open sea

Chapter 1241 Medal

Chapter 1241 Medal
Thirst is a prominent symptom of Datouwen, which is also one of the important manifestations of patients when Chen Shigong and others dialectical.

The whole disease lasts only three or four days. If there is no diagnosis and treatment, if ten people get sick, only four or five will survive after three or four days.

In this very short infection process, the early symptoms are aversion to cold and fever, redness and swelling of the head and face, some have sore throat and some do not have this feeling; the second stage is thirsty drinking, irritability; Swelling of the head and face, severe swelling and pain in the throat, front of the ears, and even the submandibular neck.

In the third stage, it is difficult to save the disease by applying medicine stones. Only Penicillium has the possibility of relieving symptoms, because it absorbs faster than traditional medicines attached to external application.

Rats are not afraid of people, and they are almost crazy for drinking water. This symptom is very similar to that of people affected by the big head plague.

Only then did Chen Shigong finally understand that he couldn't see rats in the city. It wasn't that there were no rats in Tongzhou City, but that the rats had all got into the underground waterway.

The treatment methods in the city have almost been determined. Except for the Penicillium citrus penicillium produced by Chen Shigong in the Beiyang Military Hospital, the other main rescue methods are Ersheng Jiuku Pills to contain new infections, and general disinfection for moderate and severe cases. Yin, Ginseng Baidu Powder for dialectical treatment, the severe drug Burdock Qinlian Decoction is given to severe cases, and it is publicized to let the people in the city brew detoxification drinks with boiling water instead of tea.

In addition to drug treatment, the main method is still primitive and effective isolation, prohibiting people from going out, preparing food at home, and prohibiting eating meat.

In fact, until the third day when Chen Shigong arrived in Tongzhou, the crisis was basically resolved because the supply of supplies was up.

The green vegetables needed in the city are canned kimchi pulled from Tianjin by the Qinglong Army, so that the people can make do with it; the coffins in Gyeonggi and the protective equipment in the Beiyang Industrial Zone are also sent over. Under Chen Shigong's order, the yamen servants went into the house and buried them in the cemetery designated outside the city. After discussing with the relatives of the sick, they will worship separately after the epidemic is over.

And on the morning of the fourth day, the flag army of the observation post outside the city reported back quickly, and a large number of dead rats and other small caterpillar corpses rushed out from the upstream, and were stopped by the layers of large nets they blocked in the river.

Because the banner army at the observation station is far away from Tongzhou City, there are no adequate protective measures. Some people developed chills and fever after handling the corpses. Chen Shigong led a team to carry medicines to transfer, dug out the caterpillar corpses from the buried ground, and even packed them in the nearby soil. 330 coffins were dug and burned.

In the days that followed, news of illnesses both inside and outside Tongzhou City came one after another. The farthest case appeared in Wuqing, but it was on both the military line and the telegraph line. The local area has taken adequate precautions. Although everyone is in danger, the There is no longer a large-scale infection, and the use of drugs has been established in stages. It is difficult to cause any disturbances after the massive epidemic at the beginning.

A report from Chen Shigong was sent to the capital, and the next day eunuchs from the Forbidden City came galloping in a carriage, bringing 830 pieces of new gadgets of Emperor Wanli to the medical households who had been fighting outside Tongzhou for several days.

"Chen Shigong, the chief medical officer of Beizhili, asked me to enter Tongzhou when he was in distress, and led a team to quell the plague. He has the merit of hanging a pot to help the world. He is specially awarded a first-class gold Qihuang medal and 1000 taels of silver; the penicillium used for it is living 37, a Bronze Qihuang Medal of Class C, and 300 taels of silver, and I will pay 37 taels of consultation money for the child, a total of 300 taels of silver, and 37 taels of silver for meritorious service."

"Gong Tingxian, a doctor in Jiangxi Province, has traveled to the doctor's quarters for several years and has lived countless lives. He created the Ersheng Jiuku Pill. During the Tongzhou Great Epidemic, he made 940 copies of medicine and treated 1000 patients. He was specially awarded a first-class Golden Qihuang Medal. Reward 940 taels of silver; in addition, I will pay 1000 taels of consultation money for the child, and reward 940 taels of silver together, and pay [-] taels of silver for meritorious service."

