super hate ring

Chapter 417 Strong Country Project 3

Chapter 417 Strong Country Project 3
Jiang Fan looked at the bald head and felt that this girl is really annoying. His perfect plan to defeat the country is about to succeed. What are you doing to disrupt the situation? If Kazuki Yamamoto is woken up by your scolding, I will beat you up Ash.

"How can the rise of an empire not take risks? A peaceful world? Mr. Tomita, why do I think this should be the tone of the Youth Club?" Kazuki Yamamoto sternly said, obviously angry.

"Your Excellency Yamamoto, I didn't mean that." The bald head apologized quickly.

"Okay, needless to say, the world will change from time to time. If you wait for the right time, the blood of Japan's nation will be exhausted, and it will all become youth clubs. At that time, even if the international situation changes suddenly, Japan's stupid It also no longer has the ability to cope with change, let alone rise.

We must not miss the heaven-sent opportunity brought by the blue army, and as long as we are united, I don't think Mr. Doi's plan is too risky. I will suggest to the government to implement Mr. Doi's plan to strengthen the country immediately. "

It's not that Kazuki Yamamoto can't consider the risks, but that he doesn't want to wait anymore. Conservative organizations like the Youth Club gain public support, which Kazuki Yamamoto hates the most and feels the crisis the most.

Kazuki Yamamoto has always been afraid that more and more people will support the youth club. In his opinion, the more support the youth club receives, the less bright Japan will be.

Jiang Fan gave the plan at the right time. It is impossible for Kazuki Yamamoto to miss such an opportunity. Tomita said to wait, Kazuki Yamamoto knows that it is more rational, but one knows what will happen tomorrow.

Kazuki Yamamoto, like the head of the Gu family, is a wise person, but when faced with the goals they desperately want to achieve, they will lose some reason and become impulsive. The Gu family hopes that the family will become the number one in China and even the world. Kazuki Yamamoto hopes that Japan will rise.

This urgency is beyond ordinary people's comprehension. They are wise but not saints, and they are also impulsive.

What's more, sometimes not taking risks is also a risk. Waiting time will wear away everything. The blood, ambition, and ideals of the people may be wiped out. It is the best for conservatives like the Youth Club to gain support. illustration.

The most important point is that Kazuki Yamamoto not only valued the Blue Army's ability to bring food to Japan, guarantee crude oil and lift the ban on the army, but also Liu Bei's own technology.

The naval battles in the Flynn Kingdom Bay are well known to the world. The destroyers of the Blue Legion are the most modern warships. Such warships can be built every day, but the cost is extremely high, and they have to rely on the technology of many countries.

No country in the world can independently build that quasi-carrier-class destroyer. If Japan gets these technologies, its rise is just around the corner.

If the plan of cooperating with the Blue Legion is successful and meets Kazuki Yamamoto's expectations, then Japan will get food, crude oil, technology, and at least the axis of a powerful country will be fully formed.

With Japan's current nuclear technology and nuclear material reserves, nuclear weapons can be obtained in half a year to a year, and they can be loaded on missiles, fighter planes and other delivery devices.

Get that table from Huaxia, if it is really antimatter, and help Japan achieve the progress of antimatter research, then Japan can achieve complete control of nuclear weapons, because the terrorist force erupted by the combination of particles and anti-particles can completely give birth Nuclear fission.

And antimatter itself can create more powerful and destructive weapons than current nuclear weapons.

Whether it is food and energy bases, conventional technology, or nuclear deterrence, it is difficult for Japan to rise.

Faced with such a big temptation, Kazuki Yamamoto naturally agreed to Jiang Fan's proposal.

"The biggest problem left now is the negotiation with the coach of the Blue Army. It may not be so easy to reach a close cooperative relationship with Liu Bei, but we must talk.

This is not only related to the rise of the empire, but also to prevent Huaxia from getting the support of the blue army. Mr. Doi, Mr. Tomita, what good suggestions do you have, who can be in charge of negotiating with Liu Bei? "

The meaning of the Blue Army to Japan is also applicable to China. To some extent, both China and Japan are eager to rise, and they are both hiding their strengths and biding their time.

As a mortal enemy, no matter which side obtains the technology of the Blue Army, it will be a disaster for the other party. Even for this reason, Kazuki Yamamoto has to cooperate with the Blue Army.

"As long as you are human, you have weaknesses. Since Mr. Doi said that the Blue Army wants to get rid of the control of the West and Ross, it is good for the Blue Army to cooperate with us.

Now that there is a basis for cooperation, as long as we find out Liu Bei's temperament, strengths, weaknesses and preferences, we will be able to make progress in the negotiation. "

Bald-headed Tomita said, Japanese stupid people are like this, they will put forward their own objections, but after the chief has made a decision, they will start thinking about how to complete this task, even if they feel that the task itself is wrong.

"What do you think, Mr. Doi?" Kazuki Yamamoto said to Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan smiled inwardly, and said to Kazuki Yamamoto: "Although I have been in contact with Liu Bei as a Chinese intelligence officer, I don't know this person well. I think what Mr. Tomita said makes sense. I will leave it to Tomita to negotiate with Liu Bei." You are responsible."

