super hate ring

Chapter 416 Strong Country Project 2

Chapter 416 Strong Country Project 2
Seeing that Kazuki Yamamoto frowned, Jiang Fan thought it was funny that these two questions had troubled him for a long time.

But Jiang Fan didn't know that the stupid Japanese government ordered Kazuki Yamamoto to investigate himself to investigate the Wei Group, but he couldn't find out for a long time. Kazuki Yamamoto was also under a lot of pressure and was criticized many times by Shangfeng. Failure to finish is a humiliation for a proud person like Kazuki Yamamoto.

"Does Yamamoto-kun believe in alien civilization?" Jiang Fan asked suddenly.

"Alien civilization?" Kazuki Yamamoto was stunned for a moment, and frowned: "From the intelligence information of various countries, the scientific community believes in the existence of extraterrestrial civilization, but as far as I know, no country in the world can confirm it. "

"No, Huaxia has confirmed it." Jiang Fan said with certainty.

"What? Could it be that Huaxia came into contact with UFOs?" Kazuki Yamamoto asked suspiciously. He didn't really believe that Huaxia could come into contact with UFOs.

"Do UFOs exist?" Jiang Fan asked back, he was curious.

"According to the information held by various countries, UFOs do exist, but no country has ever come into contact with them, and no one is sure that those UFOs are from alien civilizations. In other words, Huaxia has not come into contact with UFOs. How can Huaxia confirm it? Are there alien civilizations?"

Kazuki Yamamoto couldn't believe it even more at this time. Don't look at the advanced technology of human beings, it is all blown out. Now the scope of human exploration is limited to the moon, and the exploration of Mars is just equivalent to taking a few photos on the surface of the earth with a camera. phase only.

If you want to know about Mars, you are still a thousand miles away.

And even if it is the moon, what humans know is extremely limited. They can't even find a plane that fell in the Pacific Ocean, let alone launch a few satellites for detection and take two steps on the moon.

Without contact with UFOs flying over the earth, how could Huaxia confirm the existence of alien civilizations.

"The alien civilization confirmed by Huaxia is not a modern alien civilization, but an ancient alien civilization." Jiang Fan said.

"Ancient, what do you mean?"

"Does Your Excellency Yamamoto know that there were three great figures in ancient China?" Jiang Fan asked.

"You mean Emperor Yan and Huang and Chi You?" Japanese people know a lot about Chinese culture, and Japanese people are much more familiar with Chinese history than Chinese people are with Japanese history.

The Japanese have never been stingy about accepting foreign cultures, but after absorbing advanced foreign cultures, whether they want to kill these foreign countries that have spread advanced cultures to them is another matter.

"Chi You is an ancient alien robot, a product of alien civilization." Jiang Fan said, looking at the surprised Kazuki Yamamoto, Jiang Fan did not change his face.

"Jiang Fan is also a member of the Huaxia Intelligence Bureau, and the Huaxia Intelligence Bureau is very clear about Jiang Fan's cultivation and the source of his technology.

It’s also very dramatic to say that Jiang Fan was just a good-for-nothing who was divorced by the daughter of a big family. He wanted to commit suicide because he couldn’t stand the blow. After the dive, he accidentally discovered an ancient ruin at the bottom of the water. It was the alien civilization left by Chi You. .

According to the ancient records in the ruins, Chi You and the 81 brothers are a robot army from aliens, and they are super intelligent robots, which are absolutely impossible to create on our earth.

It can be imagined that Chi You's home planet is countless times larger than modern earth civilization.

It was in that ruins that Jiang Fan got alien technology and enhanced medicines, so he had a very high level of cultivation and the Great Wei Group. "

"You mean that Jiang Fan's cultivation is due to taking strengthening potions?" Kazuki Yamamoto believed in this conclusion. Besides, there was really no reason why Jiang Fan could improve his cultivation so quickly.

"That's right, but at the beginning Jiang Fan only cared about acquiring strengthening potions and planting techniques to make wine, and hadn't finished learning other techniques, when an unexpected visitor came to that place.

It was a tomb robber. Because Jiang Fan opened the ruins, the tomb robber felt that there was space underground, so he dug a tunnel and entered the ruins, and took away some other scientific and technological achievements and Jiang Fan's remaining strengthening potions. There are planting techniques.

This tomb robber is Liu Bei, the Marshal of the Blue Army. "

"It's no wonder that Liu Bei built such a powerful destroyer. It turned out to be an alien civilization." Kazuki Yamamoto has already believed it. It's not that he is too easy to be deceived, but that this is indeed the only reason for the explanation.

"I'm not sure about this, but Liu Bei's grain company in the Middle East is indeed exactly the same as that of the Great Wei Group, and it will definitely be a major grain exporter by then.

As long as we cooperate with the Blue Army, we can get a lot of food. We have been short of food every day and need to import it. This can greatly alleviate our crisis, and it is also possible to directly obtain the planting technology mastered by Liu Bei. "

Kazuki Yamamoto bowed his head in silence and did not answer Jiang Fan's words. Compared with planting technology, Kazuki Yamamoto was also very interested in Liu Bei's other technologies.