Except for the two of them, each of the 830 medical applicants will be rewarded, and those who save more than 50 people will be awarded a second-class silver Qihuang Medal, 500 taels of silver, and the emperor will pay for the common people; If there are more than 30 people, a copper Qihuang Medal of Class C, 300 taels of silver, and an additional consultation fee will be given; for more than ten living persons, a bronze Qihuang Medal of Ding, etc., will be awarded, with a reward of [-] taels of silver, and an additional consultation fee will be paid.

In addition, there is also the Iron Qi Huang Medal, which is awarded to each medical applicant and ten taels of silver.

For the medical households who died in Tongzhou under the emperor's order, they will be awarded the Iron Empire Pillar Medal, 20 taels of silver, and [-] taels of pension silver in addition to the consultation fee. After completing his studies in Wanli Xinjian Primary School, he went to one of Guangdong Lecture Hall, Xuanfu Lecture Hall, Beiyang Academy of Medical Sciences, and Songjiang Lecture Institute to enroll with orders.

"Why is this medal made of iron?"

Both Chen Shigong and Gong Tingxian, the leading figures in the Tongzhou Datou plague this time, were puzzled by the medals they received. ?

"Grandpa said that he knows what he cares about most when people die. First, he is afraid that orphans and widows will not survive, so he rewards 30 taels of silver, which is enough for several years; second, he is afraid that future generations will be unworthy, so he specially made iron Yes, what if someone sells the gold and silver medals for money? The purpose is to bless their descendants with a bright future."

"Also, Gong Weng, the emperor's grandpa asked us to ask you if you would like to go back to Beiyang Medical Academy with Dr. Chen. If you don't want to, grandpa said that everyone has his own ambition, and he doesn't force it when he is an emperor; if you want to , we still have an imperial order to make you a first-class doctor of Beiyang Medical Academy, His Majesty wants you to think for yourself, should you accept it?"

Accept or not.

What else can I choose?

Gong Tingxian clasped his hands and smiled, and immediately bowed down and said, "Thank you, thank you Your Majesty, I would like to go to the medical academy."

But before he bowed down, he was stopped by the little eunuch.

"Hey, hey, don't say goodbye, don't say goodbye, get up, get up, I'm willing to say hello to you, and it won't be too late to say hello after meeting His Majesty. At your age, I guess you won't be allowed to say goodbye even if you meet him, so take your orders well." Hey, let's go to Beijing with Dr. Chen."

Gong Tingxian is an old doctor, unlike Chen Shigong who joined the relatively new Beiyang school as soon as he became famous. It is a place where no one has to look at anyone with professional skills, and the chief executive is sensible.

Think about it, when Chen Mu visits Chen Shigong, if Chen Shigong wants to say that you are not good enough to wear this clothes, you take it off for me, go take a bath and change your clothes, does Chen Mu have to obediently take off his clothes and take a bath and change his clothes?
It really won't work in other places.

If I can't figure it out, some old lady will just order me to take it down. You little doctor still wants me to undress and go to prison; after I'm done, I go into the bacterial culture room by myself, and I get sick within a few days before letting go.

So Gong Tingxian saw that he was blocked from bowing down, and felt that the eunuch was pretty good, and he had to be sensible, so he took the money, but was stopped again.

"Our Majesty has been thinking about killing himself all day long, and when he sees people coming and going, he gets upset. You don't need to worry about us. We don't have a share of this reward. If any of us has a long hand, it's a long life. Errands When we are done, we will be rewarded by our grandpa when we go back.”

"We people are not human without His Majesty, and we are not me when we are with His Majesty. We are what His Majesty likes... What are these boxes that Dr. Chen wants to bring to Beijing?"

The little eunuch acted like a woman, but he spoke like a man. He opened his hands and said, "Bring all the brocade clothes to the men, and let Master Chen take care of these few boxes. Let's go back to the palace!"

(End of this chapter)

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