open sea

Chapter 1058 Yiwu

Chapter 1058 Yiwu
The roaring horses conveyed the news to the frontier that Qi Jiguang had led his army into Tainingwei. In the battle report, this military operation was no different from the past "pounding nest" operations throughout the northern border.

Similarly, the Ming army entered the tribe when the main force of the Mongols left, and the tribes lacking soldiers could not resist. The only difference is that this time the Ming army was more efficient in combat, and the military discipline was extremely strict after the battle. Just a fight.

A defeat can lead to subsequent defeats and finally lead to the defeat of the battle; a victory can also make the battle successively victorious, and finally reap all the achievements.

After the first three small tribes controlled by Subahai were attacked and destroyed by throwing their bows at the Ming army, the fleeing tribes quickly spread panic throughout the Taining Guard, and the Ming army attacked Taining. The news was carried by galloping horses to all directions.

Then the first tribe to surrender to the Ming army appeared in Tainingwei. Although it was only a small tribe of more than a hundred people, it was exciting enough to watch Liang Menglong, the governor of Jiliao and Baoding's military affairs.

Liang Menglong was a native of Zhending in Beizhili. Jinshi was born in the Imperial Academy, and Zhang Juzheng was under the main gate. Henan Youbuzhengshi, Youqian Capital Censor Governor Shandong, Deputy Capital Censor Governor Henan.

In the Wanli year, he served under the main gate of Zhang Ju. He successively served as the right servant of the household department, the left servant of the military department, Liaodong, and then the military affairs of Jiliao Baoding governor.

When he was an official, he impeached the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, governed Henan without closing his doors at night, and served as Liaodong. He led an army of three thousand and led Qi Jiguang and Li Chengliang to defeat the local barbarians in a piece of stone.

Mounted can manage the army, dismounted can govern the people, and when you pick up a pen to spray people, you can spray accurately.

At this moment, Liang Menglong is personally leading two participating generals, leading [-] troops to station in Kuancheng outside Xifengkou, and immediately handing over the battle report to the soldiers, saying: "Let the riders send back to Jizhou Town, and send the telegram to the imperial court." ...Wait, there are a lot of letters to send, and I will send them together after I finish writing them."

As he spoke, he ordered someone to fetch pen and ink, and wrote three letters with a brush, and handed them to the soldiers one by one: "Send the first two letters to Ji Town, and the last letter to General Qi, and then let the rider deliver a sentence for Liang." : With me behind, everything will be safe.”

After saying this, Liang Menglong looked at the general who came with the rider who sent the battle report, Shanhaiguan Counselor Wu Weizhong.

Liang Menglong knew what Qi Jiguang sent him to do, and said with a smile: "Can Qi Shuai even trust Liang? Let's go, I will take Wu Shenjiang to order the gun armor brought from the school pass."

"The governor's words are serious, and the responsibilities of the military law lie."

Liang Menglong smiled and didn't say much. He knew Qi Jiguang's military law very well. When he was just transferred to Jiliao, he was stopped by the Zhejiang army because he was riding outside the camp at night. Even though he was the governor, he was still taken away and imprisoned When he woke up, he was locked up overnight in a wooden prison. He was also imprisoned with two generals from the Beijing camp and a thousand households from the Beiyang military mansion.

On the way to the training camp, Qi Jiguang recognized him and didn't say a word. He was not released until the next morning, and he personally went to the government office to bow down and apologize.

Their military laws are written down, and no one may disobey them.

But except for Li Rusong who was imprisoned, no one blamed such military law.

In fact, the Ministry of War is already sorting out Qi Jiguang's book of war, and proceeding to promote it throughout the country.

Liang Menglong just took Wu Weizhong to the school field in the city. On the way, he saw Wu Weizhong's face was not very good-looking, which made him worried, and asked: "The front line has won the battle, why is the general's face pale, but the loss is quite big?"

