open sea

Chapter 1074 North Asia

Chapter 1074 North Asia
Long Beach Military Port, Makinowei Youqianhusuo.

Through the wooden round window of the study room on the second floor of Qianhu Yamen, Chen Mu pushed back the simple wooden chair, stood up and put the letter on the table, looking sideways at the boundless sea.

The sea is calm and the sea is calm. There are several two-masted Dafu boats with their sails off, and the barebacked sailors wrapped in black scarves on the deck are lifting and lowering boxes of goods with wooden arms, or Pushed out from the lower porthole, neatly placed on the sloop that was lowered earlier.

The waves with silver spray slowly push the boats towards the beach. The dark-skinned Iroquois workers at the port have been waiting for a long time, carefully moving boxes of goods to the gravel rammed earth pavement at the end of the beach. On the way out, one two-wheeled cart after another was parked there, and finally brought the goods to the direction where Qianhu Weiya was.

On Tic Tac Street, which is being built around Qianhusuo, the Beiyang veterans and the newly recruited Asian Banner Army were bare-armed and bare-chested, wielding shovels and picks to dig the foundation, while the aborigines carried wood and soil on their shoulders, pushing a single vehicle. Wooden carts transport bricks and tiles to the construction site.

On every street corner, among the soldiers and civilians who were sweating profusely, there were one or two cadets of the Imperial Clan University wearing jade bead hair scarves, round-neck green shirts and Asian jade belts, pulling blueprints and telling the surrounding sergeants what to do, General Fuguo and Fengguo There is no difference between the lieutenants at this time, they are all architects, some have a quick temper and even roll up their sleeves to do the construction themselves.

In the matter of building cities and villages from scratch, the Eastern Military Government is the absolute authority in Asia, and the establishment of five counties on the west coast provides an excellent blueprint for the Imperial Clan University.

On the east coast of North Asia, they are building cities systematically, and even established a complete treatise on this large-scale project in Changsheng's clan university.

From site selection, planning of fields, forests, fishing grounds, hunting grounds, ore prospecting, mapping, road construction, from building the first Chinese literature school to building brick and tile factories, sawmills, mines, ironworks, and then to cement plants , Shipyards, Ordnance Bureau... In the end, due to the need to expand the streets and expand the scale of the factories, the Toyo Military Government found the most suitable program through repeated experiments.

On the east coast, from Muye County to Mowanyouwei, countless villages, towns and military guards have been put into construction according to this set of procedures. Although the construction intensity and population vary, the process and purpose Everything is the same—under the protection of the Ming army, villages, towns and markets were established one after another that could communicate with each other with or without resource supplies and form a virtuous circle.

Like the five West Coast counties.

While the Eastern Military Government completed the great cause of actually controlling the coast of North Asia and expelling and encroaching on all European colonists except the aborigines, Chen Mu also felt how vulnerable an aborigine city-state that could not complete the centralization of power was under the invasion of the forces of the old continent.

The aborigines did not form a unified dynasty, and the aboriginal tribes would never leave the land and forests they lived in for a lifetime without external interference. The connections between the tribes were extremely scarce, and the only connections were mostly due to hostile feuds.

It's too easy to be broken individually.

For example, the war between the Iroquois and the Hurons ended with the Iroquois victory after the Ming army intervened. The name Huron disappeared, and those who survived could only continue to pass it on in the name of the longhouse.

The Ming army has formed an unparalleled prestige on this continent. Those aborigines who had been oppressed by the Spaniards competed to join them. Even if there were few tribes who did not want to join, they could not survive alone after the more advanced Ming Dynasty entered Asia... Nomadic tribes need horses, hunting and fishing tribes need better boats and arrows, and farming tribes need better farming tools.

As long as there is a need, Asia Tongbao will flow into the tribe, merchants will enter the tribe, Chinese will be used in the tribe, and the way of life of the Ming Dynasty people will slowly change this land.

When Daming's counties and guards are all over the coast, when merchants come and go with full loads of goods, when Daming's pioneers move from the coast to the inland, no one can refuse Daming.

When the first married couple in the tribe goes to the county government to borrow an official robe?This is Daming.

They can refuse to trade with Daming as much as they want. Maybe the people living in this land don't know what the old saying means, those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish, but this sentence is just a true statement in North Asia.

Smallpox is raging, and classifying yourself into Ming's tribe can make future generations immune to the most terrible disease that is rampant in Asia; and there is always competition between people, tribes and tribes, and the most advanced people just need to bow their heads sometimes Looking down calmly, the change has already taken place.

The integrated tribe will expand rapidly at a speed that is difficult for others to match. Nomadic tribes with horses can run on a wider land, and better farm tools and stone planting techniques can bring more food to the tribe. Good boats and arrows make people's collection more efficient, and warmer houses and more decent lives make people safer and happier.

Chen Mu can be 100% sure that rapid changes are taking place on this continent, and even in places he can't see, tribes one after another are unwilling to belong to and try their best to seal themselves off, laying the groundwork for their own demise in the long river of history.

He is more concerned with news from afar, far away.

Every month or two, merchant ships from Europe would come back with news from Spain, France, England, the Netherlands, and everything except England was at war.

Spain is confronting Portugal. Although the flames of war are imminent, the national strengths of the two sides are very different after all. Apart from military threats, Fei Laoer is also seeking to inherit the throne and annex neighboring countries through political means. Didn't realize that the war was over when it started.

The war in France is still going on, and the adopted son of the Minister of the East is still playing the role of the best shit stick. The joint army of him, Yang Ce, and Zhu Xiaoen has become the biggest help for the fourth brother Heng, maintaining this war that should have been dominated by the king. The separatist war that ended with the army's overall victory lasted forever.

The situation in the Netherlands became more and more chaotic after the intervention of many countries. The Netherlands, which is fighting against neutral countries, is not as glorious as the sea coachmen in Chen Mu's impression. Their people are like endless golden wheat fields, cut down by the Spanish phalanx with sharp sickles. Another slice.

Because Zhu Xiaoen's Restoration Army was dragged into the war in France, the war that should have been ignited in England has not been able to achieve Chen Mu's wish. However, Yang Gao, a businessman trained by Yang Tingxiang, has entered England with the Dongyang Maritime Company.

And his sea merchants with a clear division of labor are about to explode England.

What interested him most was the news from Daming, which made him deeply moved—Emperor Wanli was riding a bicycle!

(End of this chapter)

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