open sea

Chapter 1240 Rat

Chapter 1240 Rat
"Making Ersheng Jiuku Pills in large quantities? Well, this is very easy to make. Mix two parts of rhubarb with wine, steam and dry, mix one part of tooth soap powder with water to make a paste pill, and each pill is as big as a mung bean, depending on the condition. Take fifty to seventy pills at a time, mixed with cold mung bean soup, and the medicine will cure the disease."

Gong Tingxian is also an old doctor. When he was young, he studied for the imperial examination. Later, he traveled all over the world with his father practicing medicine. , visited folk secret recipes and proven prescriptions, and healed diseases of internal, women, children, external and five sense organs with ease.

At first, he didn't care when the Beiyang military government recruited doctors. He didn't pass the imperial examination as an official, so he didn't expect to rely on medical skills to enter the imperial hospital.

But now, after working together, the old doctor really found that the philosophy of the Beiyang military doctor was very trendy. Even if it was just a few words and a little preparation, many theories still attracted him like ancient medical prescriptions.

The most notable feature is that Chen Shigong and other Beiyang military doctors are very stubborn in looking for the cause.

It has always been difficult to find the cause of the plague. People have summed up a set of criteria for the possibility of a plague based on weather changes and the world's environment, such as a severe drought followed by a major plague, a major disaster followed by a major epidemic, and an army followed by a major epidemic. But no one went to the bottom of how the disease came about. Although the ancient sages have realized that there is a smaller microcosm under the world visible to the naked eye, but that has nothing to do with medicine.

In history, the first person in the world to recognize the pathogen and treat the plague system dialectically was just one year old this year. He was from Dongshan, Wu County, Suzhou Prefecture, Southern Zhili Province. His name was Wu Youxing.

Before that, Gong Tingxian's Ersheng Jiuku Pill was similar to Wu Youxing's Dayuan Drink, but it was simpler. This medicine is very interesting and has a consistent and clear purpose. Qi is also the reason why abnormal weather carries people to get sick. In abnormal weather, there is less righteous energy in the human body, which is invaded by evil energy, thus causing disease.

Gong Tingxian's method has only one purpose - don't care where your evil spirit comes from, I'll just get it out of your body.

Chen Shigong was looking for the cause and the right symptom. Gong Tingxian took fifty or sixty pills, and the evil energy in the body would be sweated out, the vomiting in the stomach would be out, and the urine and feces in the abdomen would be out. Relying on such a simple principle, patients with mild symptoms could be cured. The virus that has not had time to deteriorate in the body is excreted, and the remaining ones that cannot be excreted can be killed by immunity, so there are many medicines that can cure the disease.

But when you ask Gong Tingxian what is the cause of this disease, Gong Tingxian doesn't know, he only knows that at this time, curing the disease and saving lives is much more important than finding the cause.

Chen Shigong's treatment method is another direction. He not only has to cure the disease, but also shoulders the mission of the governor of the state and county. He wants to cure the disease and save people, but also uses the power of the government to carry out isolation and quarantine, and must find the cause of the disease. , The cause of infection, in order to prevent larger-scale infection.

This is a direction that conventional physicians have never ventured into.

This is too difficult for him, even if he has been educated by the Japanese military government, he is very convinced in his heart that he has superhuman experience and knowledge about the existence of germs, and it is too difficult.

Because it not only involves medicine, but more about urban management and public health. Only when you return to Daming can you know how dire the people of Asia are living. Several county magistrates with two knives who have no local experience, without the assistance of mature local officials, rely on the most powerful violent groups in the world, and painstakingly manage several large counties with a population of over 10.

If such a combination was in the hinterland of Daming, the local people would have risen up.

Only the people of Asia, far from feeling that their governance level is poor, on the contrary think it is very good and amazing.

It has nothing to do with whether they are good or not, it is all because Asian people have knowledge, they have seen worse.

On the third day after Chen Shigong arrived in Tongzhou, the chief medical officer confirmed two things. First, Penicillium had a certain effect on the plague. One of the seven patients who were injected with Penicillium died quickly after the injection, and the remaining six All have improved, two of them with mild symptoms have improved, and the thirst symptoms of the remaining four have also been relieved.

But the patient who died made Chen Shigong very worried. The symptoms he showed were not like dying from a severe case of Datou plague. On the contrary, it made him feel... as if Chen Shuai's good medicine for curing the disease killed him.

The second thing is that the little rabbits he kept in the wooden cage developed symptoms. Regardless of whether the drinking water came from inside or outside the city, the few rabbits who drank raw water showed symptoms of irritability and thirst, while those who drank boiled water The other rabbits have no other influence, whether inside or outside the city, curled up in the cage with drooping eyes.

The good news is that it is only within the scope of Tongzhou City, and the observation stations along the river are the same regardless of raw water or cooked water.

"What is the chief medical officer thinking?"

A voice from behind in the military tent interrupted Chen Shigong's thinking. Looking back, it was Gong Tingxian standing in front of the tent with a medicine box on his back and his hands in his hands. He also wore a Beiyang military doctor's helmet on his head, and his white beard under the mask was in a pouch The hook hangs on the ear, smiling.

"Senior Gong, what's the matter?"

Chen Shigong didn't know how much impact the theory he inadvertently revealed had on an old doctor who was over half a year old. He admired Gong Tingxian very much. common people.

Although those pills did not know the cause of the plague, they were simple and effective.

As long as the cured patients sweat, lie down at home and never go out, they will have no worries. The medicine used is easier to obtain than the Puji disinfection drink that requires more than a dozen medicines. It has become a meritorious service in the defense of Tongzhou. The largest medicine is carried by every medical team in large quantities. As long as they see patients who have not yet developed thirst and impatience, this medicine is the first choice.

"I'm thinking about two things. One of my penicillium patients died of this medicine. I don't know much about this medicine. I'm afraid it's very strong. I need to be more cautious in prescribing medicine in the future. Besides, the river has already died. Polluted, the water is flowing."

Chen Shigong frowned. He was used to seeing life and death. The former had little effect on him, and the more crucial doubt lay in the latter: "However, there is no plague in the downstream water. Why is that?"

"Although penicillium is fierce, it is more capable of living people. The chief medical officer does not have to be partial to it. This new drug needs to be observed. The old man used rhubarb for himself. In the past, pregnant women who were weak also died of it. Later people knew about it. It is a potion of tiger and wolf medicine, pregnant women and people with weak constitution should not take it, although penicillium is not forbidden for people with weak constitution, but as long as you observe more, you will know exactly who can’t take it in the future.”

"As for the source of water, I don't know, maybe it's because there are rats in the river in the city, and this plague can't live in the water?"

Chen Shigong turned his head and asked, "Rat?"

"Well, in the early days there were many rats in the city banging their heads on the door, swarming into the well, and..." Two doctors with huge age differences and different medical styles suddenly looked at each other, and they both saw each other's eyes. Shocked inside, they said in unison: "It's the same as the sick rabbit in the camp!"

 Good morning!

(End of this chapter)

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