"In addition, we can also lay eggs from the shell. Our increasingly stupid military functions are restricted by international arbitrariness, making it difficult to develop, but what if we use the blue army to train our troops? "

"What do you mean?" Speaking of the army, Kazuki Yamamoto immediately cheered up. The limitations of the Japanese army have always been a concern for Yamamoto. It can be said that the army is the first priority if the Japanese are to rise, but it is precisely The army, constrained by various aspects, is impossible to rise.

"We can use the Blue Legion to train our army, as long as we send out the stupid Japanese soldiers, and the formed army will bear the Blue Legion number, then no international law can restrain us.

Originally, such a plan would have never been feasible in the past. If you want to stay overseas, you need to build ships, supplies, and maintain them. These cannot escape the eyes and ears of other countries, and there is no place to store high-tech troops .

But the Blue Army has provided us with great convenience. The Blue Army itself is a super modern army, not pirates or bandits. Our army is stored in the Blue Army and will not arouse suspicion.

The Blue Legion itself has the technology to build ships. It can supply and maintain itself without involving other countries. As long as the Blue Legion cooperates with us in secret, we can hide the truth and form a powerful army in the Kingdom of Flynn. "

Kazuki Yamamoto nodded slowly: "This is really a very feasible plan, but there is still a problem, how to export military expenditure and personnel?

The Blue Legion cooperates with us to provide supplies and repairs for our shipbuilding. It is impossible to pay for nothing, and we need to export a lot of military expenses.

We are stupid now that we have money and have nowhere to spend it. Money is not a problem, but if so much money is spent, how can it not arouse alarm? In addition, the export of personnel is also a problem. "

Kazuki Yamamoto was really moved, and only now did he realize that the appearance of the Blue Legion is really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Nidou. If he doesn't seize it, it is very likely that Nidou will miss the only chance to rise.

"The issue of personnel export needs to be considered by His Excellency Yamamoto. I believe this is not an impossible task. Labor export, mine disasters and shipwrecks can all make the population disappear. As long as some are produced, and then secretly sent to the Kingdom of Flynn, there will be no ghosts. Sleep.

As for the issue of military expenditures, I have thought of two ways. The Kingdom of Flynn will open its own bank, and it will be an international bank. We can use the name of deposits to send military expenses to the bank, and we will jointly make accounts with the Kingdom of Flynn. No one will notice.

But if we save too much money in the past, it will also alert other countries, so I have another way. "

"What method?" The first method can indeed only transfer a part of the funds. If Riben deposits a lot of personal and public funds in a newly built bank in the Flynn Kingdom, it will be no wonder that it has not attracted attention.

"Corruption." Jiang Fan said seriously.

"Corruption?" Yamamoto was puzzled.

"That's right, it's corruption. We can let stupid Japanese officials intentionally embezzle, and then transfer the so-called stolen money to Flynn Kingdom and hand it over to the Blue Army for military expenses.

I believe that there are many officials who are loyal to the empire and hope for the rise of the empire. Your Excellency Yamamoto also knows these people, right?Then let these patriots corrupt, I think they must be willing for the rise of the empire. "

"Well, this method is good." Kazuki Yamamoto also felt that this method would work.

"In this way, the problem of military expenditure and personnel will be solved, we will be able to have our own modern army overseas, and it will not be bound by international law at all, and we will also have food and crude oil exports to the sea, which will inevitably affect our daily rise. It is very beneficial."

"Okay, I'll do as you said, Doi-kun..."

"Your Excellency Yamamoto." The bald man on one side suddenly interjected, glanced at Jiang Fan, frowned slightly, and said to Kazuki Yamamoto: "I think Doi-kun's plan is not desirable.

There are no major changes in the world today, and it is generally stable. The country of Magnesium cooperates closely with China, and also cooperates with the country of Ross, and there will be no breakup.

In such a stable international situation, it is not advisable for us to take a chestnut out of the fire. "

The bald head took a deep breath and said: "Mr. Doi's idea looks very beautiful, but if any link goes wrong, we may face disaster.

The country of Magnesium’s vigilance towards our empire has never disappeared. Once the country of Magnesium discovers that we have formed an army overseas, it may cause the country of Magnesium to impose punitive sanctions on us. At that time, we cannot bear the consequences. "

"Mr. Tomita, I understand what you mean, but Japan has been living in the shadow of the country of magnesium, when will it really rise? I think what Mr. Doi said is right. The appearance of the blue army is God's gift to us. What a godsend opportunity we must not miss."

"Your Excellency Yamamoto, please calm down. I think that in today's world peace, we should learn to lie dormant. Times can create heroes. When there are major changes in the world, we can adapt to the situation and help the empire revive. But if it is forced to change, it is too much. If you are impatient, the gain may not be worth the loss, and more seriously, it may push the empire into the bottomless abyss." The bald head said straightly.

Jiang Fan looked at the bald head and felt that this girl is really annoying. His perfect plan to defeat the country is about to succeed. What are you doing to disrupt the situation? If Kazuki Yamamoto is woken up by your scolding, I will beat you up Ash.

(End of this chapter)

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