open sea

Chapter 1223 Chaos

Chapter 1223 Chaos
No one remembers that the first rush of black smoke over the city of Lima was on the first day of the first month of the 11th year of Wanli.

No one knows how terrifying the city of Lima is at night. Masked armored warriors run rampant in the streets, jumping over walls and rushing into the mansions of nobles or big businessmen.

The residents of Lima City are clearly divided, and their grievances and grievances have been accumulated for a long time. At this time, they erupted like a flood, and countless conflicts occurred every day. Unless a large number of Ming troops entered, no one could change this sign before the Western Army completely withdrew.

At this moment, it is obviously impossible for the large-scale Ming army to enter the city. The troops of Chen Mu and Deng Zilong are still advancing on land, and the small towns and tribes along the way need to be appeased. It's going to be March.

But the city can't wait that long.

People in the city can't wait that long.

The Spanish Legion has no intention of expending their efforts in suppressing the riots. They are the participants in this carnival. Although their organization has been disrupted and their morale is extremely low, they are the most experienced group of robbers in the entire city of Lima. .

However, the Ming army was unable to restrain the towns and cities. The city of Lima was too large and their troops were too few. Only more than 400 people were stationed at the port, and they were unable to control the chaotic situation even though they tried their best.

The Ming army’s garrison in Lima City was busy counting real estate properties. After Du Tong’s personal observation, he divided the open space near the port in the northwest of the city into several pieces, two of which were barracks, and took two vertical and two horizontal pieces in the northwest of Lima City. The four streets were assigned to four hundred households to lead troops to station and fortify on the spot, marking out a huge safe zone.

Even when they are in the middle, most people are unable to find the driving force for further development in the world, and what is worse, sometimes even if they find the trend of things, they are powerless to make any changes.

This is the case for the Spaniards in Lima at this moment.

The vast majority of nobles are unwilling to go to sea on open ships. This has nothing to do with the Ming army, but because many people can see that the current chaos in Lima City comes from the Spanish Legion who will board the ship with them.

Ever since the first fire in the city was blazing, and the legionnaires released the demons in their hearts, dozens of nobles' mansions were attacked in the past few days, and even the manors outside the city were not spared. Many people have begun to think, this Is it safe to make the long voyage back to Spain? In the face of a worse reality, they don't even think it's a bad thing for Lima to change hands.

At least the arrival of the Ming army gave them a place to ask for help.

In the eyes of the Spanish nobles, neither the angry native mobs in the city nor the legionnaires who were soldiers by day and thieves by night dared not enter Daming District.

It’s not that no one has ever tried to attack the area where the Ming Banner Army was stationed. In the beginning, the sound of cannons could be heard from the streets every night. Every morning, people would find new corpses on the streets. Responsible for taking away the weapons, armor and valuables on the corpses, and for the remaining corpses, get up early and knock on doors from door to door, asking them to push and pull the corpses out of the city with a cart.

Outside the city, there is a large pit dug by the Western Army under the order of Toledo.

The irony is...the big pit was dug by Spanish soldiers, and most of the outlaws who were pushed into the pit by residents with carts were Spanish, and more than half of them were Spanish soldiers.

In the beginning, when the chaos in the city first occurred, it was the native slaves detained by the Ming army during the cabin registration process. Ask the Ming army for help.

In fact, even they themselves didn't expect the Ming army to provide them with any real help. In the education of the Spaniards in recent years, the natives of Peru were told that the Ming people are devils who eat people and don't spit out bones, and the Ming army is the best among them. Or, their terrifying record seems to confirm this statement from the side.

The reason why they asked the Ming army for help was that they were close to the Ming army station, but far from any church. The streets are not peaceful now, and no one dares to go that far.

But I didn’t expect that although most of the people could not understand the language, the Ming army allowed them to enter the garrison. Be cautious, there are few bannermen landing, but they have to face affairs far beyond their capabilities.

These young men of Ming Dynasty, who were boringly practicing killing techniques, were simmering with an unknown anger in their hearts during this time.

But even that is nothing compared to the Spaniards treating them as animals and objects.

In fact, Du Tong drew up a square area in the northwest of the city to settle the people in the chaos while setting up the port garrison.

Those houses are useless to the Banner Army. They lived there temporarily before Chen Mu, the commander-in-chief of the East Ocean, ordered to be reorganized into the Lima Garrison on the spot. win.

Many people already have family members in Changsheng. Although they only have a military salary of two to three thousand Tongbao per month, they can save money regardless of food and housing. Many people have also received rewards for their excellent training...the earliest was silver rewards. , Later, Tongbao was rewarded, and now more and more native people are victorious, and the military government began to reward the fields.

There are not many fields to appreciate, but there is a training and school examination every three months to half a year. Many people can get land from it, ranging from three to thirty acres. They don't have time to take care of these fields. Some of them are cultivated by their families, while others are rented out for common people to cultivate.

Many of them are already more like the local garrison of Changsheng.

But those houses are very important to the common people. Du Tong stayed in Jie County for a long time. The generals of the Eastern Army’s garrison on the west coast imagined that the enemy was the Peruvian Western Army. He often received reports from Chang Sheng about the behavior of the Western Army. Di Bao.

Their legions were underpaid, and it was easy for angry Spanish soldiers to plunder their own towns. They had a history of doing this, as they had done in the Netherlands years before.

The problem of payment arrears is common, not only in Spain, France, and even Ming Dynasty, as long as they are in financial difficulties, they will be in arrears of payment, but the degree is different. The more there are, the harder it is to stop unless there is a large enough external stimulus.

For example, in the past two years, benefiting from Mingxi's trade, the salary of the Spanish Continental Legion has gradually increased. However, the Peruvian mountains are high and the king is far away. These soldiers are poor and poor, and the noble officers deliberately contribute to the flames. They dare not take risks. The risk of being killed went to fight the Ming army, but he didn't mind leaving Daming with a destroyed town.

It's just the Spaniards who were robbed and killed in the process... Noble military officers can choose to contribute to the start of this carnival belonging to the bottom people, and it's not up to them when it ends.

In this case, the Ming army's garrison of hundreds of households on the street near Armed Forces Square became the most popular position.

(End of this chapter)

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