open sea

Chapter 1075 Muhe

Chapter 1075 Muhe
In March of the eighth year of Wanli, Chen Mu received speculation from Ye Mengxiong, a senior minister of the Beiyang Military Mansion, that the imperial court might not continue to send the sixth and seventh banner troops to Dadongyang this year.

Ye Mengxiong's letter was written in the twelfth lunar month of last year. At the same time when the emperor mobilized the Tengxiang Second Guards to arrive at Xuanda's first-generation garrison, Ye Mengxiong believed that the imperial court would send troops to the north in the eighth year of Wanli, and briefly introduced to Chen Mu the ever-changing changes in the Beiyang Industrial Zone. .

The news of Wanli riding a bicycle also came from this letter.

This letter should have been delivered a long time ago. It took less than ten days to send it from Beiyang to Wangxiazhou by telegram, but the borrowed troops from the sea made the ship unable to pass.

In the communication network on the eastern route of the Ming Empire, letters sent from Beijing, Beiyang, Nanyang, and Tianjin, Songjiang, and Guangzhou to the New World of Asia must be marked with the importance and priority of the letter.

Due to the extremely high importance of this letter, the sergeant cannot choose to ride a deer across the ice of the Blackwater Mohe Islands-in fact, since the cabinet made this rule, there has never been a letter marked as extremely urgent by the court in the past three years. sent to the New World.

Because a letter marked as urgent means that the guards along the way have to risk their lives and the loss of the letter to deliver the message as soon as possible. There is no perfect way to transmit information across the sea these days. People can only choose the safest way possible to preserve the letter. Save the lives of soldiers.

So this letter came along with the exact news that the cabinet did not send the Northern Banner Army to Dadongyang, and Ye Mengxiong's reminder became meaningless. When Chen Mu saw this pile of letters, Ye Mengxiong had already reached the goal of leading the army The long-cherished wish of guarding the border.

The sixth phase of Beiyang and the seventh phase under training were sent to Xuanda to guard against the Tumed Department. Qi Jiguang led the army out of Qingshan Pass to recover the three guards of Wuliangha.

There is nothing that makes Chen Mu feel more embarrassing. Although the ongoing war of the empire has nothing to do with him, this war has more important meaning to him and others.

All history will be different after the court made the decision to go to war in the north.

This is not a pioneering effort to fight south, east, and west on the sea, but a necessary step to stabilize the interior.

Recovering Wuliangha will put everything back on track, and controlling the fusion line of fishing, hunting and nomadic means that everything can be obtained.

However, Chen Mu believes that apart from Qi Jiguang's Northern Expedition, there is still one biggest problem for him to solve on the road to the empire's acquisition of everything - the railway.

No one told him that the main tool used by Emperor Wanli to shuttle around the palace every day was a horse named 'Huode Xingjun Changed and Changed', let alone that the emperor's Qinglong project had already been launched.

But he had grander plans, and the timing of these letters came to him just right.

Three months earlier, the Ordnance Bureau of Muye County did not have the ability to cast iron rails; even one month earlier, there was not enough iron ore for them to carry out this experiment, but now it is just right.

Thanks to the knowledge of the Iroquois and Hulan tribes about this land, the Eastern Military Government completed the mapping of the Great Lakes last year, and the exploration of resources has also achieved initial results.

Although my brother-in-law Yang Zhaolong has nothing but a passion for exploration and a desire for military affairs, he is accompanied by prospectors who have made great achievements in Xinmingzhou. They discovered the greatest treasure buried under this land.

The inexhaustible iron mountains and coal fields, as well as the unexpected gold mines, silver mines, copper mines and cupronickel, are scattered around the Great Lakes.

Chen Mu wanted to conduct railway experiments in Muye County. The biggest problem was that he didn't have a steam engine, not in the whole New World, so he planned to use horses instead.

This experiment is not only related to the use of railways in the Central Plains to complete the earth-shaking progress of the transportation system, but also to facilitate the customs and rule Siberia.

Daming has the best generals and soldiers in the world, the most advanced firearms and the best horses. After a few years of cessation of troops, it has rectified its internal affairs and accumulated wealth.

They are fully prepared. The so-called "war" is not a charge to launch a war, but a toast to celebrate victory.

Chen Mu believed that even without his help, the war initiated by the imperial court could still win an overall victory after paying a small price. It is definitely not a problem to rule the grassland for ten years, but do you want to go further and enter Siberia?

This cannot be solved by war alone. It is very difficult for soldiers from various villages in Ming Dynasty to have the desire to live in that land for a long time.

They are from Ming Dynasty, this is the only weakness of Ming army in Chen Mu's eyes.

During the Wanli period, the people of Ming Dynasty, no matter whether they were from North Zhili, Jiangnan, Shaanxi, or Southwest, had the most enviable lifestyle in the world.

Although this way of life does not completely cross classes, the princes and princes of the Ming Dynasty, and officials from the first rank to the ninth rank, do live a much better life than European or Ottoman kings and nobles; It is also more respectable than the peasants in the suburbs of Paris, the robbers in the English hills, and the serfs in Moscow.

A group of Cossack bandits would be happy to shuttle back and forth in Siberia for generations, and regard life here as a gift from Ivan; and for a Ming family who has inherited his position from generation to generation, letting him lead his troops to garrison the Siberian tundra wasteland for a long time is undoubtedly a punishment from the emperor.

Railroads can change all that.

It is also related to the future of the Eastern Military Government.

Surrounding the five great lakes are scattered mineral deposits with frightening reserves. The Oriental military government has distributed seventeen hundred households along the lakes to escort the mining and metallurgy companies established by merchants from Huizhou. The great lakes are connected by rivers, and ships can pass through them. The biggest problem with the estuary entering the sea is that there are too many merchants and merchant ships, which will be concentrated at the mouth of Lake Ontario, which will reduce the transportation efficiency.

The word Ontario comes from the plain Iroquois language and means beautiful lake.

Therefore, along the river, the Dongyang Military Government plans to build a rail carriageway with a total length of 560 miles. Chen Mu originally wanted to repair the wooden track, but since steam railways will be used in the future, Muye might as well do it all at once.

Casting rails is not difficult. Given the various parameters they currently need, it is much easier than casting cannons. After all, Chen Mu did not intend to run a locomotive of hundreds of thousands of catties on it.

The first two railways in Muye are called Shangjiumiao Road and Xiajiumiao Road, because the designers from casting to laying wooden sleepers are Miao people under Yang Zhaolong’s command. Erli; Xiajiumiao Road from Changtan Port to Makino Weiyou Qianhusuo, 22 miles.

The railroad track was laid and put into use, and a total of 55 two-horse carriages ran back and forth between the four stations. The longer route in the north is under construction, and it is not known when it will be completed.

But with this short 34-mile railway, Chen Mu found a new discovery that could change everything.

 Good morning!

(End of this chapter)

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