
Chapter 694 Undercurrent surges, guardian of the world

Chapter 694 Undercurrent surges, guardian of the world

time flies.

The name Tai'a Sword God has become one of Ye Tai's labels in the real world.

Mrs. Ye's major public accounts have also been blown up, and the popularity of President Ye has never been lost in the real world.

However, from the perspective of many upper-level people who know the inside story, this label is really not important, but it can also be seen from it that Mr. Ye still has an ordinary heart, unlike those who claim to be in a high position and do not want to fall into the trap. Ordinary people, on the contrary, spread their interests everywhere.

It's pretty good, at least it means that this human-shaped nuclear bomb actually likes the colorful world.

There are many precedents, such a person will not restrain by force, nor abuse ability and power. This is already a perfect guardian of the world.

Although he didn't claim to be the guardian of the world, such a mind and ability deserved such a title from the world.

Ever since, Mrs. Ye herself never replied, and even during this period of time, she never appeared again on the public platform.

However, countries all over the world applied one after another to crown Mrs. Ye as the "Guardian of the World" when Mrs. Ye herself and Huaxia Fang did not speak up.

But anyone with a discerning eye knows what those big countries are, what are they, the guardians of the world, not the guardians of China.

With such a superman, is it possible that you Huaxia can still control him and monopolize him?
If you shout too much, maybe the guardian of the world will become the real guardian of the "world"?
All human beings compliment you like this, and your reputation is added to you. Even if you don't like it sometimes, is it possible that you are still willing to abandon the title of "Guardian"?
The Huaxia side has never responded, and can't respond. After all, they are so eager to give their own countrymen the title of the highest honor. You have no reason to stand up and refuse, right?
In fact, it's the same old routine of the high-level people. Although they can't get in touch with Mrs. Ye, they can find ways to impose invisible and not easy to detect confinement on him in the name of admiration, which is also a good point.

What's more, in the most ideal and ideal state, Mrs. Ye herself will stand up and respond. As long as she doesn't refuse, the title will gradually fade away.

Then, as the guardian of the earth, you, the supreme meeting of the world, jointly applied for it, and want to invite you to participate, speak, and even preside over the overall situation as a gesture of admiration.

Are you coming?

It's fine if you don't come, we ask you to come every time, and want to bestow upon you the highest honor and the admiration of all mankind.

One day, you see us in such a posture, and then you think that you are free for the sake of global security, so you come to join in the fun.

As long as you enter the gate of the United Government and enter this circle, it will be more feasible to operate.

When you subconsciously accepted the honor we gave you, you also became half a member of the joint government. Everyone collectively pays high respect to you, listens to your speech, and implements it.

From now on, as long as it's not a big deal, you still have the nerve to shake your fist at us?
Even more ideally, they are all half members of the United Government, if your attitude is really good.

One day we will flatter you and make you happy. For the sake of the peace and prosperity of the world, we will propose a "Guardian Convention" in which you will declare your abilities and praise your contribution to the world without leaving a trace Add one, similar to "for the sake of the world, the supreme guardian of this planet, may consider it as appropriate, accept the application of the coalition government, carry out certain anti-terrorism, and protect the civilians in dire straits in the world" and other regulations.

Attention, it is not a task, nor is it a mandatory requirement, but a humble attitude, asking you to protect this world.

When the time comes, you will be happy, and your eyes will be full of those who praised you, and you will sign this regulation?
After all, we are all for world peace!

You have been promoted so high, and enjoy the highest treatment, you are always embarrassed not to sign, right?

And then, let's not talk about you, the guardian of the world, will you accept the mission of the joint government, ah no, it's a request!

Even if you don't bother to talk to us, but you have signed such a treaty, why do you have the nerve to take action against us who admire and admire you so much for some trivial matters?

It can only be said that sometimes the head decides the butt, and then the ass decides the head. Those people's routines are really not easy to find, of course...

Unless Ye Tai can read minds.

Otherwise, if you don't go deep into it, even if this person's IQ is higher than those people combined, but step by step, it seems that you have only gained the admiration of the whole world, and you haven't lost anything?

