open sea

Chapter 1222 Lima

Chapter 1222 Lima
The other side of the sea.

Unlike the small towns in Ecuador or Colombia, Lima is a town deeply influenced by Spain. It is the center of Spanish rule in the New World. Half of the people in Peru are gathered in this huge town. Everything you get in the New World.

If the new urban area near the coast is taken as the scope of Lima City, the city is not very big. It is centered on the Armed Square where the Governor's Palace, Inquisition, Cathedral and crematorium are located, and the streets piled with large stones are radiating. Extending in all directions until it touches the coastline twenty miles away.

In this range, more than 3000 legal peninsula nobles lived, and each of them, like the streets extending from the Plaza de Armas, was the center of the city.

They are noble officers, manor owners, great merchants, abbots, captains, and all the powerful people in this land.

All kinds of people in the city exist because of them, and they also live by serving them.

In addition to these 3000 people, there are [-] mixed-race people. They are filled with all walks of life. It is difficult for them to inherit everything from the Spaniards, and they will not be so destitute that they lack food and clothing. Lima City is full of occupations suitable for them, such as coachmen, porters, etc. Laborers, legionnaires, sailors, weavers, whores, and hired guards, there was always work to feed them.

In addition to the [-] Spaniards who have rights in the legal sense, there are also tens of times the number of natives. No one knows their exact number, not even the Governor of Peru Toledo can know... Although they are swallowed up by this huge city every moment, death is not the difficulty of counting, the real difficulty is that the Spaniards are too lazy to count.

They would rather count more than 30 orders over the decades than count the number of indigenous people who may be similar. No one knows how many indigenous people are alive. The Spaniards only know how many indigenous people died this year. .

For such a huge city, the Spaniards do not have proper means of governance. Their entire country has only 800 million people. What can they use to manage this huge city with a population of more than 30?

Who has such experience?
In other words, even if there is no turmoil in the current situation, if a spark falls, the city will become chaotic by itself.

What's more, at this moment, the Ming army came in large numbers, and the Western army boarded and retreated. After the Zhumapo incident, the whole city was panic-stricken. Everyone knew that this city was about to face a massive overthrow. Up and down are about to turn upside down.

Because the lucky boats came, dozens of lucky boats were moored at the mouth of the Rimac River in Callao Bay, northwest of Lima City. Even the residents who had been there could not tell how many lucky boats were sent by Ming Dynasty. The official document delivered by Commander Du Tong to the Governor's Office stated that all Spanish ships in Lima must stay behind, and those who leave the port will return to Spain on the Ming transport ship, and all goods will be counted when boarding the ship.

Residents living on the long coastline in the west of the city will be awakened by the sound of the cannon from the distant sea every morning. This is a routine drill of the Ming army at sea. Full sails, fixed rudders, drifting on their own, the Ming Empire's warships and gunboats are swimming around, bombarding them with boats and guns.

A caravel ship is sent out today, a Clark ship is sent out tomorrow, and a Galen ship is sent out the day after tomorrow. If it is not sunk, get it back at night and continue bombing tomorrow.

The three Ming fleets cheerfully carried out recreational activities at sea every day-in fact, this was Du Tong's deterrent tactic.

He has three fleets of Chihai-class ships from Changsheng and Jiexian, one patrols and one is stationed every day, and the last fleet takes a Spanish ship to the sea, from north to south, Passing along the coast of Lima, make sure that the sound of the guns can be heard by the residents of the city, and that the unmanned Spanish ship with a fixed rudder will not hit the shore.

Du Tong is using this prodigal show off to tell the Spaniards in Lima that you will never beat Daming.

Just because his formation of a thousand households can play two thousand catties of gunpowder at sea a day, and he is not guilty of playing for a month.

The right to let the artillery train, do you have this ability in Spain?No, the artillerymen on my ship fired more cannons in a month than your artillerymen fired in a lifetime.

How does this compare?Not to mention cannons, few musketeers in Spain can get enough training. With twelve rounds of ammunition, you think you can fight a battle...Your fleet spends all day off the coast with guns that can blow up a city in a war Gunpowder training?
To be honest, this incident greatly affected the morale of the Spanish Legionnaires in Lima, even far exceeding the news that Governor Toledo ordered the evacuation of the regiments stationed in Peru.

Everyone knows that the choice at this moment is to escape.

But Du Tong's gunfire on the coast made people accept the fact of escape.

In the process of accepting this reality, the Ming army moved much faster and more decisively than them.

Due to the governor's order, the two largest Galen ships in their navy have been driven away by the Ming army, and other large and small ships have also been pulled to the sea and sunk by the Ming army. Like a puppet, they watched as the Ming army landed at their garrison port and drove the Spanish soldiers on board one by one, but they dared not do anything to stop them.

The lessons learned from the Zhumapo Incident are not far away. Fifty-six soldiers of the Ming army had their two companies disbanded during the conflict. If such a thing is destined to happen again, who would want it to happen to them?
Everything is going on step by step with people's reluctance and unwillingness.

The first group of people to evacuate were the nobles of the peninsula. Most of them had their own small boats, and they complained a lot about the fact that the Ming army took all the boats away, especially when it came to checking their luggage. psychology.

Checking luggage will naturally cause some belongings to disappear for no reason. This is a normal thing, but it is beyond their expectations-no, no one loses property because of the check, even if there are Spanish nobles who put a few pieces of gold in the box naked, It will not be stolen by the flag army who is interrogating.

On the contrary, they are often punished for carrying the aboriginal slaves they want to take away in their luggage, and all the real estate and real estate certificates issued by the Viceroyalty of Peru in the past are all invalidated, and all documents related to Peru cannot be taken away. They are not even allowed to buy and sell land.

At this moment, the city of Lima is in chaos.

The Ming army only took over the port and the sea, the nobles packed up everything they had and gathered in the city, the morale of the legionnaires was low, and the merchants, mercenaries, and villains who could not be taken away by the nobles or had no intention of leaving relied on their superiority in force to fight The giant city bared its fangs.

 Good morning!

(End of this chapter)

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