open sea

Chapter 1057 Northeast

Chapter 1057 Northeast
The emperor's concern for the war was quickly known by the courtiers, and not only piles of letters and battle reports in his hands, but also Zhang Juzheng followed Wang An into the palace.

"Seven days ago, Qi Shuai entered Taining Guard; the Ministry of War also sent Li Chengliang to attack Liaodong to stabilize the Northeast."

This is the first time Zhang Juzheng entered the military room of Emperor Wanli. He looked around at the strange furnishings, put the battle report on the deck of the Wanli ship model, sat down and said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, don't worry about this. They are all able men and generals of the imperial court—they must reap all the merits.”

"Li Chengliang is a general." I don't know whether it is a rebellious mentality or a stubborn illness left by Chen Mu's early education. Emperor Wanli only recognized the part about Qi Jiguang when his teacher gave the two generals, but he had reservations about Li Chengliang. Shaking his head, he said, "If he is capable, why should he support the bandits?"

Zhang Juzheng was not angry, he smiled slightly, and said to the emperor: "Your Majesty said that it is not bad for the Li family to raise the bandits, but the court needs him to support the bandits... The four words of core interests that you often talk about, Guochao Where is the core interest?"

The chief minister of the empire, Yang, pointed to the center of the map hanging on the wall. He found that the emperor's secret military room was very satisfactory, and almost everything needed when talking about military affairs was at hand.

He was referring to the homeland of the Ming Dynasty in the center of the map: "Two capitals and thirteen provinces, compared with this, Western Ocean, Nanyang Ocean, Eastern Ocean, Northeast Ocean, and Southwest Ocean are not worth mentioning."

Wanli nodded slowly, the disgusting feeling came again, and the teacher was right again... Daming's core interests are two capitals and one thirteen provinces, which is the consensus of everyone in the world.

Needless to say.

"What the teacher said is that it is precisely because of this that the court wants to fight this battle."

In five or ten years, only Tumed Mongolia has the ability to threaten the mainland of Ming Dynasty, and Qi Jiguang, the strongest city wall in the capital, proposed a few years ago that he thought it was difficult for Ming to defend Tumed tribe because of the loss of the three guards of Wuliangha. That can be counted as the cause of this battle.

"Speaking of Li Chengliang, His Majesty may not understand the situation in Northeast China, so I can explain a thing or two to His Majesty."

Zhang Juzheng still had that omniscient expression on his face. Even though he hadn't finished his visit to the two capitals and thirteen provinces of the imperial court, his early Hanlin experience gave him a deep understanding of all parts of the world.

Nothing is unachievable.

This self-confidence comes from the fact that Zhang Juzheng liked to entertain civil and military officials from various places who came to Beijing when he was in the Imperial Academy.

Although he was very young and had little money at that time, whenever officials came to Beijing to report on their duties, he would entertain them with wine and food, and inquire about important news from them, so he knew a little bit about the situation in various places.

"Since the founding of this dynasty, Jurchen has always been obedient to the court. The name of Wuliangha comes from the language of Jurchen, which means a man in the forest, a savage, until the change of Tumubao. Everyone knows that the battle of Tumubao was used to defend Beijing. Defend the capital to stabilize the court, but few people know that there was also a Mongolian army that invaded the Northeast."

"Northeast used to be called Nurgan Dusi. I heard that the tributary chiefs of all ministries used to gather here. Later, Nurgan Dusi was abandoned and assembled at Sanwanwei."

"The imperial court had no spare power to rush to help Liaodong. The situation in the Northeast was bad at that time. It was easy to repair the captured city and destroyed villages, but the people's hearts were the most difficult to repair. After that, the imperial court seemed powerless to do anything in the northeast."

As Zhang Juzheng said, he simply got up, pointed to the northeast region on the map, and said slowly to Emperor Wanli: "Qi Shuai once said that the reason why the imperial court could not contain Tumed was because of the loss of restraint. Wuliangha Sanwei, I also agree with it. Mongolia is gradually doing it. Big, because of that."