What, I am a knife of the joint government, their little brother and weapon?


Have you ever seen a little brother who is kneeled and licked by the whole world, and those legendary people talk to you without panting and begging?

Brother, are you suffering from persecution paranoia?

My strength is enough to sweep everything away!

Who dares to play Xiao Jiujiu for me?
But ordinary people don't realize it. Gradually, you feel embarrassed and shake your fist at those who respect you.

Sometimes even when you are in a good mood, for the sake of "world peace", the honor and responsibility in your heart tend to fulfill the demands they conveyed to you.

This is human beings.

In fact, if Mrs. Ye's realm is much lower and she doesn't know mind reading skills, indeed... well, although he has good calculations, but in the real world, he doesn't like to think much, and he doesn't like to talk to those people. Who knows?
I'm not short of hairs.

In short, for the past month, it seemed to be calm, but in fact, many forces were mobilized in the dark.

And Mrs. Ye has been ignoring those people, playing around with her family every day, and in her spare time, she and Li Ziyun brought tea to visit the head of the department who had been cheated by them invisibly.

But this time, what I brought was not the ten yuan Kuding tea, but the authentic and highest-grade Longjin tea.

The head of the department was filled with emotion when he saw these two boys.

Who would have thought that the bastard who was still living here two years ago would be such a character now?

This is not considered to be outstanding, but to lead the world!
The head of the department was full of emotions, and invited these two guys to a newly opened restaurant outside the school for a meal.

On the table, the dean of the department smiled bitterly and said, "Do you know the news that the left-behind children who couldn't afford a meal were given an extra look by Niu Shoufu, who said he was willing to sponsor him to go to school? Visits, subsistence allowances, stipends, money, fame, everything.”

Mrs. Ye smiled and said, "I've heard about this a little bit. Why, the head of the department has an idea? How about I call you godfather in public? Maybe I will be the principal next year, and the minister the year after."

The head of the department smiled and shook his head, and said: "Farewell, I'm about to retire, I don't have so many ambitions, and I can't bear you as a godfather. The minister is fine. There are so many things to do every day, and ordinary people can't do it, but this principal, cough cough , I heard that he is going to be promoted soon, you treat me to this meal, I have no chance, but who knows what will happen tomorrow, right?"

Li Ziyun also clicked his tongue and said: "Director, I didn't think you looked like a good person before, but now you have revealed your true colors? But what you said, it is really possible. Ye Tai's richest man now has money other than money that can't be spent. , it seems that there are some indescribable and insubstantial 'wealth'."

The head of the department glared: "What are you talking about? Brat, I'm not a good person? I'm not a good person. Can I treat you to so many meals and recommend you a scholarship? Hey, I don't even know the basics of respecting teachers. , I think you have forgotten your roots, and you are not in school, otherwise you will definitely fail your class!"

Li Ziyun chuckled and scratched his head.

The head of the department looked annoyed by him, picked up the teacup angrily, and took a sip.

Then the look changed.

Li Ziyun asked blankly: "What's the matter, Director? You won't be really angry, are you? I was just joking! Besides, you can't fail my department now."

However, the head of the department ignored him, looked directly at the boss who was busy in the back kitchen, and asked, "Boss, what tea did you pour us?"

Li Ziyun looked down at the fineness of the tea leaves in his teacup, and suddenly felt bad, Shidun said: "Ah, my stomach hurts, go to the bathroom, you two talk first."

"Kuding tea, ten yuan, I bought it at the canteen of your school, a small restaurant, what kind of tea do you want to drink?" came the voice of the boss.

The head of the department put the teacup on the table and said, "Student Li Ziyun! Stop, the teacher has heartfelt words and educating people, and I want to chat with you alone!"

Li Ziyun: "Go find Mrs. Ye! It's his bad idea! But it took you so many years to drink it, you're so stupid! Ah~~~ To be honest, you broke the law! The teacher beat someone!! Ah~~~~~"

(End of this chapter)

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