open sea

Chapter 1200 Standards

Chapter 1200 Standards
No one knows how the Swiss Army fell.

The sound of continuous explosions came from the front line of the battle, and the Ming army's musketeers who were waiting in battle did not see any figure walking out of the gunpowder smoke.

On the contrary, the shield line belonging to the Labor Banner Army was the first to walk into the smoke of gunpowder.

Their shields were crookedly pierced with prefabricated fragments, and even the cotton armor of a few musketeers standing in the first row was torn open by the fragments, revealing the compact and tough layer of iron-inlaid cotton inside, which was trampled by heavy winter thick soap boots. Corpses were strewn all over the land, and the hell-like tragedy impacted the soul of every Ming soldier.

That's always an insight that regular training can't bring them.

The Swiss infantry who charged them just now?

Fewer than a hundred people were able to flee backwards with their legs open. The soft-toned trombone had long been extinguished, and the largest battle flag was still erected on the battlefield. The battle flag stood there, but the shrapnel across his throat made him breathless for a long time.

Compared with the soldiers who fell to the ground and howled, it was a great fortune in misfortune to be able to reincarnate cleanly. Fortunately, the banner soldiers who swayed forward did not make them wait too long.

The huge movement on this side attracted everyone's attention, and on the other side, the phalanx of the French Conscript Army, which was reorganizing and preparing to go forward, broke out in a large-scale rout immediately... The nobles were able to reorganize their soldiers after the collapse. Military talent, they can no longer carry out a second reorganization.

The nobles have all run away, who else can gather the hearts of the soldiers in the phalanx again?
The vast majority of people don't even know what happened there, the last picture they saw was the Swiss Legion finally standing in front of the Ming army after being hit by the 'Chinese guns' many times, they charged, but no one could hear the Swiss Roar, for the roar was drowned out by the rapid fire of musketry.

And then?No one knows what the hell was fired from the muskets of the Ming army.

The Swiss Legion exploded.

This is how Matthion reported to Paris that the Swiss Legion had exploded.

Marshal Matteon, who led the elite knights across the battlefield and tried to seize the "Ming Army Artillery", saw only messy footprints and camp tents that were too short to clear up. By the way, there were also a few small Spanish donkeys that had not been driven away. , wearing a red padded jacket as if laughing at him.

When he came back to his senses and knew that he had missed nothing, he immediately ordered the knights to attack the Ming army from behind... What impressed him the most was the thin horizontal formation of the Ming army on the left wing firing in unison, and the muskets shot out. Explosive bullets tore apart the Swiss Legion, and the scene forced the knights' hooves to the ground so tightly that they could not move.

When the smoke cleared from the front, a brigade of Swiss Legionnaires disappeared.

It can't be said that they disappeared, it's just that no one can stand up anymore. The light infantry without armor in the back died miserably. There are breastplates and even busts, but it doesn't look like they're doing the right thing at all.

Now those heavy armored infantry dragged their broken legs lying on the ground and crawled in the direction they came with their arms. Marshal Mattion finally knew the reason why the Ming army added a short sword to the muzzle.

The phalanx of the fleeing French conscripts could not run with four hooves, and the Jurchen heavy cavalry who had been waiting for a long time walked among them wielding flails and gourds, knocking down one enemy after another at a leisurely pace.

Especially those knights on foot, wearing armor and holding a shield, they can run much slower than others. Without the support of spearmen, they can't fight against armored knights with one-handed swords or other short weapons, even if these Jurchen warriors ride Not superb, and the long-handled flails in their hands are still swinging empty-handed, but they have the second and third chances to swing the weapons.

As long as the foot knights are hit once, what awaits him is the second and third chance to be hit by huge weapons.

Most of their pistols had been emptied at the beginning of the army's rout. Leaving their shields and weapons behind would allow them to run faster, but they might not be able to survive longer than stubborn resistance, at least until Wang Youlin's banner army arrived later. The Jurchen cavalry who lacked muskets and shock weapons were indeed quite difficult to kill them.

Teamwork is required.

When Wang Youlin arrived at the battlefield, he could see the mighty French knights standing alone against Kanggulu's iron stupa. When the crowd dropped their weapons, some pressed their legs and some pulled their arms, and finally lifted their visors and handed in an axe.

In France, there are hundreds of serfs in the whole village to support, and the kingdom pays the knights of the standing army. The knights who are proficient in martial arts and weapons for 30 years go to the battlefield. In the end, no one can even name them in this land. He was taken away by several illiterate fishermen and hunters who grew up in the old forests of Baishan and Heishui.

It is much more aggrieved than dying under the muzzle of the Beiyang Banner Army.

Mattion's retreat was an accident for himself, but it was expected for Yuan Zizhang. From the very beginning, he led the knights and ran to the hill. Although Yuan Zizhang was a little puzzled, he thought at that time that the enemy general might be planning to lose The next soldier fled.

Later, Mattion really ran away, and he took two hundred knights to the Southern Jurchen Jiaqi to chase him, but he couldn't catch up. A day later, he received a report from the bridgehead, and a small number of defenders used fortifications to defend against Mattion's attack and killed the knights. Seven people were injured, and the knight led the horse and swam across the river at night to the other side.

Following the French army on the east bank also began to retreat on a large scale. On the fourth day after the battle, Ding Hai, the owner of Dingjiazhuang, asked the riders who sent messages to the front to report to Yuan Zizhang who had returned to the bridgehead to rest and replenish. Rochefort Cheng asked for an unconditional surrender to the Ming army.

Of course, there is another request under the unconditional surrender. In view of the severe famine and disease in Rochefort, it is requested that after the Ming army surrenders, it will distribute three thousand shi of rice to the residents of the city and send doctors to treat the sick and save people.

Yuan Zizhang refused without even thinking about it, and sent someone to tell Ding Hai to tell Chen Jiujing the news in Baishan City.

It's not that he doesn't understand that agreeing to this matter has the effect of buying horse bones with a thousand dollars, but he really has more than enough energy, three thousand shi rice grains, almost catching up with his bid for the banner army's January rations, and his headquarters consumes grain and grass Until last month, Baishan City had to support them. If it hadn't been for this battle, there wouldn't be enough food.

Now they have just robbed the French army twice and got hundreds of carts of rations and armaments, but it is not yet time to burn the buns.

The point is that they didn't care about it. This battle was the first time that the Ming army experienced the power of throwing grenades together on the front line, so that Xu Jin and other hundreds of households withdrew from the battlefield to the bridgehead and couldn't sleep at night, thinking over and over again. Did you throw too many grenades in the short battle?

The impact of the continuous explosion of three hundred grenades on the front line made the engineers in the front row still dazed for several days after the battle, and the corpses of the wounded enemy soldiers were even more devastated.

They need a more standardized use of grenades.

 Good morning!

(End of this chapter)

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