Jiang Fan doesn't want to talk to "Liu Bei", it's better to give it to Tomita. As for who Tomita talks to, he can go to the Middle East by himself, or disguise himself as a simulation person.

Kazuki Yamamoto nodded, very satisfied with Jiang Fan's answer. The bald Tomita objected to Jiang Fan's opinion just now, but now Jiang Fan can recommend Tomita, which shows that Jiang Fan is not a fussy person.

As the mainstay of Japan's stupid, it should have this kind of tolerance, unite as one on the line of rising for Japan's rise, regardless of personal self-interest.

"Well then, let Mr. Tomita be in charge of negotiating with Liu Bei. Be sure to keep it secret, and never let the wind out."


Seeing the bald-headed Tomita go out, Jiang Fan smiled in his heart. He didn't want to talk to "Liu Bei". Anyone can come out.

What Jiang Fan hopes now is that everything that Yamamoto does will go smoothly, sending Japanese stupid people to the Middle East, and using officials' "corruption" funds to send them to the Middle East.

Of course, Jiang Fan will not be greedy for this little money, the most important thing is "corruption". When the time comes, the military expenditure sent by Japan will be lost, and if the corruption of Japanese officials is exposed, it will be a good show.

If Kazuki Yamamoto wanted these officials to embezzle and use the embezzled funds as military expenses, then these officials must be the most loyal to Japan. Otherwise, who would embezzle and save the country at the risk of damaging their reputation?
This kind of crazy move can only be done by the most core right-wing elements in Japan.

When the corruption of this group of people is announced, they will inevitably become public enemies of Japanese stupid citizens, that is, the entire right wing will become public enemies of Japanese stupid citizens.

In fact, Jiang Fan agrees with Kazuki Yamamoto’s words that the right wing is the soul of Japan. If the right wing does not exist, the foundation of Japan’s country will not exist. Maybe it will be rich, but never think about how big it is in the world as.

The right wing can ruin the stupidity of the day, or it can make the stupidity of the day. For Huaxia, the most dangerous thing is the right wing.

Jiang Fan really wants to see the Japanese stupid right wing become the Japanese stupid public enemy, and by the way, he can attract the hatred of these right wingers.

Not only these corrupt people, but the stupid Japanese soldiers sent to the Middle East must also be the most loyal soldiers. What will happen if these people die?

Moreover, people on the right wing usually do not commit corruption. For a group of people with fanatical ideals, corruption is far away from them.

Once these people are corrupted, and they cannot be said to be corrupted for the future of the empire, then the whole atmosphere of stupid officialdom in Japan will be over.

If the Japanese people know that they did all this by themselves and that they were originally Chinese, Jiang Fan estimates that every Japanese will hate him, but there are nearly [-] million people in Japan.

Jiang Fan finally found a way to arouse the hatred of Japan's stupid people. Even if he went to kill Japan's stupid head of state and robbed the bank, he still couldn't arouse so much hatred.

If you want to play, you can play big, and it's not in vain to pretend to be a fool in front of Kazuki Yamamoto.

Jiang Fan was about to leave when he was stopped by Kazuki Yamamoto.

"Mr. Doi, have you lived in China for more than ten years, can you still remain absolutely loyal to the empire?" Kazuki Yamamoto asked.

Jiang Fan was stunned for a moment, not knowing why Kazuki Yamamoto asked such a question, but he still replied affirmatively: "Of course."

"Do you dare to swear with your saber?" Kazuki Yamamoto said solemnly. Swearing with a saber is the highest oath of Japanese soldiers, and it is not easy to use it. The intelligence personnel dispatched by the Internal Intelligence Bureau belong to the military system.

"I don't have a saber."

As soon as Jiang Fan finished speaking, Kazuki Yamamoto threw a Japanese sword and said in a deep voice: "This is my saber, it is one of the sabers that my grandfather used when he was alive, and now I give it to you, you can swear by it .”

Jiang Fan took Kazuki Yamamoto's saber and glanced at it, hey, this is Yamamoto 55's saber, that is the ruthless man who attacked the military port of Meiguo.

It seems that Kazuki Yamamoto is playing for real, and it is also the greatest trust and respect for him. Jiang Fan feels that if he is really a Japanese fool, he will definitely be moved by Kazuki Yamamoto's actions.

It's a pity that I am a Chinese, so my position is different.

"I, Doicheng, swear by this saber that if you betray the empire, Doicheng will commit suicide, lose all honor as a soldier, and be spurned by all Japanese fools." Jiang Fan said seriously.

Kazuki Yamamoto nodded, seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and said to Jiang Fan: "Okay, from now on, Mr. Doi, you will shoulder the mission of the rise of the empire with me. Anyone sees."

Kazuki Yamamoto handed a certificate to Jiang Fan. Jiang Fan picked it up and took a look. The two big black characters of "Shenhui" on it were suddenly eye-catching.

"The Shenhui is a secret organization established by the descendants of the heroic souls of our empire after World War II. The Shenhui has only one goal, to revive the empire. For this purpose, we can do whatever it takes, including our own lives.

For those who join the Shenhui, your life no longer belongs to you, but belongs to His Majesty the Emperor, and belongs to the Japanese Empire, Mr. Doi, are you willing to join? "

(End of this chapter)

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