "Where do you live at night? Is there a place to rest on the island?"

"I brought my sleeping bag and tent."

"Really, why do you suddenly want to spend the night on the island?" Liu Shiming warned, "A Xing, be careful, don't run around if you have nothing to do, the island is not very safe."

"Don't worry, I'm not a three-year-old kid, I'll be fine..."

Just as Liu Xing said this, at this moment, a loud noise came from the bottom of the island, and the foot of the mountain trembled slightly, like an earthquake.

Liu Xing couldn't help being taken aback: The island...was shaking! ?
"A Xing, what's the sound?" Liu Shiming on the phone seemed to have noticed something unusual.

"It's okay." The ground on the hillside was still shaking continuously. Liu Xing remembered something and asked, "Sister, are you... all right there?"

"Of course it's fine"

Hearing Liu Shiming's answer, Liu Xing realized that the shaking of Cradle Island was not due to an earthquake.

If it was an earthquake, Tianhai City should also feel it.

There was no earthquake in Tianhai City, but the Cradle Island in front of me was shaking non-stop...

"There seems to be something wrong with this island."

The strange noise just now seemed to come from the underground of the hillside. Could it really be caused by the book coffin?
The volume of the book coffin is not changing, is it?

(End of this chapter)

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