Wu Weizhong shook his head, confessed his crime to Liang Menglong, and then explained the whole story: "The army drove eighty miles and swept across the four divisions. The enemy was not the elite army of the northern captives. How could there be any damage? The whole army only died in battle. Later, he was attacked and assassinated by the little Tartars."

"Then, why is that?"

Liang Menglong felt much more relaxed when he heard that the battle was not going well. He waved his toga and his sleeves forward and smiled, "I shouldn't be worried about this batch of ordnance, right? Liang has carefully inspected every shot of the blunderbuss. It is newly equipped for Beiyang, and all the armor and equipment are transferred from the Xuanfu, and they are all meticulously crafted."

"That's not the case, it's just a private matter." Wu Weizhong shook his head, the sadness on his face lessened, and he suddenly turned to Liang Menglong and said, "When does the governor think that the imperial court will stop recruiting troops from Yiwu?"

The simple question made Liang Menglong, who had impeached the Ministry of Officials eloquent, speechless for a while.

In Daming, this was an era belonging to the Zhejiang Army. The Zhejiang Army has become synonymous with elite soldiers and strong soldiers. Their tactics are novel and not as new as the Beiyang Army who wanted to throw away all their knives and guns and only use birds and guns. They have strict military discipline and terrifying records. Shock everyone.

If it is said that the Cantonese soldiers followed Chen Mu to ride the wind and waves to fight all over the world, then the Zhejiang Army was led by Qi Jiguang to run amok across the country, and there was no single enemy.

Zhejiang is not an important town on the nine borders, nor is it a place where strong generals are produced, not to mention the so-called Zhejiang soldiers... most of them come from Yiwu.

There are tens of thousands of Zhe troops stationed in Jizhen, among which there are as many as [-] Yiwu soldiers. That is Yiwu, a place with a radius of a hundred miles, so small that only Jinhua Mansion is found on the map of Emperor Wanli. county.

Now, Wu Weizhong mentioned Yiwu.

This made Liang Menglong couldn't help asking: "Yiwu, how many household registrations do you have?"

Wu Weizhong, a general with high cheekbones, answered almost without thinking: "610 registries, [-], [-] households."

He didn't need to think about it at all. He took the Yiwu recruiting roster of Qi's army on the ground, which is a Yiwu household registration directory, and the government household registration is even more detailed. There are 47 clans with 82 surnames. , but they couldn't escape the recruiting officers who were born in the countryside.

"I and other Yiwu people have the ability to cast stones beyond the distance, and most of the applicants are just supporting their families."

This is actually something that Wu Weizhong has considered very carefully. As a general, he can't slander his chief. Everyone knows that Qi Jiguang has made the name of the Yiwu army... But as the son of Yiwu, he knows that Qi Jiguang has changed Yiwu's Antu The habit of relocation also makes Yiwu, which is already crowded with people and land, even more dilapidated.

On the battlefield, it is advantageous for the father to lead the son, and the elder brother to lead the younger brother to fight with the army, but what about in their hometown?
In his hometown, the people who plow the land are only women and the old and the weak. The fields are barren but no one can take care of them. The lieutenant general didn't know how long it would last.

I don't even know where the emperor will go in the spirit of sweeping the world.

The bird gun on the school field was fired by Wu Weizhong, and the lead shot hit the edge of the wide target a hundred paces away. He gritted his teeth and put down the gun, and suddenly bowed down to Liang Menglong, who was wearing an official robe beside him, and clasped his fists and said, "I have a merciless request from a humble official. I hope the governor agrees."

Liang Menglong was taken aback.

"Why did the general suddenly act like this, please hurry up, but there is Liang who can do his best, but please tell me."

Wu Weizhong didn't get up, but just bowed his head and said: "The Governor, please transport the corpses of hundreds of soldiers who died in battle to return to their hometowns. The army will continue to march to the north today. It is really difficult for me to take care of you...that is a nephew of a humble position. I just want to be buried in peace."
The population of Yiwu comes from "Wanli·Yiwu County Chronicle"

(End of this chapter)

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