book eye

Chapter 190 Book Coffin Mutation and Acquisition of the Island

Chapter 190 Book Coffin Mutation and Acquisition of the Island

"Sister, if there's nothing else, I'll hang up first?"

"You remember to be careful."

After hanging up the phone, the ground under my feet stopped trembling, and the island returned to its original calm.

It's just that Liu Xing's heart couldn't calm down.

This experience just proved one thing: the rumors about Cradle Island are true, and this island really shakes!

The magnitude of the shaking was not very violent, but the shock could be clearly felt, and the whole process lasted for nearly half a minute.

"Why is the island shaking? Is it really related to the book coffin?"

Standing up from the hillside, Liu Xing took out the book coffin detector again and conducted a second detection of the book coffin underground.

"Beep beep!"

"Beep beep!"

The crisp electronic alarm sounded again and again, and Liu Xing kept changing the detection position to detect the range of the book coffin.

After more than 30 consecutive detections, Liu Xing stopped.

Looking at the ground under his feet, his face showed extreme surprise, because he discovered an incredible thing.

The detection result of the detection stick shows that the volume of the book coffin under the ground has really increased!
A few minutes ago, the book coffin was about 10 meters long and 5 meters wide.

At this moment, the length of the book coffin has become 12 meters, and the width has become 6 meters, an increase of about 20% compared to before!

"The volume of the coffin will really change!"

Liu Xing's previous guess might be right. The reason why Cradle Island shakes may be caused by the book coffin.It was the change in the volume of the book coffin that caused the ground of the island to tremble.

There is only one question that puzzled Liu Xing: Why did the volume of the book coffin increase?

The volume of the three book coffins that Liu Xing found before has not changed. Is there anything special about this book coffin on the island?
The origin of these coffins is still a mystery.The abnormality of the book coffin on the island may be a clue to solve the mystery of the book coffin.

Considering this, Liu Xing became more determined in his plan to excavate the book coffin.

To excavate the book coffin, I am afraid that you need to buy the entire Cradle Island.

The price of Huaxia's islands is relatively expensive, and the price of many islands exceeds [-] million yuan.

Since Cradle Island is a deserted island that no one cares about, the price will be much cheaper than other islands in the nearby waters.It's just that the total area of ​​Cradle Island exceeds 15 square meters, and the natural environment is not bad, so the price should be quite a fortune.

It is conservatively estimated that the price should be around 4000 million yuan.

If it is 4000 million yuan, Liu Xing can basically afford it, as his net worth has already exceeded [-] million yuan.

Liu Xing's current income mainly comes from two sources, one is Meteor Book Bar, and the other is Bohai Bookstore.

The current total income that Meteor Book Bar brings to Liu Xing is about 2800 million yuan (including the book coffin bonus), and with the progress of the essay contest, this amount is expected to double within half a year.

The total income brought by Bohai Bookstore to Liu Xing is about 1.2 million yuan.Among them, 4500 million was obtained from Huang Baijing, and 4500 million from Li Ming of Liming Bookstore, and the rest was the income of the killer organization and the normal operating income of Bohai Bookstore.

Therefore, Liu Xing currently has about 1.48 million yuan of funds in his hands.

Buying the island is basically not a problem.

For safety reasons, he decided not to buy the island as Liu Xing, but to buy the island in the name of Bohai Book City.

After all, excavating book coffins has certain risks after all.In the event of an accident, Liu Xing will be able to escape unscathed.
However, buying the island is only the first step. After buying the island, digging out the book coffin is the real difficulty.Excavating the book coffin is not a small project, and I am afraid that it will cost a lot of money.

"It seems that we need to prepare more funds."

In the early morning of the next day, the golden morning light shone obliquely.

Liu Xing slowly opened his eyes, looked around, and found himself lying on the lawn on the hillside of Cradle Island, where he slept for a whole night.

After the island shook once last night, it returned to normal and did not shake a second time.

Standing up, Liu Xing wandered around the island, not long after, a fishing boat appeared on the sea, heading towards the island, it was the fishing boat of Ning Fucai and Ning Hanghai.

When the fishing boat docked, Liu Xing also came to the coast.

After that, Liu Xing returned to Tianhai City after boarding the fishing boat.

That night, he immediately went to Bohai Bookstore and handed over the plan to purchase Cradle Island to General Manager Sun Jiang.

As for Liu Xing himself, he also has other things to be busy with.

The second season of the "Shadowman Cup" essay competition has successfully concluded. This season, 149 star-rated novels have been excavated, twice as many as the previous season.

Most of these star novels are written by amateur writers. They come from all walks of life in society, and many of them are disadvantaged groups living at the bottom of society.

And as their works were identified as star novels and shortlisted for the second round of the essay contest, their lives were completely changed.

Ning Hanghai is an example.

Ning Hanghai used to be a fisherman with his father and son. He went fishing every day, and his monthly income was only a few thousand yuan, which was extremely unstable.

And after his work "One Piece" was appraised by Liu Xing as a one-star novel, Ning Hanghai may become a star writer because of this, earning an income of more than one million yuan, and his future is limitless.

There are many examples like Ning Hanghai. Many ordinary people who were originally unknown stood out in the essay contest and became famous in one fell swoop.

As these deeds were exposed by the media, the essay contest received more and more attention.

As the chief planner of the competition, Liu Xing has received praise and affirmation from all walks of life.

In just two quarters, more than 200 star-rated novels were born in the essay contest, which surpassed everyone's expectations.

After the end of the second season, the third season of the essay competition started immediately, and the number of participants was still booming.

Although the third season has just started, Liu Xing knows that the results of this season will definitely be better than the second season.

Because most of the contributions from the writing department of Yufeng Fiction Academy will appear in the third season, and the highest-level works are likely to be born in this season.

In order to improve the quality of the entries, Liu Xing still checks the works every day, and at the same time, provides suggestions for revision of some shortlisted writers, including Ning Hanghai's "One Piece of the Shadow Man".

This "Shadow Man: One Piece" is only a one-star novel, but the matching rate has reached 16.4%. If the level can be further improved, the matching rate may exceed 30%.

At that time, Liu Xing will have one more novel about the man in the shadows that can fascinate him.
While Liu Xing was busy writing for the third season, another piece of good news came on this day.

After half a month of hard work, General Manager Sun Jiang successfully bought Cradle Island in the name of Bohai Bookstore...


(End of this chapter)

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