open sea

Chapter 1201 Lu Hou

Chapter 1201 Lu Hou
The world needs bad guys, and only when there are bad guys can the warriors who defeat the bad guys appear full of honor.

This sentence perfectly fits the changes in the New World in the past ten years.

First of all, North Asia. For the Oriental military government, the easiest place to establish a foundation is precisely Mexico City and other places that were once enslaved by the Spanish.

The people in those places have a very high degree of recognition of Daming, even better than the natives of Majiagang in the freezing weather.

In more places, the local people recognize the local governor and the Eastern military government, and Ming Dynasty is still a distant symbol to them, just like the local people who lived near the Heishuimohe Islands west of Majiagang in the past also had some Yongle Tongbao in their hands. Such copper coins are the same as family heirlooms.

People living in the narrow strip of the west coast are more likely to accept Daming than those in the east, and it is also easier to accept that there is only one emperor in the world.

But in Brazil, it's a little more difficult.

Commander Lu Feng is doing his best to stop the local people from treating him as a savior.

"This is not very good." Zhao Shizhen, the chief official of the Eastern Army who came to Rio to perform official duties, brought a porcelain cup filled with reddish-brown juice to his mouth, and said with a smile: "The people respect the flag army very much, and the commander is even more respectful. It's worship, isn't this the recognition of Commander Lu's achievements in expelling the Portuguese?"

What he drank was the juice of the local acai berry, which grew in the rainforest and was obtained by the people as tribute to Rio Guard.

The mechanical unit was dispatched by the immediate superior to check on Lu Feng's recent situation in Rio Guards. The prospecting of five great lakes in the west of the county has been basically completed.

The ore reserves are too large. They found untapped coal fields, huge and widely distributed iron mountains, fine stone mountains, and numerous silver, copper, and gold mines. Most of them are based on the current mining capacity of Muye County. It cannot be mined let alone exploited.

Therefore, Yang Zhaolong felt that there was no need to continue exploring. Instead of letting these limited number of miners spend endlessly here, it is better to send them to other places to find out more unknown mine reserves.

There are many mines in Muye, but there are more problems that the ore cannot be used. Under the current conditions, it is a dead end... A large number of mines are located on the banks of the Great Lakes, and it is difficult to transport them far from the coast. Several rivers that cannot be navigated by ships need to be repaired, and the energy consumed is no less troublesome than building tracks.

But Chen Shuai patted his head and decided that the track needs iron, the transport of iron needs track, and the track needs iron.

On the contrary, the wood-iron composite railway built by the domestic imperial court is more in line with their existing technical foundation.

So now there is not only a section of Muye with railroad tracks at both ends, and a wood-iron composite track being built in the middle, but also a group of idle craftsmen in the Dongyang Military Mansion who are specialized in prospecting. Most of them come from Nanjing Craftsman College and have rich geological theoretical knowledge. Makino's work has also given him sufficient practical experience in the metals he has already known, and he is gearing up to wait for the silver reward for his next work.

They are like a group of bounty hunters under the control of the Eastern Military Government. As long as the Eastern Military Government issues orders and allows them to explore in this land, they will raise their own funds to hire guards, servants, and apprentices to lead teams to work in any land... Because some seniors have already returned home by boat.

In the process of prospecting in the Five Great Lakes of Muye the year before last, Yang Zhaolong, the magistrate of the county, rewarded the prospectors with very generous silver rewards. Taking iron ore as an example, fifty miners made up one furnace. Twelve.

As a result, the three old craftsmen each led a team to explore a huge coal field that is [-] miles in length and [-] miles in width, which is more than Shanxi. , but Chen Mu couldn't handle such a big matter. According to the reward set by Yang Zhaolong, his annual income from the Dongyang Military Mansion would not be enough to fill it in.

But he couldn't break his word, so Chen Mu sent the whole story back to the imperial court. His original intention was to do what he promised, and he wanted to discuss with the imperial court that the military government had spent too much this year, and the annual income would still be given as taels of silver, and half of it would be rewarded in kind. Three craftsmen were asked to drive back a fleet full of goods, but the emperor rejected it.

The emperor said that what is the use of giving money, three unrecognizable and unreliable craftsmen suddenly received a huge amount of silver rewards. , 53 taels for each of the three of them.

In the past, the ministers reported the detailed figures to the emperor, but now the Dongyang military government did not dare to calculate before the matter was settled, but asked the emperor to calculate it.

Wanli said, Jing Haibo, please discuss with the three of them first. If they want money, the Dongyang military government will not enter me this year, and give them all; Prisoners, each will be given meritorious deeds, and each will choose a descendant to shade one hundred households in brocade clothes for three generations, and reward 10 taels of silver.

At the end, I added a sentence, Bo Jinghai must give me a good view of the big coal field.

Seeing the reply, Chen Mu's heart ached...Wanli still set up a mine supervisor?
Regardless of what Chen Mu thinks, the news of this incident has spread, and it has stirred up excitement among the prospecting craftsmen. To be honest, in the eyes of most ordinary people, there is not much difference between 10 taels and 50 taels. I can't spend it all. Anyway, I really have so much money and I don't know how to spend it. Anyway, even if I really have it, I still have to worry about someone killing me and taking it away.

Anyway... I really want that much money!
As a result, the imperial court really gave him 10 taels of silver, a fifth-rank official position higher than that of the county magistrate, a hundred households in brocade clothes for three generations, and a meritorious archway bestowed by the emperor to build in his hometown.

Chickens and dogs ascend to heaven, and the protection from birth to death for three lives is all because of a large mine in North Asia.

This is something that was unimaginable in the past.

As a result, everyone's eyes turned to Colombia and Brazil. In such a large area on the map, isn't there a big mine?
It's as if all the European explorers in the age of great voyages were trying to find a route to China, but China didn't think so; everyone was trying to go to Brazil, but Brazil's Rio Guards commander made Lu Feng look like he didn't care. Don't think so.

Faced with Zhao Shizhen's flattering praise, Lu Feng's head grew big, and he spread his hands together and said, "Master Zhao, don't make fun of me anymore. I still want to be promoted. They regard me as a Bodhisattva who saves people from suffering. What will I do in the future?" Promotion, how to go to other places, my grandfather fought two big battles against Puyi in Shuangyu Port and Zoumaxi, Lu is now a mere commander in the district, and is worshiped by them in the small place of Rio Guard.”

"I came here to make meritorious deeds, not to be a herdsman, to fight Spain, Portugal, France, and England. Your majesty and the commander-in-chief can fight whoever they want. Send me to make meritorious deeds in horse leather shrouds or horsebacks. After a hundred years Lishui County, the capital of my hometown in Zhejiang Province, not only has the monument of my grandfather, but also the tomb of my Poyi Luhou, this is what a man should do in this world."

(End of this chapter)

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