"One of the Haixi Jurchen is named Yehe. I wonder if Your Majesty knows about it? This tribe did not exist in the past. Their leader's surname is Tumed, which is the result of Mongolia's subtle expansion in the northeast."

"I haven't summed up the previous changes in the map, but if there is, Your Majesty will be able to see that the Northern Captives and Dongyi are getting closer and closer to each other on the map. Combined with the battle reports over the years, it is not difficult to find that they often join forces to fight against the imperial court. , and in the past, the imperial court lacked money and wages, so it could only defend, but it was difficult to contain."

"The ministers of Li Chengliang are aware of what Li Chengliang did. Internally, he lent money to poor soldiers, and the sergeants fought bravely to repay the money; externally, he used the power of the court to control the tribes, and supported Wang Zhong and Wangtai of the Hada tribe to make the border peaceful. "

The more Wanli listened, the more he frowned. Zhang Juzheng's statement about the Northeast was very different from the "Is there any king in the world" instilled in his mind by Chen Mu? It sounded like... Daming had no control over the Northeast at all.

I can manage Asia, which is [-] miles away, but not the Northeast. What's the reason?
"But Li Chengliang has been doing this for a long time, which is not good for the imperial court. He always pulls this to hit that, and after hitting that, he pulls others to hit this." The little emperor stated that Li Chengliang's operation had deceived himself, and finally he simply left She curled her lips and said, "It's nowhere near as good as Qi Shuai once and for all."

Zhang Juzheng sighed, and repeated the emperor's words: "Once and for all."

"The thieves are coming. Your Majesty needs two swords to defend against the enemy. One is used to defend against the enemy, and the other is used for occasional self-defense. I only have a tael of silver in my hand. A good steel knife in the knife market costs eight yuan, and a bad knife If you want two dollars, your Majesty will use a bad knife to defend against the enemy and a steel knife to defend yourself?"

Zhang Juzheng spread his hands and said: "Your Majesty knows that Qi Shuai spent 15 taels to build the Great Wall in Ji Town, and he should also know that the imperial court can build four or more Great Walls like that in Ji Town every year with the money to support Qi Shuai's elite soldiers. "

"Each general has his specialty, just like a good horse that eats the most expensive fodder and runs the longest distance is a good horse, and a horse that eats ordinary forage and runs slowly but is good at long-distance raids is also a good horse. As for the famous generals of the imperial court, Chen Shuai is the most able to spend, second best in sea battles and land battles, and can bring back silver for the court. This is a famous general at sea; , This is a famous general in the capital; compared with them, Li Shuai seems to spend no money, he is not weak in field battles, and his military discipline is poor, and he only needs to spend some rewards for military exploits to stabilize the defense line in the northeast."

Compared with Chen Mu and Qi Jiguang who spent money first and then went to war and then continued to spend money, Li Chengliang fought the war first and then spent money, and spent much less money than the first two.

"This is also a famous general."

Zhang Juzheng said and shook his head: "In the final analysis, the imperial court had no money in the past. When this battle is settled, Wu Liangha will make a big move, free up its hands... Liaodong should do it with someone else."

He knew that the Northeast had always been an uneasy factor for the imperial court, but there was no way in the past. The imperial court lost its prestige there, and only Li Chengliang could stabilize the situation there and gradually figure it out.

If it were someone else, it would be hard to do better than Li Chengliang.

Speaking of this, Zhang Juzheng was suddenly a little worried about his body. He has had hemorrhoids for ten years, and this disease has always troubled him, but this kind of worry only remained in his heart for a moment, and he said with a smile: "Your Majesty must know, Commander Li of Liaodong cannot be replaced lightly, he has been operating in the Northeast for several years, and he is the only one who can overwhelm all the ministries; if he wants to change, it should not be changed in a hurry, and the replacement must be properly selected."

"Chen Bazhi of Japan has experience in controlling various countries. If he is not good, Li Rusong, the son of Li Shuai, can be used to control Liaodong."

 Chapter 3 will be released later.

(End of this chapter)

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